赵淑燕 编
英语口语训练是一项实用技能的训练。一直以来,大部分高职高专学生在学校里接受的英语教育都是一种应试教育,多年的英语教学过程中,老师教给学生的更多的是词汇和语法方面的知识,能用英语流畅地进行交流的学生并不多。高职高专教学目标就是使学生获得相应职业领域的职业能力。职业能力不仅指学生的操作技能和动手能力,还有学生的综合能力,包括知识、经验、态度等为完成职业任务所需的全部能力。本教材的编写旨在保持高职高专学生在校期间英语学习的连贯性,同时使学生所学的英语得到实际应用。 《高职英语口语实训教程(辽宁版)》是针对辽宁省高职高专院校培养一线高级技术型、应用型人才的特点而编写的。供高职高专院校英语专业一年级学生或非英语专业学生使用。该教材覆盖了高职高专学生应掌握的英语语言知识和交际能力,突出了“实用”原则。 本教材的编写原则: 1、针对性强,专门针对高职高专学生的水平编写; 2、实用性强,注重培养学生的英语实际应用能力; 3、可操作性强; 4、选材全面,基本涵盖了日常生活用语、情景会话、职场会话等。 《高职英语口语实训教程(辽宁版)》共27个单元,每个单元围绕一个主题,体例统一。每个模块之间既互相联系,又相对自成一体。学习者既能全面学习,提高口语交际能力,又能根据自己的水平层次和学习需要选取学习的内容。 《高职英语口语实训教程(辽宁版)》在编写过程中参考了国内外一些文献和资料。承蒙阜新高等专科学校外语系教师的大力协助,谨在此表示衷心的感谢。 尽管我们作了很大的努力,但经验和水平有限,教材难免存在缺点和不完善之处,清使用本教材的师生和同行予以指正。
Unit 1 Making Introductions and GreetingsUnit 2 Making Invitations and RequestsUnit 3 Expressing Gratitude and Making an ApologyUnit 4 Talking about Time, Dates and SeasonsUnit 5 Making AppointmentsUnit 6 Offering HelpUnit 7 Making Phone CallsUnit 8 Making SuggestionsUnit 9 Expressing EmotionsUnit 10 Expressing AttitudesUnit 11 Taking LeaveUnit 12 At a RestaurantUnit 13 ShoppingUnit 14 In the HotelUnit 15 At the libraryUnit 16 Job HuntingUnit 17 EntertainmentUnit 18 Medical and Health CareUnit 19 Post and TelecommunicationUnit 20 TravellingUnit 21 SportsUnit 22 Classroom English (I)Unit 23 Classroom English (11)Unit 24 Classroom English (111)Unit 25 IntroducingUnit 26 Telephoning, Copying, FaxingUnit 27 Working Quota
Could you tell me where the library is? When is the library open? How do I borrow a book? You must show your library card to the librarian. librarian 图书管理员 How many books can I borrow at a time? You can borrow a maximum of 4 books at a time. maximum 最大量,最大限度 How long can I keep the books? You can keep the books for 3 weeks. Please note that the book must be returned within 3 weeks. Please remember to return the books by the due time. Could you please show me how to find books on the shelves there? The books on computer are over there. I dont know how to use the card catalogue. Could you please tell me? catalogue 目录 Have you checked in the catalogue under author and title? You may not take these books away from the library. Put the book where it is. I cant find the books in the stacks. stacks 书库 Im afraid the book you want has been taken. Could you check and see if it has been charged out? Have you got the latest issue of Fashion magazine? Do I have any overdue books? overdue 过期的 Your book is one week overdue. Id like to return these 2 books and renew the rest.