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中国古代史Period before the Opium War of 1840中国历史的开篇——先秦The Dawn of Chinese History—The Pre-Qin Period 概述 Introduction 中国境内最早的人类 The Earliest Human Beings in China 开天辟地的创世神话 The Great Myth of the Creation of Man in Ancient China 华夏之祖 Ancestors of the Chinese Nation 大禹治水 Yu the Great Harnesses the Flood 武王伐纣 King Wu Attacks King Zhou 周公东征 Duke Zhou's Conquest of the East 春秋五霸 The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period 战国七雄 The Seven Powers of the Warring States Period 大教育家孔子 Confucius,the Great Educator 诸子百家 The "Hundred Schools of Thought" and Their Exponents 世界第一部兵书——《孙子兵法》 The Art of War—The World First Treatise on Military Science封建大一统时期——秦、汉The Period of Great Feudal Unity—The Qin and Han Dynasties 概述 Introduction 中国的第一位皇帝——秦始皇 Qinshihuang,the First Emperor in Chinese History 万里长城 The Great Wall 大泽乡起义 The Dazexiang Uprising 刘邦与项羽 Liu Bang and Xiang Yu 汉武大帝 Emperor Wudi the Great of the Han Dynasty 张骞出使西域 Zhang Qian's Mission to the Western Regions 昭君出塞 Zhaojun Goes Beyond the Great Wall as a Bride 司马迁与《史记》 Sima Qian and His Records of the historian 科学家张衡 Zhang Heng,a Pioneering Scientist “医圣”张仲景与“外科鼻祖”华佗 Zhang Zhongjing,the Saint of Medicine and Hua Tuo,the Founder of Surgery封建国家的分裂和民族大融合时期——三国、两晋、南北朝The Division of China Once More and the Intermingling of Ethnic Groups—The Three Kingdoms,the Two Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties 概述 Introduction 曹橾 Cao Cao 诸葛亮 Zhuge Liang 赤壁之战 The Battle of the Red Cliff 西晋八王之乱 Eight Kings' Insurrection in the Western Jin Dynasty 淝水之战 The Battle of Feishui 孝文帝改革 The Reforms of Emperor Xiaowen 花木兰代父从军 Hua Mulan Joined the Army in Place of Her Father “书圣”王義之与“画绝”顾恺之 Wang Xizhi,the Saint of Calligraphy,and Gu Kaizhi,the Matchless Painter 数学家祖冲之 Zu Chongzhi,the Remarkable Mathematician封建社会的繁荣时期——隋、唐The Heyday of Feudal Society—The Sui and Tang Dynasties 概述 Introduction 隋朝大运河 The Grand Canal of the Sui Dynasty 贞观之治 The Benign Administration of the Zhenguan Reign Period 女皇帝武则天 Wu Zetian,China's First Female Monarch 开元盛世 The Flourishing Kaiyuan Reign Period 繁盛的长安城 The Heyday of Chang'an 松赞干布与文成公主 Songtsen Gampo and Princess Wencheng 玄奘西游 Xuanzang's Journey to the West 鉴真东渡 Jianzhen Crosses the Ocean toJapan 三大石窟 The Three Famous Grottoes 科举制 The Imperial Civil Examination System封建社会的继续发展和民族政权并立时期——五代、辽、宋、夏、金、元The Continued Development of Feudal Society and the Coexistence of Ethnic Regimes—The Five Dynasties,and the Liao,Song,Xia,Jin and Yuan Dynasties 概述 Introduction 杯酒释兵权 Relieving the Generals of Their Commands at a Feast 赤胆忠心的杨家将 The Loyal Generals of the Yang Family 秉公执法的“包青天” Bao the Upright Judge 忠心报国的岳飞 General Yue Fei,a Paragon of Loyalty 历史名臣文天祥 Wen Tianxiang,a Renowned Minister 成吉思汗与忽必烈 Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan 马可·波罗来华 Marco Pole's Travels in China 四大发明 The Four Great Inventions 《清明上河图》 Riverside scene on the Pure Brightness Festival 司马光与《资治通鉴》 Sima Guang and the Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government统一的多民族国家进一步发展和封建社会由盛而衰时期——明、清(鸦片战争以前)The Period of Further Development of the Unitary Multi-ethnic Country and the Decline of Feudal Society—The Ming and Qing Dynasties (Before the Opium War of 1840) 概述 Introduction 明朝开国皇帝朱元璋 Zhu Yuanzhang,the First Emperor of the Ming Dynasty 郑和下西洋 Zheng He's Voyages to the Western Seas 戚继光抗倭 Qi Jiguang Repels Japanese Pirates 清官海瑞 Hai Rui,an Upright and Incorruptible Official 闯王李自成 Daring King Li Zicheng 郑成功收复台湾 Zheng Chenggong Recovers Taiwan 康乾盛世 The Golden Age of Three Emperors 科学巨匠与巨著 Great Scientists and Their Contributions中国近代史Modern Period 概述 Introduction 林则徐与虎门销烟 Lin Zexu and the Destruction of Opium at Humen 第一次鸦片战争 The First Opium War 太平天国农民运动 The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement 第二次鸦片战争 The Second Opium War 洋务运动 The Westernization Movement 中日甲午战争与《马关条约》 Sino-Japanese War of 1894 and the Treaty of Shimonoseki 戊戌变法 The Reform Movement of 1898 义和团运动 The Yihetuan Movement 孙中山与辛亥革命 Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the Revolution of 1911 “五四”运动 The May 4th Movement 中国共产党的成立 The Founding of the Communist Party of China 第一次国共合作 The First Round of KMT-CPC Cooperation 北伐战争 The Northern Expedition 南昌起义 The Nanchang Uprising 二万五千里长征 The Long March of 25 000 li “九一八”事变 The September 18th Incident 华北事变与“一·二·九”运动 The Huabei Incident and the December 9th Movement 西安事变 The Xi'an Incident “七七”事变 The July 7th Incident 平型关大捷 The Victory at Pingxing Pass 南京大屠杀 The Nanking Massacre 台儿庄战役 The Taierzhuang Campaign 华侨与抗日战争 Overseas Chinese and the Anti-Japanese War 重庆谈判 The Chongqing Negotiations 解放战争 The War of Liberation现代中国Contemporary Period 概述 Introduction 毛泽东与新中国的建立 Mao Zedong and the Founding of New China 抗美援朝保家卫国 The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea 周恩来与新中国外交 Zhou Enlai and New China's Diplomacy 邓小平与改革开放 Deng Xiaoping and the Reform and Opening-up Policies 香港回归 Hong Kong's Return to China 澳门回归 Macao's Return to China 载人航天飞行的巨大成就 Great Achievement in Manned Spaceflight 中国体育走向世界 China as a World Power in Sports附录 Appendix中国历史年代简表 A Brief Chronology of Chinese History





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