

陈建平 高等教育出版社(蓝色畅想)











  广东外语外贸大学副校长陈建平教授自担任学校领导后,公务繁忙,疲于奔命。在此情况下,建平教授仍能挤出时间完成《中国英语学习研究:英语学习的跨语言文化因素与语篇模式研究》一书,令人叹服。这有赖于作者多年建立的厚实的学术功底,这归功于作者争分夺秒挑战自我的执着精神。  建平教授的新书具有实用性,它明确地表明作者研究的是与中国英语教学有关的问题。尽管我国英语教学在亚洲具有较高水平,随着英语已成为国际交流的通用语言,各级领导和国人对中国英语教学的期望值越来越高,而国内各地区各学校英语教学层次不齐,为此,我国的义务教育、普通高中和大学英语教学都在实施改革,我们自当欢迎本书的出版,为正在进行的改革添砖加瓦。  本书的价值在于它的宏观性,即作者高屋建瓴,充分论述了语言与文化和认知的关系。就语言与文化关系来说,这个课题在上世纪已受到国内外众多学者的关注,本书作者的贡献是能结合中国情况:围绕中国学生在英语学习过程中所面临的跨语言文化因素和跨文化语篇模式进行研究。就语言与认知的关系来说,本书作者不满足于泛泛地讨论语言习得与认知过程的关系,而是在此基础上,讨论第二语言学习与认知的关系,特别是论证第二语言形式结构系统建立在第一语言的结构之上。这样的课题更符合中国英语学习者的实际和需要。  在研究文化,认知与语言学习的互动关系上,作者注意整个研究过程的系统性。例如,本书的上篇具体涉及语言的各个层面,即词汇、基本句子结’构、段落及篇章结构、话语模式和言语行为。下篇则是在整合上篇研究成果的基础上,对中国英语学生语篇模式及跨文化语篇模式之标记性作系统研究。有分有合,条理清晰。


  《中国英语学习研究》的价值在于它的宏观性,即作者高屋建瓴,充分论述了语言与文化和认知的关系。就语言与文化关系来说,这个课题在上世纪已受到国内外众多学者的关注,《中国英语学习研究》作者的贡献是能结合中国情况:围绕中国学生在英语学习过程中所面临的跨语言文化因素和跨文化语篇模式进行研究。就语言与认知的关系来说,《中国英语学习研究》作者不满足于泛泛地讨论语言习得与认知过程的关系,而是在此基础上,讨论第二语言学习与认知的关系,特别是论证第二语言形式结构系统建立在第一语言的结构之上。这样的课题更符合中国英语学习者的实际和需要。  广东外语外贸大学副校长陈建平教授自担任学校领导后,公务繁忙,疲于奔命。在此情况下,建平教授仍能挤出时间完成《中国英语学习研究:英语学习的跨语言文化因素与语篇模式研究》一书,令人叹服。这有赖于作者多年建立的厚实的学术功底,这归功于作者争分夺秒挑战自我的执着精神。  建平教授的新书具有实用性,它明确地表明作者研究的是与中国英语教学有关的问题。尽管我国英语教学在亚洲具有较高水平,随着英语已成为国际交流的通用语言,各级领导和国人对中国英语教学的期望值越来越高,而国内各地区各学校英语教学层次不齐,为此,我国的义务教育、普通高中和大学英语教学都在实施改革,我们自当欢迎《中国英语学习研究》的出版,为正在进行的改革添砖加瓦。


  陈建平,广东外语外贸大学副校长、博士、教授、博士生导师。1975年毕业于广州外国语学院英语系英语专业;先后获香港中文大学应用语言学哲学硕士学位、英国兰开斯特大学现代社会史硕士学位、北京外国语大学英语语言文学博士学位。  现任学术团体的职务:全国高校外语专业教学指导委员会委员(英语组副组长)、中国英语教学研究会副会长、广东外语学会副会长、中国国际贸易学会国际商务英语研究委员会副主任委员。  陈建平于1991年被国家教委和人事部评为“在工作中做出突出贡献的回国人员”;1993年获广东省省级教学成果二等奖(集体项目);1996年获广东省省级教学成果一等奖(集体项目);1997年获国家级教学成果奖二等奖(集体项目);享受政府特殊津贴(1993)。  陈建平的主要研究方向是社会语言学、英语教学和第二语言习得,主持过多项国家级和省部级科研项目:“八五”国家哲学社会科学基金项目(青年基金):《汉语“主题突出”的特征对中国学生学习英语的影响》;国家哲学社会科学基金项目《英汉语篇模式对比研究》(2003)和教育部人文社会科学研究项目《汉英语言系统的文化差异及其对中国学生学习英语的影响》(2003)。2001至2003年与主持全国8所高校集体合作项目(第二总负责人):教育部“新世纪网络课程建设工程”之《英语专业系列课程》。


