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《新魅力英语阅读教程》由一些居住在中国的外籍专家和在教学与创作方面都具有丰富经验的中国英语教师联袂打造,“励志”是这套教材的核心内容,在教材编写上可谓独树一帜。 《新魅力英语阅读教程》按照教育部高等教育司颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》(试行)编写而成,是一套专供全国高职高专院校使用的英语教材。课文内容丰富有趣,选材难度适中,配套练习精心设计,紧扣原文,词汇语法巧含其中。 所选文章主要来自美国和英国出版的励志类图书。由于这些文章最初是以英文读者为对象,而不是为外国学生专门撰写的课文,因而是“原汁原味”的英语。这套教材的最大优点是学生接触到的英语清新自然,没有任何加工的痕迹。 这套《新魅力英语阅读教程》共分两册,本书为其中的第l册。 本书特色: 1.伪容编排不仅妙趣横生,而且富有吸引力,学生可以获得足够的机会培养综合技能和交际能力。 2.所选课文均使用原汁原味的英语,能够增加学生的知识,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生对东西方文化差异方面的意识。 3.课文后面的内容更是丰富多彩:既包含富有创意、实用性强的练习,又有生动有趣的讨论话题。这些内容既能提高学生的英语阅读理解能力,又能增强学生对于语法句型的认识,同时还能扩大学生的词汇量。 4.编写风格既严谨务实,又生动活泼;在教授语言的同时还适当地介绍了英美国家的社会文化。 编写体例: 本书共分16个单元,每单元3课,全书共有48课。每课编写体例虽有细微差别,但又基本一致: 1.课文导读:这部分包括与课文有关的背景文化或几个课前讨论的问题,目的是让学生就课文和主题展开思考。课文导读部分多提供文化方面的知识,以便学生了解课文里的相关文化背景。 2.课文:整套教材虽以“励志”为核心,但又不失其多样性,课文内容或催人奋进、或生动幽默、或妙趣横生,不但能引起学生的兴趣,还能培养学生积极思考、展开讨论的能力。同时这些文章还能激发学生们学习英语、在日常生活中运用英语的灵感。
Unit 1Lesson 1 Doing the Best You CanLesson 2 Practice Makes the MasterLesson 3 How to Set SMART Goals?Unit 2Lesson 4 Impress,Without OverdoingLesson 5 Let’s Keep a DateLesson 6 Immunity to E-mailUnit 3Lesson 7 Leaders and FollowersLesson 8 Living in a Fast Paced WorldLesson 9 RumorsUnit 4Lesson 10 Knowing Where to TapLesson 11 Look for the Extraordinary in the OrdinarVLesson 12 Every Problem Will Change YouUnit 5Lesson 13 Making the World RightLesson 14 Making More Confident CallsLesson 15 The Computer NerdUnit 6Lesson 16 People Are Like PotatoesLesson 17 Complete Something DailyLesson 18 Invest in YourselfUnit 7Lesson 19 Indian StoryLesson 20 Why Do Millionaires Still Work?LessOn 21 What Was the Reason for Andrew Carnegie,s SuccessUnit 8Lesson 22 So Decide NowLesson 23 Change Your BeliefsLesson 24 Never Neglect the Little ThingsUnit 9Lesson 25 You’re Always by My SideLesson 26 The QMestionLesson 27 Why Are American Kids So Stressed?Unit 10Lesson 28 The NewcomerLesson 29 A True LeaderLesson 30 The Most Intelligent SpeciesUnit 11Lesson 31 The People in the South Are Much the SameLesson 32 IQ and DestinyLesson 33 Genuine or CounterfeitUnit 12Lesson 34 Don’t Cry over Spilled MilkLesson 35 Knowing What Success Means to YouLesson 36 30-Second SuccessUnit 13Lesson 37 Writing Heartfelt Le~ers.Lesson 38 Final Exam QuestionLesson 39 Attitude Is EverythingUnit 14Lesson 40 7 Kinds of SmartLesson 41 Get What You WantLesson 42 China Is Obsessed with All Things WesternUnit 15Lesson 43 Something More Important thanLesson 44 Take Action!Start SavingLesson 45 A Personal Statement.Unit 16Lesson 46 Cat DiaryLesson 47 Advertising Can Be Dangerous to Our HealthLesson 48 Plastic Surgery and Attitudes of Beauty and SuccessKeys
Pre-reading This text is from a famous and humorous British science-fiction book. At the beginning of the book, the Earth is destroyed by the Vogons (a race of aliens mentioned in Paragraph 2). The writer is looking back at the relationship between humans and animals just before the Vogons destroys the Earth. This article is mainly about people and dolphins. What kind of information do you think will be in the article? Do you think animals are smarter than humans? If we could communicate easily with animals, what do you think they would tell us? The Most Intelligent Species It is an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem. For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much——the wheel, New York, wars and so on——whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man——for precisely the same reasons. Curiously enough, the dolphins had long known of the impending destruction of the planet Earth and had made many attempts to alert mankind of the danger; but most of their communications were misinterpreted as amusing attempts to PUnch footballs or whistle for tidbits, so they eventually gave up and left the Earth by their own means shortly before the Vogons arrived. The last ever dolphin message was misinterpreted as a surprisingly sophisticated attempt to do a double-backwards-somersault through a hoop whilst whistling the "Star Spangled Banner", but in fact the message was this; so long and thanks for all the fish.