

教育部《英语》教材编写组 编 高等教育





教育部《英语》教材编写组 编  




  《英语》(高职高专版)系列教材是根据教育部2000年颁发的《高职高专英语课程教学基本要求》(以下简称《基本要求》)编写的,是“教育部高职高专规划教材”。本套教材的培养目标是培养学生在中国环境下使用英语进行涉外交际的能力。具体涉及四个方面:1.使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能;2.使学生具有阅读和翻译有关业务英语资料的能力;3.训练学生进行简单的日常和涉外会话的初步能力;4.培养学生模拟套写简单信函等涉外业务应用文的能力。  本套教材由主教材《英语》1~4册、《英语综合练习》1~4册及《英语1、2答案和译文》、《英语3、4答案和译文》组成。每册学生用书均配有录音磁带。  《英语》  第一册为预备教材,词汇起点为800词,主要目的是帮助英语水平低于《基本要求》规定的学生,复习巩固中学阶段已学过的语音、语法、词汇,为进一步学习打下基础。为了便于初学者使用本书,书后附有基本语音知识、基本语法知识和基本词汇。  第二册的重点是简单句的基本语法归纳和复习,基本句式的听说读写译技能的训练,并注意把语言基本功训练与实际涉外活动结合起来,使学生从一开始就能贯彻学用结合,学一点、用一点的原则。  第三册和第四册在侧重阅读基本技能训练和语言应用能力提高的同时,继续进行听说读写译的综合训练,并引入涉外交际资料的阅读、翻译和套写训练,将读译写技能的培养作为教学重点,把培养学生实际使用英语去处理业务工作中的涉外交际活动的能力作为最终目标。  《英语综合练习》  《英语综合练习》既与《英语》紧密配合,又不相互重复。与《英语》相比,《英语综合练习》遵循“自学、自练、自测”的原则,选材内容更简短、生动,训练方式与形式更灵活多样,并适时提供自测试题供学生检测自己的学习成果。考虑到学生自学的特点,听录音遍数不强求一致,学生可根据自己的实际需要多次播放;读译写部分以读懂理解为主,编配了少量练习以帮助学生扩大词汇和巩固语法。因此,同时使用这两套用书,会收到相得益彰的效果。


  《英语》(高职高专版)第二版系列教材是“普通高等教育‘十五’国家级规划教材”,供高职高专非英语专业低起点学生使用。与第一版相比,《英语3》第二版在原有话题的基础上做了些局部调整,并在每个单元“文章听说读写译综合练习”中都增加了一篇阅读文章Passage B。修订后的教程还对语法部分(Grammar Focus)进行了必要的调整,针对基本语法技能进行必要的训练。  总之,修订后的《英语3》(高职高专版)更贴近2000年教育部颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》,内容更丰富,练习更有针对性,更加符合当前形势下的涉外实际需要。


UNIT 1 Education in the AirIntegrated Skills DevelopmentPassage A. Open EducationB. Do Some Majors Have a Gender Bias?Applied Writing Application FormGrammar Focus Comparative Degree of Adjectives and AdverbsMerry LearningWords & PhrasesUNIT 2 Western HolidaysIntegrated Skills DevelopmentPassage A. ChristmasB. April FoolApplied Writing Visiting Card, Christmas Card and New Years CardGrammar Focus Superlative Degree of Adjectives and AdverbsMerry LearningWords & PhrasesUNIT 3 Social CustomsIntegrated Skills DevelopmentPassage A. Different Cultures and Different CustomsB. Travel MannersApplied Writing Sign and PosterGrammar Focus Attributive ClauseMerry LearningWords & PhrasesUNIT 4 How to Use a BankIntegrated Skills DevelopmentPassage A. Banking ServicesB. US Monetary SystemApplied Writing Check and DraftGrammar Focus Subject ClauseMerry LearningWords & PhrasesUNIT 5 How Does the Stock Exchange Work?Integrated Skills DevelopmentPassage A. The StockbrokerB. StockApplied Writing ProspectusGrammar Focus Adverbial Clauses of Time, Space, Condition and ConcessionMerry LearningWords & PhrasesTest One (Unit 1 - Unit 5)UNIT 6 Do You Follow Ads?Integrated Skills DevelopmentPassage A. The Power of PersuasionB. Advertising: The Selling of a ProductApplied Writing Classified AdsGrammar Focus Adverbial Clauses of Manner and Comparison Merry LearningWords & PhrasesUNIT 7 Are You a Football Fan?Integrated Skills DevelopmentPassage A. The Most Dramatic Cup Final WembleyB. The Professional FootballerApplied Writing Timetable and ProgrammeGrammar Focus Adverbial Clauses of Cause, Result and PurposeMerry LearningWords & PhrasesUNIT 8 Food CultureIntegrated Skills DevelopmentPassage A. Eat Like French WomenB. Business Lunch and CultureApplied Writing Advertisement of SaleGrammar Focus Present and Past Participles Used as AttributiveMerry LearningWords & PhrasesUNIT 9 Online Smiley FaceIntegrated Skills DevelopmentPassage A. Online Smiley FaceB. Agog over GoogleApplied Writing Operating InstructionsGrammar Focus Infinitives as Object, Adverbial and AttributiveMerry LearningWords & PhrasesUNIT 10 Do They Save Time or Waste Time?Integrated Skills DevelopmentPassage A. Overload: More Time Is Less TimeB. If Microsoft Built CarsApplied Writing Trouble Shooting GuideGrammar Focus Object ComplementMerry LearningWords & PhrasesTest Two (Unit 6 - Unit 10)VocabularyPhrases


  7 Read the following English sentences,paying attention to the italicized parts and translate the Chinese sentences by imitating their structure.  1.In traditional education,the teacher may feel that the students are not very grown up.  In university,the students may feel that everything is not the same as when they were at high school.  a.在美国出生的中国人可能会感到他们很难进入美国的主流社会。  (mainstream of the American society)  b.工作中,雇员会感到他们的生活并不是那么丰富多彩。  2.The teachers feel that they must tell the students what to do most of the time,and that they make the students study specific things.  The bosses feel that they must tell their employees what to do most of the time,and that they make their employees follow specific instructions.  a.家长们感到在大部分时间里他们必须告诉孩子们做什么,而且他们还要孩子们做一些具体的事情。  b.这些军官认为在大部分时间里他们必须告诉士兵做什么,而且他们还要士兵服从他们的命令。  3.There is a list of things that the students must do to finish the class.  There is a list of terms that the students must learn to understand the book.  a.孩子们还有很多事情必须了解才能参加比赛。  b.研究人员还有很多工作要做才能让机器人取代工人。  4.There are rules made by the teacher that the students must follow,even if the students see no reason for the rules.  There are solutions passed by the board meeting that the managers must fulfill,even if they see no reason for these solutions.  a.还有些老师推荐的资料要求学生必须购买,即使学生认为买这些资料没什么必要。  b.还有些传统的就餐规矩家长要求孩子必须遵守,即使孩子们看不出遵守这些礼仪有什么必要。




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