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《表达英语综合教程》以最新《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》为指导原则,运用国际第二语言习得理论的新成果,充分体现“以人为本”的思想,突出英语专业的特色和优势,注重培养英语专业学生的语言、认知、逻辑等能力。 本套教材为英语专业本科l一2年级基础阶段编写,核心理念是关注英语表达能力的培养,将思考、听力、口语、阅读、写作、翻译融为一体。综合提高英语表达能力。 一、编写理念 与国内同类教材相比,本套教材在编写和选材理念上突出3个特点: ·外语教育整体性 强调外语教学中的语言能力、思维能力、策略能力、知识面、人生观的平衡关系和综合发展。 ·外语学习一体性 根据第二语言习得中输入一输出假设原则,将输入与输出有机结合,通过提高语言输入能力,促进语言输出能力发展,达到增强外语表达核心竞争力的目的。 ·外语交际双向性 强调中西文化表达的平衡,在口头表达训练中提供相关中文信息,在笔头表达训练中强调英汉对译。 本套教材在选材上注重内容的思想性、文化性、可读性,语言地道,范文质量高,题材广泛多样,篇幅适当,内容涉及社会、文化、教育、科技等领域。练习设计强调与主题内容相关,形式多样,如理解思考题、语言运用题、测试模拟题等。教材设计的整体思路围绕4条路径展开。
《表达英语综合教程》是与《表达英语综合教程》1册相配套的教师用书,主要供教师备课和授课时参考使用。《表达英语综合教程》提供每单元Text A中的以读促思(Read to Think)、以读促说(Read to Speak)、以读促写(Read to Write)、以读促译(Read to Translate)、语言研习(Language Studies)五个部分的答案和Text B中的细读(Reading for Details)、略读(Reading for Main Ideas)两个部分的答案。《表达英语综合教程》供高等院校英语专业本科1年级基础阶段使用。
Unit 1 Get to Know English-speaking CountriesText A USAText B EnglandUnit 2 Teachers Propose, Students Dispose?Text A A Classroom Full of FlowersText B Schoolwork: The Students JobUnit 3 Keep a Healthy BodyText A How to Lose Weight —— And Whether You ShouldText B Dine Out Without Clogging Your ArteriesUnit 4 Keep a Healthy MindText A GriefText B The Power of ForgivingUnit 5 The Internet and Our LifeText A One Internet, Two NationsText B Digital Domain: Struggling to Evade the E-mail TsunamiUnit 6 Get Yourself ConnectedText A A False Wikipedia "Biography"Text B Guidelines for Using a Cellphone AbroadReview Test IUnit 7 Like Father, Like SonText A Father ForgetsText B Father: Sons Role ModelUnit 8 Friendship Counts ImmenselyText A An Incredible Torch RunText B Personal HealthUnit 9 Do Men Lead and Women Follow?Text A A Woman Can Learn Anything a Man CanText B The Two of UsUnit 10 Do Patients Trust Doctors?Text A From a Web-Savvy Patient to a "Cyberchondriac"Text B Patient Tells, Doctor Reads, Writer SharesUnit 11 Man and NatureText A MiragesText B RainbowUnit 12 Konw Your Pets,Konw YouselfText A The Dog:A Helper or a Nuisance?Text B The Cat:An Unintelligent Animal?
1)How many parts can this essay be divided into?How does the author develop the essay and make it interesting to read?2)What are the first two paragraphs about?VVhat may be the authors purpose of putting them at the very beginning of the essay?3)In Paragraph 12,the author says,“I learned about it from reading the package insert- downloaded off the Net,of course.” Why does the author add the phrase“of course”at the end of the sentence?What effect CaD.this help achieve?4)How does the author make the transition from one example to another in Paragraphs 12 and 13?5)The author concludes the essay with“Autonomy?Perhaps。Progress?No way.”Is this.in your eyes,a powerful ending?Wby? Or why not?6)Some of the paragraphs in the essay can actually be combined into one.For instance,the first 3 paragraphs can be integrated.why do you think the author,hke the author of“A Classroom Full of Flowers”,loves the use of short paragraphs?What can we learn from this for our own writing?7)The author skillfully uses many examples to illustrate his point of view.Some of the examples are specific and some others are general.Can you identify one example for each type and explain how thcy help the development of the essay?