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华仲乐 著  




  随着我国教育事业的发展并取得日新月异的成就,培养适合各方面需要的专门人才的工作正在向新的、纵深的方向发展。为此,教育部专门启动了紧缺人才培养工程,而护理专业人才的培养就在其中。根据卫生部等国家权威机构的预测,今后若干年里,对护理人才需求将有极大的增长,尤其是具有良好素质的涉外护理人员。本套教材就是专门为涉外护理专业的学生编写的英语教材。涉外护理作为一个新兴的重点专业,它的英语课程应有自身的独特性。这种独特性与涉外护理专业的培养对象、培养目标和教学安排等各个环节密切相关。首先,进入本专业的学生年龄较小,考虑到这一年龄段的特点,教材的内容和形式应适合学习者的需要和爱好;其次,由于学生的专业目标明确,将来要进入涉外护理领域,需要更具针对性的英语学习,以获取实际运用的各项能力;此外,涉外护理专业的英语教学课时多,学生更容易打牢基础,应适当地拓宽英语学习、文化背景等方面的知识面,同时,涉外护理专业本身决定了英语教学的重要性,对英语教学提出了更高的要求。为了实现涉外护理专业英语教学有所突破的目标,我们对涉外护理专业的学生的实际需要进行了认真的研究,对整个英语教材从内容到形式作了连贯的、整体的、有针对性的设计。全套教材包括:《涉外护理英语综合教程》 (学生用书)(1~8册)《涉外护理英语听说教程》 (学生用书)(1~8册)《涉外护理英语扩展教程》 (学生用书)(1~8册)《涉外护理英语教程》(教师用书)(1~8册)《涉外护理英语综合教程》旨在传授英语学习的核心知识和技能,帮助学生获取全面的语法、词汇、句型等基本而必备的语言知识,提供必需的知识性和技能性操练。《涉外护理英语听说教程》旨在培养涉外护理人员必需的口头交际能力和以听的方式获取信息的能力。大量的听说材料和有针对性的练习帮助学生达到这一目的。《涉外护理英语扩展教程》旨在提供扩大接触英语的机会,为学生进一步打开使用英语的窗户。大量的阅读材料使学生不仅熟悉语言,更了解各种知识和国外情况。




Unit OneReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText Nightingale at ScutariText ComprehensionVocabulary ExercisesGrammar and StructureGroup ActivitiesFurther ReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText Nightingale and the Wounded SoldierReview and PracticeWord-Building Tips(1)Unit TwoReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText The Red CrossText ComprehensionVocabulary ExercisesGrammar and StructureGroup ActivitiesFurther ReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText The Canadian Red CrossReview and PracticeWord-Building Tips(2)Unit ThreeReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText What Is It?(Part Ⅰ)Text ComprehensionVocabulary ExercisesGrammar and StructureGroup ActivitiesFurther ReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText What Is It?(Part Ⅱ)Review and PracticeWord-Building Tips(3)Unit FourReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText A Typical OperationText ComprehensionVocabulary ExercisesGrammar and StructureGroup ActivitiesFurther ReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText Operation and AnesthesiaReview and PracticeWord-Building Tips(4)Unit FiveReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText Shift WorkText ComprehensionVocabulary ExercisesGrammar and StructureGroup ActivitiesFurther ReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText Flight of FantasyReview and PracticeWord-Building Tips(5)Unit SixReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText Immigrant KidsText ComprehensionVocabulary ExercisesGrammar and StructureGroup ActivitiesFurther ReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText America'S Most Famous ImmigrantReview and PracticeWord-Building Tips(6)Unit SevenReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText Aging and Life SpanText ComprehensionVocabulary ExercisesGrammar and StructureGroup ActivitiesFurther ReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText The Dream of a Longer LifeReview and PracticeWord-Building Tips(7)Unit EightReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText A Young EntrepreneurText ComprehensionVocabulary ExercisesGrammar and StructureGroup ActivitiesFurther ReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText Who Wants to Become a Fireman?Review and PracticeWord-Building Tips(8)Unit NineReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText A Proud HeadText ComprehensionVocabulary ExercisesGrammar and StructureGroup ActivitiesFurther ReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText Protective ColorationReview and PracticeWord-Building Tips(9)Unit TenReadingNew Words and ExpressionsText Grasping LifeText ComprehensionVocabulary ExercisesGrammar and StructureGroup ActivitiesFurther Reading……Unit ElevenUnit TwelveUnit ThirteenUnit FourteenUnit Fifteen


  Vocabularu Exercises  Ⅰ . Fill in the blanks with the words given, changing forms where necessary.  1. rear 2. confer 3. assess 4. wrangling  5. bewildered 6. quoted 7. witness 8. established  Ⅱ. Complete the sentences, putting the Chinese in the brackets into English.  1. a place they would rather visit than inhabit  2. save up for the rainy day  3. There is nothing like a long hot bath  4. spill the beans  5. it is we who tell them so  Ⅲ Get familiar with some common phrasal verbs.  1. to control something and prevent it from increasing  2. to control somebody strictly, oppress somebody  3. to be able not to vomit something after eating or drinking it  4. to not tell somebody something you know  5. to delay progress  6. to hold back  Ⅳ Complete each sentence with the word that seems most suitable.  1. complained 2. protested 3. evasion  4. prudence 5. scholarship 6. allowance  Grammar and Structure  Study the paragraph.  Read the following paragraph carefully, and answer the questions.  1. The author begins by asking a question he wants to discuss; it's an effective way to arouse readers' interest and focus their attention on what is coming.  2. The author means that discussing money, especially openly, may hurt people's feelings by causing embarrassment or affecting self-esteem; for example, children may brag about how much their parents make, thus starting arguments among them.  3. Soon they would find themselves struggling with a world of evaluations they would understand no better than we. The riddle of comparable worth would be as incomprehensible to them as it is to us, but at least we've had years to get used to the mystery.  4. At least adults have had years to get used to things like that.  5. The usual reason why parents refuse to discuss money matter with their children.  Ⅱ Reconstruct the sentences, following the models given.  1. Were you to make a living as a salesperson, you would never really settle down.  2. Were I to win a million dollars in a lottery, I would donate half of it to local charities.  3. While she is a likeable person, she can be extremely difficult to work with.   4. While I agree with you, your way of handling the matter is not the best.  furt the r re ading  Review and Practice  I. Explain the underlined parts in your own words.  1. asking more money for their allowance  2. (you) can't buy much with (a particular amount of money)  3. without regard to grades; no matter whether grades are good or not  4. is like is similar to  5. bargaining over(discussing, talking about) how much children get at the beginning   ……




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