

余建中 、范烨、万江波 分册 高等教育





余建中 、范烨、万江波 分册  






  随着我国改革开放曰益深化及加入世界贸易组织,社会各领域参与国际交流的机会越来越多,新的社会需求对大学生的英语能力提出了更高的要求,教育部制定的《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行)也提出了新的大学英语课程教学目标,即在培养学生英语综合运用能力的同时,增加其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。  鉴于现有的教学内容和教学学时不足以满足人才培养的需要,要切实保证大学英语课程教学目标的实现,我们需要充分利用学生的课余时间,激发学生课后的自主学习兴趣,提高他们的自主学习能力,不断扩大学生广泛接触英语的天地,使得他们的课堂学习内容在课后能得到进一步延伸。课后广泛的听说训练,不仅能使学生巩固课堂上掌握的学习方法和学习策略,更能增加人文和科学知识,提高综合素养。  本套教材为现有大学英语教材的补充和延伸,与现有课堂教学内容交相辉映。我们期待本教材能够引导学生最终成为快乐的英语学习者、终身的英语学习者、集技能与策略于一身的英语学习者,从而使《教学要求》的目标最终得以实现。  本套教材的编者充分研究了国内外各种英语听力教材的编写特点,从思想性、知识性、科学性、人文性、时代性、实用性及趣味性等多角度入手,以注重打好语言基础为出发点,同时注重培养学生的实际应用能力。


  《大学英语自主听力2》共16个单元,并配有两套水平自测题。每单元由Warm-up Tasks、Listening
Practice、Authentic Conversations、Fun Time这4部分组成。


Unit 1 Daily Schedule
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
Unit 2 Family
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
Unit 2 Family
Unit 3 Music
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
Unit 2 Family
Unit 4 Pets
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
Unit 5 Environment
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
Unit 6 Movies
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
Unit 7 Culture Shock
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
Unit 8 Holiday Traditions
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
 Test Youself(Unit s1-8)
Unit 9 Marriage
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
Unit 10 Clothing
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
Unit 11 Housing
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
Unit 12 Job Hunting
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
Unit 13 Coping with Stress
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
Unit 14 Money Matters
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
Unit 15 Sports
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
Unit 16 Views and Opinions
 PartA Warm—up Tasks
 PartB Listening Practice
 PartC Authentic Conversations
 PartD Fun Time
 Test Youself(Unit s9-16)
 Appendix Key to Exercises


  Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken TWICE. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.11. A. The man is very good at playing badminton.B. The man began to play badminton last year.C. The man has been playing badminton for many years.D. The man stopped playing badminton seven years ago.12. A. The woman falls in love with a man who is 10 years older than her.B. The man falls in love with a woman who is much older than him.C. The man thinks Linda is a little too old for him.D. The man will marry Linda very soon.




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