秦庆华,杨庆生 著
Intelligent material with multifield coupling properties is an importantaspect of modem science and technology with applications in many industrialfields such as biomedical, electronic and mechanical engineering. It is well known that most engineering materials, composite materials inparticular, are heterogeneous. The heterogeneity is either designed to meetengineering requirements for specific properties and functions or a naturalevolution to adapt the historical architecture to changes in long term loadingsand environment. Typical examples include functionally gradient materials andbiomaterials. Functionally gradient materials are designed according to specificfunctions required by users. Biomaterials, on the other hand, remodelthemselves to adapt to changes in the natural environment. Obviously, there aremany heterogeneous materials in engineering including composites, defectivematerials and natural biomaterials. Heterogeneous materials exhibit complexproperties at both microscopic and macroscopic level due to their anisotropyand interaction between components. Generally, there are two approaches usedin investigating heterogeneous materials. One is the continuum mechanicsapproach, where the materials are assumed to be approximately homogeneousand continuous media. The other is the micromechanics approach, used forinvestigating the deformation and stress of heterogeneous materials byconsidering the interactions of the components in the microscopic scale. In recent years, research in macro-micro mechanics of composite materialshas resulted in a great many publications including journal papers andmonographs. Up to the present, however, no systematic treatment ofmacro-micro theory of heterogeneous multifield composites has been available.The objective of this book is to fill this gap, so that the reader can obtain asound basic knowledge of the solution methods of multifield composites. Thisvolume details the development of linear theories of multifield materials andpresents up-to-date results on magneto-electro-elastic composites.
第1章 绪论第2章 非均匀材料的均匀化理论基础第3章 热-力-电耦合问题第4章 磁-电-力耦合问题第5章 热-电-化-力耦合问题第6章 骨质材料重组的多场耦合问题第7章 非均匀材料的有效耦合性能第8章 热压电材料等效性能的细观力学分析参考文献
《非均匀材料多场耦合行为的宏细观理论(英文版)》读者对象是物理、力学和材料类相关专业的研究人员和研究生。 Macro-Micro Theory on Multifield Coupling Behavior of HeterogeneousMaterials discusses high performance structures using macro-microtheories and a micromechanics approach.The monograph is intended for specialists in materials science and appliedmechanics.