本书是与高等教育出版社出版的《新编实用英语综合教程1》配套的自学辅导用书,根据2000年教育部颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》(以下简称《基本要求》)编写而成。 本书编写遵循英语学习的规律和特点,结合学生的实际需要,以最新版本教材为依托,以“高等学校英语应用能力考试”大于B级小于A级的难度为参考,选材尽可能围绕本单元主题。该教材作为自学辅导教材,它区别于与教材配套的《教师参考书》和《学学•练练•考考》,主要表现在以下三个方面: 1.学习更自主 本自学辅导书的所有语言点及其例句都标注了中文解释,方便学生参阅和理解,该教材语法题的讲解不仅提供了参考答案,而且很详细地说明了选择该答案的原因。 2.内容更全面 本书提供了别的辅导书所没有的。Talking Face to Face和Being All Ears两个部分的语言点,并且在每一单元的最开始增加了相关的口语练习。 3.目的更明确 本书在每个单元之后增加了一个单元测试(Quiz)部分,该Quiz中的题目结合本单元所学语言点,紧扣“高等学校英语应用能力考试”A级考试题型。它的目的在于不仅能让学生巩固所学知识内容,更能让学生熟悉A级考试的题型、题量,从而使学生能够在学习完新编实用英语的课程之后能够顺利地通过A级考试。
UNIT 1 GREETING AND INTRODUCING PEOPLE Ⅰ Speaking and Oral Task Ⅱ Language Points1 Ⅱ IRelevant Information5 Ⅳ Trying Your Hand6 Ⅴ Grammar8 Ⅵ Quiz9UNIT 2 GIV ING THANKS AND EXPRESSING REGRET Ⅰ Speaking and Oral Task15 Ⅱ Language Points15 Ⅱ IRelevant Information19 Ⅳ Trying Your Hand19 Ⅴ Grammar21 Ⅵ Quiz23UNIT 3 DIRECTIONS AND SI6NS ⅠSpeaking and Oral Task29 Ⅱ Language Points29 Ⅱ IRelevant Information33 Ⅳ Trying Your Hand34 Ⅴ Grammar36 Ⅵ Quiz37UNIT 4 TIMETABLES AND SCHEDULES. ⅠSpeaking and Oral Task43 Ⅱ Language Points43 Ⅱ IRelevant Information48 Ⅳ Trying Your Hand48 Ⅴ Grammar49 Ⅵ Quiz51UNIT 5 TALKING ABOUT THE WEATHER ⅠSpeaking and Oral Task56 Ⅱ Language Points56 Ⅱ IRelevant Information60 Ⅳ Trying Your Hand61 Ⅴ Grammar62 Ⅵ Quiz64UNIT 6 STUDY ⅠSpeaking and Oral Task69 Ⅱ Language Points69 Ⅱ IRelevant Information73 Ⅳ Trying Your Hand74 Ⅴ Grammar75 Ⅵ Quiz77UNIT 7 SPORTS AND HOBBIES ⅠSpeaking and Oral Task82 Ⅱ Language Points82 Ⅱ IRelevant Information87 Ⅳ Trying Your Hand87 Ⅴ Grammar89 Ⅵ Quiz90UNIT 8 COOKERY, FOOD AND CULTURE ⅠSpeaking and Oral Task96 Ⅱ Language Points97 Ⅱ IRelevant Information100 Ⅳ Trying Your Hand101 Ⅴ Grammar103UNIT 9 CELEBRATIN6 HOLIDAYS AND MAKIN6 FRIENDS ⅠSpeaking and Oral Task110 Ⅱ Language Points111 Ⅱ IRelevant Information114 Ⅳ Trying Your Hand115 Ⅴ Grammar116 Ⅵ Quiz118UNIT 10 SHOWING CONCERN AND GIV ING ADV ICE ⅠSpeaking and Oral Task123 Ⅱ Language Points123 Ⅲ Relevant Information127 Ⅳ Trying Your Hand127 Ⅴ Grammar128 Ⅵ Quiz129TEST ONETEST TWOTEST THREEKEYS
Everyone knows that the favorite food in the United States is the hamburger. It seems im- possible, but people eat 34 billion hamburgers a year. This is enough to make a line of hamburg- ers around the world four times. The favorite place to buy a hamburger is a fast-food restaurant. In these restaurants, people order their food, wait just a few minutes, and carry it to their tables themselves. They can eat it in the restaurant or take the food out and eat it at home, at work, or in a park. At some restaurants people can drive up beside a window. They order the food, and a worker hands it to them through the window. Then they eat in their cars. Hamburgers are not the only kind of food that fast-food restaurants serve. Some serve fish, chicken, beef sandwiches or Mexican food. They also serve fries, shakes, soft drinks and coffee. Fast-food restaurants are very popular because the service is fast and the food is inexpen- sive. For many people, this is more important than the quality of the food. These restaurants are also popular because the food is always the same. People know that if they eat at a company s restaurant in the north or south of the city, the food will be the same. If they eat in New York or San Francisco, it will still be the same. Fast service and low cost are important in the United States. One reason is that about 50 percent of all married women with children work outside the home. They are too busy and too tired to cook dinner every night. Is the food at fast-food restaurants good for you? In general, it is all right, except that it has too much fat and salt.