当今世界是一个国际化高科技时代,科技信息交流日益频繁,英语作为一门国际性语言,在传播科学知识、交流科技研究成果方面正在起到越来越重要的作用。近年来,随着我国对外交流增多,许多研究生和科技工作者因为英语运用能力较差,例如不能流利地与国外同行交流沟通,不懂学术论文的写作规范、格式,从而失去了向国际性权威刊物投稿和参加国际性学术会议的机会。随着研究生培养的日趋正规化,许多重点院校要求研究生毕业之前必须在国际期刊发表论文,这无疑对研究生科技英语写作水平提出了挑战。目前全国高等院校在读研究生规模庞大,其中大多数为理工科学生,很多人希望在国际期刊或国际会议上发表论文,科研院所中许多科技工作者希望参加重大国际科技合作和国保会议交流。研究工作的成果很大部分体现在论文的写作上,向国际知名期刊投稿,是让研究成果在国际上有比较高的知名度的重要途径。 《研究生英语科技论文写作》(Tec,hnicalEnglis^Writing,0rGraduateStudentsand.Proj白ssionals)包括了英文科技论文写作的语言技巧、基本格式、科技论文类型和结构分析,它同时也指出科技论文应遵守的学术道德,例如尊重同行和前人的工作,避免抄袭等。书中特别举例说明中国人在英语论文写作过程中的某些习惯性错误,此外本书还介绍了许多国际刊物发表论文过程中应注意的事项。(《研究生英语科技论文写作》有三个特点:1)拓宽科技英语知识面。书中使用了大量通俗易懂的科技英语范例,涉及地质、生物、化学、化工、材料、物理、矿业、气象等多种学科,这为学生了解和熟悉科技英语词汇奠定了基础。(2)错误分析对提高英语写作水平意义重大。在教学过程中,作者积累了大量的学生写作素材,通过对素材进行归纳和总结,列出中国学生的常见错误,如语法错误、措辞不当、段落结构不合理等,另外对逻辑错误和中国式思维习惯的错误也有分析,书中配有大量练习帮助学生识别错误,提高写作水平。(3)适合读者群广。高等院校的高年级本科生、研究生和科技工作者中,凡希望参加国际会议和在国际期刊上发表论文的读者都会受益。 作者BriautL.Da.vis是加州大学洛杉矶分校的地质学博士,南达科他州矿业大学的地质学教授、X光分形实验室主任和大气物理实验室主任,曾任该学校研究生院院长8年,获美国国家自然科学基金、美国环境保护局和美国贸易部等科研资助100万美元以上,在国际期刊上发表论文86篇,有Science等世界知名期刊发表文章的经历。Davis教授在中国担任外籍专家7年多,教学工作包含研究生英语写作。Davis教授知识渊博,无论是英语科技论文写作还是英语教学的经验都十分丰富。王梅英老师是英语语言文学硕士、北京化工大学副教授,从事英语教学17年,教学课程包括大学英语、英语专业和研究生英语教学,曾获省级教学成果奖二等奖,多次获得校级教学成果奖。在完成这本书的过程中作者征求了国内外学者、教师和大量研究生的意见,旨在能够达到既提高英语科技论文写作水平又扩展科技视野的双重目的。本教材的出版将为读者提高英语科技论文写作水平提供很大帮助,因此特向高等院校的研究生和科研院所的科技工作者推荐。
《研究生英语科技论文写作》包括了英文科技论文写作的语言技巧.基本格式、结构分析、论文类型、投稿注意事项等。本书有三个特点: (1)涵盖的英语科技论文写作的学科广。书中使用了大量通俗易懂的科技英语范例,涉及地质、生物、化学、化工、材料、物理、矿业、气象等多种学科。 (2)错误分析对提高英语写作水平意义重大。在教学过程中作者积累了大量的学生写作素材,通过对素材进行归纳和总结,列出中国学生的常见错误,如语法错误。措辞不当、逻辑错误、汉语思维、段落结构不合理等,书中配有大量练习帮助学生识别错误,提高写作水平。 (3)适合读者面广。高等院校的高年级本科生、研究生和科技工作者中,凡希望参加国际会议和在国际期刊上发表论文的读者都会受益。目前全国高等院校在读研究生规模庞大,其中大多数为理工科学生,很多人希望在国际期刊或国际会议发表论文,科研院所中许多科技工作者希望参加重大国际科技合作和国际会议交流。向国际知名期刊投稿,是让研究成果在国际上有比较高的知名度的重要途径。
hapter 1 - Introduction 11.1 What Do We Need the Most? 21.2 How Best to Use This Book 61.3 Exercises 7Chapter 2 - Review of Basic Writing Skills 112.1 Grammar Usage 122.i.1 Subjects and Nouns and Their Verbs Article Adjectives 132.1.3 Prepositions 152.1.4 Conjunctions and Connectives 182.1.5 Noun and Verb Modifiers Adjectives Adverbs 212.2 Punctuation 222.2.1 The Comma (,) and Semicolon (;) 222.2.2 The colon (:) 232.2.3 The Exclamation Mark (!) 232.2.4 The Question Mark (?) 242.2.5 Quotation Marks ( "..." ) 242.2.6 The Dash (-) 242.3 Capitalization 252.4 Word Selection and Usage 262.5 Exercises 272.6 References (English Writing Texts and Workbooks) 30Chapter 3 - Sentences 333.1 Basic Sentence Structure 353.1.1 Sentence Building 353.1.2 Sentence Qualities 363.1.2.1 Conciseness 363.1.2.2 Content Emphasis 373.1.2.3 Balance 383.1.2.4 Parallelism 383.1.2.5 Clarity 393.1.3 Tense Changes 403.2 Exercises 413.3 References 46Chapter 4 - Paragraphs 474.1 Properties of Paragraphs 484.1.1 Unity 484.1.2 Conciseness 504.1.3 Organization 524.2 Composition Styles 544.2.1 Narrative 554.2.2 Expository 554.2.3 Argumentation 564.2.4 Descriptive 574.3 Methods of Development 584.3.1 Development by Time (Chronology) 584.3.2 Development by Space 594.3.3 Development by Process 594.3.4 Development by Comparison and Contrast 604.4 Exercises 684.5 References 63Chapter 5 -.The Technical Research Paper 655.1 Writing Styles for Technical Subjects 665.2 Methods for Presenting Data 685.2.1 Photographs 685.2.2 Drawings (Graphs, Maps, Diagrams) 695.2.3 Tables 735.2.4 Equations 755.3 Exercises775.4 References 80Chapter 6-Section Development 816.1 Development Scheme 826.2 Introduction and Previous Work 846.3 Field and Experimental Methods 866.4 Data Analysis 896.5 Results 916.6 Discussion 936.7 Conclusions 966.8 Credits to Others 986.8.1 Acknowledgements 986.8.2 References 1006.8.2.1 Professionalism 1006.8.2.2 Reference Styles 