

萨洛 高等教育











  《通用大学英语》最早出版于1998年8月,是国内开发较早的一套面向学习者需求的系列电子教材。((新通用大学英语》是在国家“九五”重点科技攻关项目——《通用大学英语》的研究、开发与应用的基础上,依据教育部2004年颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》重新研发的一套供大学基础阶段英语教学使用的立体化系列教材。  本系列教材共分为6级,供大学英语课程的一般要求和较高要求层次的教学使用。每级由《综合教程》、《阅读教程》、《综合技能训练》、《教学参考书》以及配套的电子教案、网络课程等组成。  本系列教材以面向信息时代的大学英语教学内容、课程体系和教学方法的改革为出发点,充分考虑现代教育技术在大学英语教学中的应用,力图建立一套能适应以学生主动、交互和自主学习为主的,集先进的语言学习理论、教学理论和教学手段与媒介于一体的,具有时代特色的本土化与国际化相结合的新型大学英语立体化教材。在设计及编写上充分吸纳了国内外教材先进的编写理念与特色,引进了于2006年获得美国教育出版大奖的TopNotch,为教材提供了真实、自然与鲜活的语料。在教材的引进、改编与自主研发等方面,我们进行了积极有益的探索,主要体现在以下几个方面:  系统化的语言教学思想  本套教程采用了多技能交际大纲的编写原则,融语言知识与听、说、读、写四项技能于一体,同时扩展了语音和词汇部分内容,并辅以先进的多媒体与网络教学手段。以全面提高学习者的英语交际能力为目标,以交际主题为线,意义构建为本,以活动为导向,任务为驱动,通过多样化的交际活动与探究式学习来进行知识建构,并以形成性评价作为教学重要的评价方法,来培养学生的综合分析能力和跨文化交际能力。  模块化的内容架构  每一册书共有10个单元,每单元2课。这10个单元的主题均贴近学生的生活现实,其情景的设置与学生在学校、社会以及未来的生活密切相关。每个课程单元又分为单元导入、听、说、读、写等几大模块,每个模块的内容均与主题相关,并重点操练2~3种语言功能。  知识性、趣味性与文化性并重  在语料的选择方面,注重语言素材与中西方文化的结合,融知识性、趣味性与文化性于一体,题材广泛、体裁多样、语料真实、语言地道、版式活泼、图文并茂。在内容的设计上,力求语言知识学习、文化意识与批判性思维能力的培养并重。  一体化的教学解决方案  全套教程由《综合教程》、《阅读教程》、《综合技能训练》、《教学参考书》、电子教案、网络课程和基于教学内容的语料库等构成了完备的一体化的教学解决方案。




Unit 1 Greetings and Small TalkUnit 2 Movies and EntertainmentUnit 3 Staying at HotelsUnit 4 Cars and DrivingUnit 5 Personal Care and AppearanceUnit 6 Eating WellUnit 7 Psychology and PersonalityUnit 8 Enjoying the ArtsUnit 9 Living with ComputersUnit 10 Ethics and Values


  1. Steven Spielberg  Date of Birth: 18 December 1946  Birthplace: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA  Steven Spielberg is the most commercially successful filmmaker in Hollywood history. His films havebeen so popular, so consistently entertaining, that people rush to see anything tagged as A Steven SpielbergProduction, even movies he merely financed. Steven Spielberg directed many of the top-grossing films inHollywood history, including the blockbusters Jaws (1975), Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), Raidersof the Lost Ark (1981), E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), Jurassic Park (1993), Minority Report (2002) and manymore. Spielbergs huge box office successes have allowed him to make more serious films as weU, includingThe Color Purple (1985), Schindlers List (1993), Saving Private Ryan (1998) and Munich (2005).  2. Hollywood  Hollywood is a district in Los Angeles, California, U.S. Due to its fame and cultural identity as thehistorical center of movie studios and stars, the word "Hollywood" is synonymous with the Americanmovie and television industry. Hollywood was originally a small independent agricultural community. Itmerged with Los Angeles in 1910 in order to obtain an adequate water supply. At approximately the sametime, the film industry began to settle in the region, seeking to take advantage of natural sunlight thatallowed year-round filming and a diverse southern California landscape that provided cheap scenery. In1914, the director Cecil B. DeMille decided to locate his studio in Hollywood permanently, and othercompanies followed. By 1915 Hollywood became the center of the movie industry. In the 1950s and 1960s,Hollywood also began to attract television studios and record companies.  Today much of the movie industry has dispersed into surrounding areas, but significant ancillaryindustries (such as editing, effects, props, post-production, and lighting companies) remain in Hollywood.It continues to be the symbolic center of the American movie industry.  3. D-Day  On June 6,1944, a date known ever since as D-Day, the allied forces landed in France during the SecondWorld War.  The invasion itself gave prominence to land forces but provided major roles for air and sea components.Allied air forces carried three airborne divisions into battle, protected the force as it crossed the EnglishChannel, and attacked targets throughout the invasion area before and after the landing in support of theassault forces. More than 5 000 ships carried, escorted and landed the assault force along the Normandycoast. Once the force was landed, naval gunfire provided critical support for the soldiers as they foughttheir way across the beaches.  In the invasions early hours, more than I 000 transports dropped paratroopers to secure the flanks andbeach exits of the assault area. Amphibious craft landed some 130 000 troops on five beaches along 50 milesof Normandy coast while the air forces controlled the skies overhead. In the eastern zone, the British andCanadians landed on Gold, Juno and Sword Beaches. The Americans landed on two beaches in the west ——Utah and Omaha. As the Allies came ashore, they took the first steps on the final road to victory in Europe.







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