随着新经济时代的到来和全球经济一体化进程的加剧,中国比以往任何时候都更加需要既通晓英语交际又熟悉国际商务理念和惯例的国际化人才。在此背景下,我们在多年教学研究和实践的基础上,主动实施国际化战略,积极引进英国职业教育中国家职业资格证书(NVQ:National Vocational Qualifications)体系中科学的教育理念,在教学实践中实施国际商务与英语教学一体化和教学与评估一体化的教学策略,以学生为主体,以教师为主导,突出教学的过程评估,强调学生职业能力和核心技能的培养。在上述教育思想和理念的指导下,经过编委们的精心策划和编写人员的共同努力,最终编著成了这套特色鲜明的国际商务系列高职高专类双语教材,希望能够为我国培养高职层次的国际化商务英语专业人才尽自己的绵薄之力。 本系列教材是新世纪广东省高等教育教学改革工作项目《中英职教商务文秘专业课程改革与实践》的成果之一。该项目由广东省教育厅牵头,与英国文化委员会合作开发,在教育部高职高专教育英语课程教学指导委员会的具体指导下,由深圳职业技术学院应用外国语学院负责实施。该系列教材的讲义曾在深圳职业技术学院应用外国语学院学生中试用,经过不断修改和润色,最终形成了本套国际商务系列双语教材。 本系列教材包括《国际市场营销》、《国际贸易实务》、《商务人力资源管理》、《国际商务管理》、《电子商务》、《国际商务交际》和《国际商务文秘》共7本。该系列教材独辟蹊径,以全新的视角诠释和探索国际商务与英语学习一体化的教学思想与规律,既具国际视野,又有中国特色,具体表现在以下5个方面: 1.指导思想国际化:本教材的编写借鉴英国国家职业资格证书(NVQ)教育科学的教学指导思想、先进实用的育人理念、以学生为中心的教学方法、模块化的教学方式、重在过程的多元化教学评估、强调核心技能的素质教育实践,从选材、体例到评估都体现了国际上先进的职业教育理念。
Part Ⅰ For StudentsUnit One International Business Environment1.1 Economic Conditions1.2 Industry Conditions1.3 Global ConditionsUnit Two Foundations of Management2.1 Defining Management2.2 The Essence of Management2.3 The Development of Management ThoughtsUnit Three Strategic Management3.1 Strategy and Strategic Management3.2 The Strategic Management Process3.3 Levels of StrategyUnit Four Business Organizations4.1 Business Planning4.2 Organization Charts and Organization Structure4.3 Forms of Business OwnershipUnit Five Organizational Culture5.1 Getting to Know Organizational Culture5.2 Identifying Types of Organizational Culture5.3 Learning to Read Organizational Culture5.4 Diagnosing Organizational CultureUnit Six Management Communication6.1 Introduction to Communication6.2 Organizational Communication6.3 Communication as a ManagerUnit Seven Operations Management7.1 Definition and Strategies of Operations Management7.2 Operations Controls7.3 Production Processes and TechnologyUnit Eight Human Resources Management8.1 Introduction8.2 Human Resources Management Activities8.3 Environmental Concerns and Current IssuesUnit Nine Financial Management9.1 Accounting and Financial Analysis9.2 Financing9.3 Business ExpandingUnit Ten Marketing Management10.1 Developing and Pricing Products10.2 Distributing Products10.3 Promoting ProductsUnit Eleven Management Information System11.1 Introduction to MIS11.2 MIS Resources11.3 ReengineeringUnit Twelve Project Management12.1 Introduction to a Project12.2 Project Life Cycle12.3 Project ManagementAppendix 1 Business Terms BankAppendix 2 ReferencesPart Ⅱ For TeachersAssessment GuidanceAimsOverall structure for elementsAssessment Procedures and MethodsDemonstrating Knowledge and UnderstandingRoles of Candidate/Assessor/Internal VerifierGrading System
Capitalism allows for private ownership of businesses. Entrepreneurs havethe freedom to create businesses that they believe will serve the peoples needs.The United States is regarded as a capitalist society because entrepreneurs areallowed to create businesses and compete against each other. In a capitalistsociety, entrepreneurs desire to earn profits motivates them to produceproducts and services that satisfy customers. Competition allows efficient firmsto increase their share of the market and forces inefficient firms out of themarket. Socialism is an economic system that contains some features of capitalismnow. For example, governments in some socialist countries allow people to ownbusinesses and property and to select their own jobs. However, thesegovernments are highly involved in the provision of various services. Health-care services are run by many governments and are provided at a low cost.Also, the governments of socialist countries tend to offer high levels of benefitsto unemployed people. Such services are indirectly paid for by the businessesand the workers who earn income. Socialist governments impose high tax rateson income so that they have sufficient funds to provide all their services. Historically, the governments of many countries in Eastern Europe, LatinAmerica, and the Soviet Bloc owned most businesses, but in recent years theyhave allowed for private business ownership. Many government-ownedbusinesses have been sold to private investors. As a result of privatization,many governments are reducing their influence and allowing firms to compete ineach industry. Privatization allows firms to focus on providing the products andservices that people desire and forces the firms to be more efficient to ensuresurvival. Thousands of businesses in the former Soviet Bloc have beenprivatized. Some U.S. firms have acquired businesses sold by the governmentsof the former Soviet republics and other countries. Privatization has providedan easy way for some international firms to own businesses in many othercountries.