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《商务英语精读》出版后,承蒙广大师生厚爱,在全国的五十多所大专院校使用。笔者不断收到各校教师的来信来电,询问教师用书的编写情况。由于教学任务繁重,又因《商务英语精读》需要重新修订,教师用书一直是编者的一块心病。现在《新编商务英语精读》又出版了,教师用书的编写也就提到工作日程上来。 如何编写一本教师喜欢的教师用书呢?我们认为一本好的教师用书应符合几项原则: 1.要提供教学的背景知识。 2.详尽的语言点知识和丰富的例句。 3.可操作的教学提示。 4.更多的课堂活动素材。 5.参考答案。 本着这些原则,我们在编写教师用书中体现了如下的特点:1.提供了教学的背景知识。在学习语言和商务知识并重的主题单元教学大纲中,背景知识使教师能够为学生提供更多的输入,使学生在学习语言知识的同时,学习商务知识。2.详尽的语言点知识和丰富的例句。语言知识的讲解仍是教学的重点,语言知识之于交际如同砖瓦之于建筑,没有语言知识,交际是一句空话,因此教师用书在词语解释和语法运用方面下了很大功夫,尽量解释详细。同时,学生学习语言需要有语境,大量的例句既为教师减轻备课的负担,又为学生提供了大量的语境。教师还可利用这些例句编写课堂练习。3.可操作的教学建议。课堂教学是教材的活化,从这个意义上说,每一位教师都能创造性地运用教材,使之适应自己的学生。作为教材的编写者,对教材的使用有自己的看法,为此我们提供一些教学建议,供教师参考。这些建议是我们的教学心得,是从课堂实践中得来的,因此具有较强的操作性。4.丰富的课堂活动素材。在强调语言交际功能的今天,丰富多彩的课堂活动是语言教学的必须,教师往往苦于找不到合适的课堂活动素材,教师用书在这方面为教师准备了不少素材,供教师在开展课堂活动时选用。
Unit 1 Essentials of Business Ⅰ 教学目的 Ⅱ 背景知识 Ⅲ 语言文化要点 Ⅳ 教学提示 Ⅴ 练习答案Unit 2 Marketing Ⅰ 教学目的 Ⅱ 背景知识 Ⅲ 语言文化要点 Ⅳ 教学提示 Ⅴ 练习答案Unit 3 Career Ⅰ 教学目的 Ⅱ 背景知识 Ⅲ 语言文化要点 Ⅳ 教学提示 Ⅴ 练习答案Unit 4 Jobs and Occupations Ⅰ 教学目的 Ⅱ 背景知识 Ⅲ 语言文化要点 Ⅳ 教学提示 Ⅴ 练习答案Unit 5 Eating Habits Ⅰ 教学目的 Ⅱ 背景知识 Ⅲ 语言文化要点 Ⅳ 教学提示 Ⅴ 练习答案Unit 6 Jewelry Ⅰ 教学目的 Ⅱ 背景知识 Ⅲ 语言文化要点 Ⅳ 教学提示 Ⅴ 练习答案Unit 7 Body Language Ⅰ 教学目的 Ⅱ 背景知识 Ⅲ 语言文化要点 Ⅳ 教学提示 Ⅴ 练习答案Unit 8 Manners Ⅰ 教学目的 Ⅱ 背景知识 Ⅲ 语言文化要点 Ⅳ 教学提示 Ⅴ 练习答案Unit 9 Telephone Calls Ⅰ 教学目的 Ⅱ 背景知识 Ⅲ 语言文化要点 Ⅳ 教学提示 Ⅴ 练习答案Unit 10 Air Travel Ⅰ 教学目的 Ⅱ 背景知识 Ⅲ 语言文化要点 Ⅳ 教学提示 Ⅴ 练习答案
World natural diamond production for 2003 has been estimated at a total of 144 million carats with a value of US $9.4 billion. About 20% of this volume are gems, which will be polished and set into diamond jewelery and 45% are near-gem qualities, which would have been graded as industrial 40 years ago but are now polished by the vast low-cost Indian cutting industry. The balance is of industrial quality. DeBeers is the largest diamond miner in the world. Its mines in Botswana, South Africa, Namibia and Tanzania produced 41% ( US $3.9 billion) by value or 31% by caratage (43.9 million carats) of the worlds 2003 production. The companys marketing arm, the Diamond Trading Company (DTC), sold 48% of world total production —— a steep fall from the recent past when (in 2000) the companys market share was about 60% and the 1970s and 1980s when it was 80% . In 2003, Canadas Northwest Territories mines produced 11.2 million carats, 7.5% of the world total by weight, worth an estimated value of US $1.24 billion, which is over 12% of the world total by value, making Canada the third largest producer of diamonds in the world, behind Botswana and Russia, surpassing South Africa and Angola. A large proportion of the gem-quality diamond produced by both the mines in the NWT is in the range of high color and quality, and in sizes that are most in demand in the worlds leading consumer market, the USA. Botswana was again the worlds number one diamond-producing country in 2003 terms of value (estimated at US $2.48 billion) and only marginally behind Australia in carats mined (30.4 million carats). South Africa contributed an estimated 12.4 million carats to the worlds total production, which represents about 11% by value (US $1.1 billion), 96% of which comes from mines owned by DeBeers.