序言 1前言 3Acknowledgements 15Preface 16Contents 18Part Ⅰ: Cross-linguistic Factors of EFL LearningChapter One Introduction 3Chapter Two Cultural Understanding of Lexical Items 172.1. Context of the problem 172.2. Comparison of dictionary entries 182.3. An investigation of the cross-cultural understanding of lexical items 202.4. Results of the investigation 212.5. A discussion of the cultural understanding of lexical items and the implica-tions to ELT 25Chapter Three Basic Sentence Structure and Thought Patterns 313.1. Topic-prominent constructions and EFL learning 313.2. Topic prominence in Chinese learners essay writing 323.3. An investigation of Chinese EFL learners topic-prominent constructions 343.3.1. Rationale3.3.2. Subjects3.3.3. Test Structures3.3.4. The Test3.4. Patterns of Chinese EFL learners topic-prominent constructions 373.4.1. Topic-prominent constructions between groups3.4.2. Major types of topic-prominent construction between groups3.5. A discussion of topic-prominent constructions and thought patterns in EFLlearning 433.6. Implications for EFL learning 48Chapter Four Characteristic Paragraph and Essay Structures 514.1. Studies of cross-cultural differences in discourse patterns 514.2. An analysis of the discourse patterns 514.2.1. Essay with deductive structure4.2.2. Essay with inductive structure4.2.3. Deductive essay with inductive paragraphs4.3. Case study of Chinese EFL teachers structural classification 594.4. Distribution pattern of the students essay structures 604.5. Chinese EFL learners preferred paragraph and essay structures 61Chapter Five Preferred Patterns of Discourse 655.1. Studies in intercultural discourse patterns 655.2. An analysis of spoken discourse 655.3. An analysis of written discourse 725.3.1. Inductive essay5.3.2. Inductive paragraphs5.3.3.Topic-prominent sentence structure in discourse5.4. Exploration of Chinese vs. Western patterns of discourse 785.5. Preferred patterns of discourse in the Chinese cultural context 83Chapter Six Culture and Speech Act Sets 876.1. Speech act theory in intercultural communication studies 876.2. Speech act theory 876.3. The notion of speech act set 906.4. Different cultures, different speech act sets 936.5. The implication of the notion of speech act sets 98Part Ⅱ: A Study of Chinese EFL Students Discourse Patterns- Markedness in Intercultural Discourse Patterns下篇:中国英语学生语篇模式研究——跨文化语篇模式之标记性Chapter One Introducing the Study 1031.1. The context of the study 1031.2. The need for the study 1041.3. A summary of the major findings 1051.4. An outline ofPart II 109Chapter Two A Review of Studies in Intercultural Discourse Studies 1112.0. Introduction 1112.1. The relationship between language, culture and cognition 1112.2. Studies in intercultural discourse: Chinese vs. western discourse patterns 1132.3. Markedness, cultural schemata and discourse studies 1192.4. Research methodology 1262.5. Summary 130Chapter Three Qualitative and Quantitative Studies 1333.0. The statement of the problem 1333.1. The qualitative aspect of the study 1333.1.1. The data3.1.2. Analysis of the paragraph structures3.1.3. Description of the structures of the essays3.1.4. EFL teachers classification of the structural types of the essays3.2. The quantitative aspect of the study: the investigation 1493.2.1. The hypothesis3.2.2. Operational definitions3.2.2.1.The independent variables3.2.2.2.The dependent variables3.2.2.3. Definition of terms3.2.3.The questionnaire3.2.3.1. Task Ⅰ: Wwhat makes a good essay3.2.3.2. Task Ⅱ: Evaluation of the students essays3.2.3.3. Task Ⅲ: Comparison of different structural types3.2.4 The pilot study3.2.5. The informants3.2.6. Data collecting procedures3.2.7. Statistical analysis3.2.7.1. Statistics for task I: What makes a good essay3.2.7.2. Statistics for task II: Evaluation of the students essays3.2.7.3. Statistics for task III: Comparison of different structural types3.3. The significance of the study 169Chapter Four The Results: Discourse Patterns and Evaluative Attitudes 1714.0. Introduction 1714.1 Results of the qualitative analysis 1714.2. Results of the quantitative study: The investigation 1744.2.1. Task Ⅰ: Opinions on what makes a good essay4.2.1.1. Question 1 :Using conversational style vs. a strictly organized sequence4.2.1.2. Question 2: Expression of personal feeling vs. direct reasoning4.2.1.3. Question 3: Reference to other ideas vs. focus on one subject4.2.1.4. Question 4: Specific to general vs. general to specific4.2.1.5. Question 5: Examples prior to thesis vs. thesis followed by illustration4.2.1.6 Summary of task I4.2.2. Task Ⅱ: Evaluation of the students essays4.2.2.1. Evaluation of the essays with inductive structure4.2.2.2. Evaluation of the essays with inductive paragraph structure4.2.2.3. Evaluation of the essays with deductive structure4.2.2.4. Summary of task Ⅱ4.2.3. Task Ⅲ: Comparison of the preference of different structural types4.2.3.1. Comparison of the preference of inductive vs. deductive structure4.2.3.2. Comparison of the preference of inductive paragraph vs. deductive paragraph structure Summary of task Ⅲ4.3. Summary of the results of the study 197Chapter Five A Discussion of Markedness in Intercultural Discourse Patterns 2015.0. Introduction 2015.1. Interpretation of the results 2025.1.1. The description of the paragraph and essay structures5.1.2. Writing in a conversational style vs. in a strictly organized sequence5.1.3. Expression of personal feelings vs. direct reasoning5.1.4. Reference to other ideas vs. focus on one subject5.1.5. Overgeneralization effect in the application of metaknowledge5.1.6. Impression-evaluation of the students essays5.1.7. Preference for the inductive/deductive essay structure5.2. Discussion on the issue of deductive vs. inductive patterns in intercultural discourse 2135.2.1. Frequency of occurrence5.2.2. A Surprise, a break from the communicative norm5.2.3. Preference in lingnistic production5.2.4. Markedness5.2.5. Cultural Schema5.3. An Explanatory model of markedness for intercultural discourse 2235.4. Major contributions of the study 2255.5. Implications of the present study 2275.6. Limitations of the present study 229Chapter Six Conclusion: Theory and Practice in Intercultural Discourse Studies 2316.1. Major findings of the study 2316.2. Major contribution to the theory and practice in intercultural discourse studies 2366.3. Suggestions for further research 237Bibliography 239Appendixes for Part ⅠAPPENDIXES for Chapter 3: 255Appendix Ⅰ. Test Items 255Appendix Ⅱ. Samples of Chinese EFL Students Topic Prominent Constructions 256APPENDIX for Chapter 5: 261The Original Chinese Text for Mao Zedongs Talk 261Appendixes for Part ⅡAppendix 1.Description of the Structural Types of the Essays 265Appendix 1.1. Questionnaire: EFL Teachers Classification of the Structural Types 271Appendix 1.2. Samples of Essays with Inductive Structures 279Appendix 1.3. Samples of Essays with Inductive Paragraph Structures 285Appendix 1.4. Samples of Essays with Deductive Structures 294Appendix 2. The Questionnaire of the StudyAppendix 2.1. Coding of the Data of Task I: Opinions on What Makes a Good Essay 326Appendix 2.1.1. Statistical Analysis (ANOVA) of the Data: Question 1Appendix 2.1.2. Statistical Analysis (ANOVA) of the Data: Question 2Appendix 2.1.3. Statistical Analysis (ANOVA) of the Data: Question 3Appendix 2.1.4. Statistical Analysis (ANOVA) of the Data: Question 4Appendix 2.1.5. Statistical Analysis (ANOVA) of the Data: Question 5Appendix 2.2. Coding of the Data of Task II: Evaluation of the Students Essays 338Appendix 2.2.1. Statistical Analysis (Repeated Measures) of the Evaluation of the Essays with Inductive StructureAppendix 2.2.2. Statistical Analysis (Repeated Measures) of the Evaluation of the Essays of Deductive Frame with Inductive Paragraph StructureAppendix 2.2.3. Statistical Analysis (Repeated Measures) of the Evaluation of the Essays with Deductive StructureAppendix 2.3. Coding of the Data of Task III: Comparison of the Preference of Different Structural Types 347Appendix 2.3.1. Statistical Analysis (Chi-Square Tests) of the Preference of Inductive Structure vs. Deductive StructureAppendix 2.3.2. Statistical Analysis (Chi-Square Tests) of the Preference of Inductive Paragraph Structure vs. Deductive Paragraph Structure