1026.9 Abstract (Including Title and Authorship) 1036.9.1 Title and Authorship 1046.9.2 Abstract Content 1056.10 Exercises 1096.11 References 117Chapter 7-Special Precautions 1197.1 Timing 1207.1.1 Prior Work 1207.1.2 Promptness in Publication 1227.1.3. Peer Review and Revision 1237.1.4 Continued Research and Publication 1277.2 Professional Ethics 1287.3 The Reply and Rebuttal 1297.4 Conference Presentation 1337.5 Exercises 1347.6 References 137Chapter 8 - Publication 1398.1 Selection of the Publication Outlet 1408.1.1 Length 1408.1.2 Technical Level 1418.1.3 Topic 1428.2 The Referee Process——Perseverance in Publication 1438.3 Costs of Publishing a Paper 1458.4 Copyright and Proprietary Requirements 1458.5 Exercises 1468.6 References 147Chapter 9 - Abstract Study and Language Translation 1499.1 Translation Examples 1519.2 English Publication Examples with Suggestions onTranslation 1579.3 Exercises 163Appendix I-Solutions to Odd-Numbered Exercises 167Appendix II-Commonly Used Scientific and Engineering Units 182Appendix Ill-Editors Marks and Codes 183Appendix IV-A Glossary of Semi -Technical Terms Used in This Book 184Appendix V-List of Text Examples and Exercises 193
preposition "onto", but seeing is not an action, so "on" is the properpreposition.) Both "onto" and "on" are the prepositions to be used fora surface (here, a table top). Also note that with "put..onto" there is achange in position of the box, starting from some unspecified loca-tion, and ending up on the table. Thus, the use of into and onto alsoimplies a change of ,locality". When action takes place within a spaceor on a surface, but no change in locality has taken place, then "in" and"on" are the proper prepositions to use; i.e., "the mouse is running inits cage", and "Bob is walking on the sidewalk". Example 25: After Jack returned from the field he placed the rocksample into the storage box. ("placed" is action that involves a changein location of the sample.) Example 26: Jack pasted a "label" onto the lid of the box. (The action verb "pasted" requires the preposition "onto" because the lid is a surface.) Example 27: Jack later examined the rock sample in the storage box. ("examined" is an observation, rather than an action, no change in locality is involved, and the inside of the box is a space; hence "in" is the proper preposition here.) The preposition "at" is often used with location or an address, and "to" and "toward" are used to express motion in a direction. Consider a teacher and the students of a class: Example 28: Professor Johnson came to classroom 402 an hour early and found his students sitting quietly/n the room. ("classroom 402" is a locality, but the "room" is a space.) Example 29: The professor asked James, who sat in the corner of the room, to please move into the center. (Both the "corner" and the "center" of the room are spaces with undefined boundaries.) Example 30: Steven stood at the geologic map of the Alps that was mounted on the west wall. (Steven is at a locality, i.e., the map placed on the west wall —— a surface.) Example 31: The graduate student arrived at the Beijing Univer- sity of Chemical Technology, and immediately hurried onto the campus, arriving at the Department of Materials Science by 9:00 a.m. He found the secretary waiting for him within the department office. In Example 31 the university is a locality. One should not write "...a~rived in, or on, the Beijing University of ..."; however, as an exception to the article adjective rule, it is acceptable to write "...ar- rived on campus" (a surface), even though action is implied and the specific campus might be identified in a preceding sentence.