《搏流英语》原著名称为Upstream,2007年由高等教育出版社引进版权,并组织力量进行本土化改造。改编后的教材共6级,每级由综合教程学生用书、综合教程教师用书、扩展教程和视听说教程组成。 《搏流英语》原书根据欧盟最新版语言教学大纲(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:Learning,Teaching,Assessment,简称CEF)编写。其教学目标是学生在完成全部课程以后,成为英语的“熟练使用者”(Proficient User)。这是CEF所规定的最高教学目标。根据CEF的界定,这一类学习者应该在听、说、 读、写4个方面娴熟地使用英语。这一言语能力大体相当于我国普通高等院校应用型英语专业学生的水平。 众所周知,欧盟是一个多种语言的文化、经济和政治共同体。民族和谐和国际交流的需要促使欧洲人民努力学习外语。早在20世纪70年代,欧盟的前身“欧共体”就率先编写了一套体现交际法教学理念的语言教学大纲“Threshold Level”。这个纲领性文件在世界外语教育史上产生了重大的影响。它开启了“语言知识和语言使用并重”的语言教学新阶段。我国20世纪80年代以来所制定的重要的外语教学大纲,尤其是高等院校的英语教学大纲无一不受到它的影响。
《搏流英语综合教程(学生用书2)》根据欧盟最新版语言教学大纲(Common european framework of reference for languages:learning,teaching,assessment,简称CEF)编写。
UNIT 1 Heroes & Villains UNIT 2 Lifestyles UNIT 3 Neighbours UNIT 4 Call of the Wild UNIT 5 Take a Break UNIT 6 Live & Learn UNIT 7 Weird & Wonderful UNIT 8 State-of-the-Art UNIT 9 Forces of Nature UNIT 10 Festive Time
we were going on holiday to San Diego, USA.Wed booked the holiday online six monthsearlier and I hadnt bothered to check our passports. Idjust assumed everything was OK. So you can imaginemy surprise when we were told at the check-in desk thatwe couldnt fly because our sons passport was out ofdate. My wife and daughter checked in and off theywent. Nick and I rushed home, got his birth certificateand tried to get a new passport.There was a huge queue at the Passport Office, so I pushed to the front and cried, "Myfamilys gone on holiday and my son urgently needs a new passportF Within an hourwe had his passport. We rushed to the airport, but they told us we were too late andthe next flight was at 5 a.m. At this point I lost my temper. We spent the rest of the daywandering around the duty free. We finally arrived at our destination twenty hourslater, exhausted but relieved that we could start our holiday. (Nigel Barker)