刘洊波 高等教育出版社 (2009-02出版)
刘洊波 编
随着全球化进程的加速发展,文化全球化和经济全球化的深入推进,高等教育,特别是英语专业教育在新的历史转型期的文化交融层面越来越肩负着举足轻重的社会责任。因此,为了培养具有扎实的英语基本功、相关的专业知识和文化知识、较强的英语综合应用能力和创新思维的人才,为不断深入的大学英语教学改革培养和提供师资,而且立足于中国语境,用全球化的理念和视角进行教材设计,我们策划了“高等院校英语专业立体化系列教材”。 实现这一具有时代意义的战略任务需要广大英语专业教师树立执着的敬业精神,制订科学的、高水平的、切合实际的英语专业教学大纲,编写出版能充分体现大纲要求的有关课程(必修和选修)的配套教材,以及开发为课堂教学和学生自主化学习服务的、与新型电子化教学仪器设备配套的教学软件系统。由高等教育出版社策划并陆续出版的“高等院校英语专业立体化系列教材”作为“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划教材”,就是为实现英语专业教学改革这一历史任务服务的。 本教材是文学导论规划教材,较系统地介绍了文学的基本概念、文学关注的主要内容;较详细地介绍了诗歌、小说、戏剧等主要文学体裁的形式与内容;文学体裁的介绍与文学欣赏紧密结合,学生先赏析作品,再进行理论升华。
Unit One: IntroductionWhat Is Literature? Why Should We Study Literature?Unit Two: Fiction (1)What Is Fiction?Elements of FictionUnit Three: Fiction (2)Thomas Hardy: The Return of the NativeUnit Four: Fiction (3)Charles Dickens: Hard TimesUnit Five: Fiction (4)Nathaniel Hawthorne: Young Goodman BrownUnit Six: Fiction (5)William Faulkner: A Rose for EmilyUnit Seven: Poetry (1)What Is Poetry?The Origin and Development of PoetryElements of PoetryUnit Eight: Poetry (2)William Shakespeare: Sonnet 18Ben Jonson: TO CeliaUnit Nine: Poetry (3)John Keats: On the Grasshopper and the Cricket; To AutumnEdgar Allan Poe: Annabel LeeUnit Ten: Poetry (4)Robert Frost: The Road Not Taken; Stopping by Woods on a Snowing EveningPercy Bysshe Shelley: Ode to the West WindUnit Eleven: Drama (1)What Is Drama?The Origin and Development of DramaElements of DramaUnit Twelve: Drama (2)William Shakespeare: HamletUnit Thirteen: Drama (3)Ben Jonson: Volpone the FoxUnit Fourteen: Drama (4)Arthur Miller: Death of a SalesmanUnit Fifteen: Drama (5)Tennessee Williams: The Glass MenagerieUnit Sixteen: Critical Approaches to Literature
插图:A plot in a work of fiction is the plan, design, arrangement and organization of interrelated events and characters in such a way as to induce curiosity and suspense in the reader. It is an intellectual formulation about the relations among the incidents and is, therefore, a guiding principle for the author and an ordering control for the reader.The discussion of plot began in Aristotle's Poetics. Aristotle considered plot as one of the six elements in tragedy, the others being characters, verbal expression, thought, visual adornment, and song-composition. It is to him the most important of these six elements. It is the "first principle" and "the soul of a tragedy". It is the governing principle of development and coherence to which other elements must be subordinated. Aristotle insisted that a plot should have a beginning, a middle and an end, and that its events should form a coherent whole.A complete plot usually comprises such phases as exposition, conflict, climax, and denouement."Exposition" provides the essential background information the reader needs to make sense of the situation in which the characters are placed and the actions take place. It usually introduces the characters and the conflicts, or at least the potential for conflict."Conflict" is the tension between characters, or the actual opposition of characters. It may be the confrontation of actions, ideas, desires, or wills. It is the basic opposition that builds the suspense and engages the reader's expectation."Climax" is the moment at which a crisis is reached and resolution achieved. It is the most dramatic and revealing moment, usually the turning point of the plot, direcdy precipitating its resolution.