  Basic Sentence Structure and Thought Patterns. At the syntactic or sentential level, the study looked at the impact of the basic structural differences of English and Chinese on the EFL learning process, with an explanation of the Chinese EFL learners difficulties in handling topic prominent constructions. Li and Thomp- son (1976) proposed that one of the basic sentenee types in Chinese is that of topic-comment structure. In addition to the grammatical relations of "subject" and "direct object," the description of Chinese must also include the element "topic." The topic-prominent sentence structure is a very important feature that sets Chinese a  Part from many other languages, Particularly English which is a non-topic-prominent language. In English, nearly all sentences must have a subject which typically oecurs right before the verb and the verb agrees with it in number. In Chinese, however, the structural subjects are not obliga- tory while the concept of topic appears to be quite crucial in explaining the structure of ordinary sentences in discourse and extrasentential considerations. Chinese therefore differs from English in that in Chinese the topics can be base-generated, whereas in English it has to go through the process of movement. Because of the importance of "topic" in the grammar of Chinese, it can be termed as topic-promi- nent language. (Huang, 1984a, 1984b).  The purpose of the investigation was to find out whether Chinese EFL learners at different learning stages were parasitic on the struc- tures of the L1 and whether cognitive experience would be changed during the process of learning. In this context, a test was given in order to find out whether pre-intermediate and high-intermediate levels of Chinese EFL learners are similarly characterized by their tendency to produce topic-prominent constructions and whether there are any different patterns in the interlanguage of different learning stages.





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