

韩建友 高等教育











Robert L.Norton著的《Design of machinery:all introduction to the synthesis and analysis ofmechanisms andmachines》是美国比较广泛应用的机械原理教材。该书在2004年出版了第三版。在我国已经出版了该书第二版的影印本和翻译本。现把该书第三版改编为内容适合我国机械原理教学基本要求的简本,供我国机械原理双语教学使用,也可作为机械原理教学的辅助教材,还可供机械工程方面的专业人员参考。该书内容丰富,大部分内容适合我国机械类本科生的教学要求。原书858页,共包括16章的内容、参考文献和习题、6个附录、1个索引和1个光盘目录。其中第1章至第9章为第一部分(PART I),称为机构运动学;第10章至第16章为第二部分(PARTⅡ),称为机械动力学。


Preface to the Third EditionPreface to the First Edition.Chapter 1 Introduction 1.0 Purpose 1.1 Kinematics and Kinetics 1.2 Mechanisms and Machines 1.3 A Brief History of Kinematics 1.4 Applications of Kinematics 1.5 The Design Process  Design, Invention, Creativity  Identification of Need  Background Research  Goal Statement  Performance Specifications.  Ideation and Invention  Analysis  Selection  Detailed Design  Protolyplng and Testing  Production 1.6 Other Approaches to Design  Axiomatic Design 1.7 Multiple Solutions 1.8 Human Factors Engineering. 1.9 The Engineering Report 1.10 Units 1.11 What's to ComeChapter 2 Kinematics Fundamentals 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) or Mobility 2.2 Types of Motion 2.3 Links, Joints, and Kinematic Chains 2.4 Determining Degree of Freedom or Mobility  Degree of Freedom (Mobility) in Planar Meohanlsms  Degree of Freedom (Mobility) In Spatial Mechanisms 2.5 Mechanisms and Structures 2.6 Paradoxes 2.7 Linkage Transformation 2.8 Intermittent Motion 2.9 Inversion 2.10 The Grashof Condition 2.11 Compliant Mechanisms 2.12 Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems [MEMS] 2.13 Practical Considerations  Pin Joints versus Sliders and Half Joints  Cantilever or Straddle Mount?  Short Links  Beating Ratio   Commercial Slides  Linkages versus CamsChapter 3 Graphical Llnkage Synthesis 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Synthesis 3.2 Function, Path, and Motion Generation 3.3 Limiting Conditions 3.4 Dimensional Synthesis  Two-Position Synthesis  Three-Position Synthesis with Specified Moving Pilots  Three-Position Synthesis with Aiternote Moving Pilots  Three-Position Synthesis with Specified Fixed Pilots  Position Synthesis for More Than Three Positions 3.5 Quick-Return Mechanisms  Fourbar Quick-Return  Slxbor Quick-Return 3.6 Coupler CurvesChapter 4 Position AnalysisChapter 5 Analytical Linkage SynthesisChapter 6 Velocity AnalysisChapter 7 Acceleration AnalysisChapter 8 Cam DesignChapter 9 Gear TrainsChapter 10 Dynamic Force AnalysisChapter 11 BalancingVocabulary of the key terms重要名词术语英汉对照表


  The term ergonomics is synonymous with human factors engineering.We often see referenceto the good or bad ergonomics of an automobile interior or a household appliance.A machine de.signed with poor ergonomics will be uncomfortable and tiring to use and may even be dangerous.(Have you programmed your VCR lately,or set its clock?)  There is a wealth of human factors data available in the literature.The type of information thatmight be needed for a machine design problem ranges from dimensions of the human body and theirdistribution among the population by age and gender,to the ability of the human body to withstandaccelerations in various directions,to typical strengths and force generating ability in various posi.tions.Obviously,if you are designing a device that will be controlled by a human(a grass shortener,perhaps),you need to know how much force the user can exert with hands held in various positions,what the user’S reach is,and how much noise the ears can stand without damage.If your device willcarry the user on it,you need data on the lildts of acceleration that the body Can tolerate.Data on allthese topics exist.Much of it was developed by the government which regularly tests the ability ofmilitary personnel to withstand extreme environmental conditions.Part of the background research ofany machine design problem should include some investigation of human factors.




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