

杨信彰 高等教育出版社











  词汇是语言的一种基本材料。脱离词汇,言语活动就无法顺利进行。随着科学技术的发展和社会活动的多样化,新的英语词汇在不断增加。近年来,语言学研究不断深入,各种新理论不断涌现,为词汇研究提供了新视角。为了适应这种形势,我们编写了这本《英语词汇学教程》。  英语词汇学是我国高校英语专业学生的一门专业知识课。这是一门以当代语言学理论为指导,重在揭示现代英语词汇的普遍规律,分析英语词汇的各种现象以及英语词汇的演变和发展,深入研究英语词汇的专业课程。了解词汇学的基础理论和词汇的构词有助于帮助学习者了解英语的词汇特征,扩大英语词汇量,提高正确使用英语词汇的能力。  本书是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材。在编写过程中,我们力求跟踪学科理论的发展,充分体现英语专业本科教育的特点,教材的深度和广度上有利于学生掌握坚实宽广的词汇学基础理论知识,体现词汇学研究的前沿,提高学生在实际交际中正确使用英语词汇的能力,了解到词汇研究的发展。  本书既叙述英语词汇的内部结构特征,又讨论英语词汇与社会文化、认知的关系,力图内容充实,充分体现英语词汇研究的成果。全书分为九章,可安排在一个学期完成。第一章先明确词汇学定义,然后讨论词汇的特征和词类。第二章介绍了词汇研究的几个基本概念,如词素、词位词义、词根、词干等,还探讨了一词多义和同音/形异义现象。第三章介绍了英语词汇的发展,涉及各个时期英语的词汇特征和英语的借词,还涉及了美国英语的一些词汇特点。第四章讨论了英语的构词法,涉及屈折变化、派生、复合、转换、混合、缩略、逆构词法等多种构词方式。第五章讨论同义、反义、上下义、部分一整体义、搭配、隐喻延伸等各种词义关系。第六章专门讨论习语、多词动词和成语。第七章叙述英语的各类词典以及词典的结构特征,介绍了几部具有代表性的英语词典。第八章从英语词汇使用的角度描述了词汇在方言、语域和语体中的表现,还涉及了禁忌语、委婉语、俚语、术语、语义转移等。第九章从认知的角度考察了心理词汇、隐喻、空间词汇等。  全书用英语写成,语言力求浅显易懂,以培养学生阅读英语专业书籍的能力。每一章均附上练习题。这些习题便于学生掌握所学的知识,并应用所学知识分析具体的词汇现象,培养学生解决问题和分析问题的能力。




Chapter 1 Lexicology and Words1.1 Introduction1.2 What Is Lexicology?1.2.1 Morphology and Semantics1.2.2 Etymology and Lexicography1.3 What 0s a Word?1.3.1 Difficulties in the Definition ofthe Word1.3.2 Major Features ofWords1.4 Words in Linguistic Analysis1.5 Word Classes1.6 Lexical and Grammatical Words1.7 Words and Semantic FieldsExercisesChapter 2 Some Basic Concepts and Word Meanings2.1Introduction2.2 Morpheme,Lexeme and Morph2.2.1 Morpheme2.2.2 Lexeme2.2.3 Morph2.2.4 Types ofMorphemes2.3 Word Meanings2.3.1 Denotation and Reference2.3.2 Denotation and Sense2.4 Seven types of Meaning2.4.1 Conceptual Meaning2.4.2 Connotative Meaning2.4.3 Social and Affective Meanings2.4.4 Reflected and Collocative Meanings2.4.5 Thematic Meaning2.5 Root and Stem2.6 Polysemy2.7 HomonymyExercisesChapter 3 The Origins of EnglishWords3.1Introduction3.2 The Development of English3.3 The Historical Periods of English3.3.1 Old English Period(450-1066)3.3.2 The Middle English Period(1066-1500)3.3.3 EarlyModern English Period(1500.1800)3.3.4 The Modern English Period(1800一present)3.4 American English3.5 Native English Vocabulary3.6 Major Influences on English3.6.1 The Scandinavian Influence3.6.2 The Norman Conquest3.6.3 The Latin Influence3.7 Borrowings in English3.7.1 Latin words in English3.7.2 Greek and French Loanwords3.7.3 German,Dutch and Italian Loanwords3.7.4 Loanwords from dle East3.7.5 Loanwords from Other Sources3.8 The Size of English Vocabulary3.9 Creation of New English Words3.9.2 Onomatopoeic words and Ejaculations3.9.3 Wbrd formationExercisesChapter 4 Word Formation in English4.1 Introduction4.2 Inflection and Derivation4.2.1 Definition ofInflection4.2.2 Functions of Inflection4.2.3 DerivationalAffix4.2.4 Functions of Derivations4.2.5 Types ofDerivational Affix4.3 Compounding4.3.1 Definition of Compounding4.3.2 Characteristics of Compounds4.3.3 Common Patterns of compounds4.4 Other Word.formation Processes4.4.2 Blending4.4.3 Shortenings4.5 Backformation4.6 Words from Proper Names and Metanalysis4.6.1 Words from Proper Names4.6.2 MetanalysisExercisesChapter 5 Sense Relations5.1 Introduction5.2 Characteristics of Sense Relations5.3 Synonymy5.3.1 Two Types of Synonymy5.3.2 Difference Among Synonyms5.4 Antonymy5.4.1 Gradable Antonyms5.4.2 Complementary Antonyms5.4.3 Converse antonyms5.5 Hyponymy5.6 Meronymy5.7 Collocation5.7.1 Free and Fixed Combinations5.7.2 Grammatical Collocations5.7.3 Lexical Collocations5.7.4 0ther Features of Collocation5.8 Metaphorical ExtensionExercisesChapter 6 Idioms Multiword Verbs and Proverbs6.1Introduction6.2 Idioms6.2.1 Classification ofIdioms6.2.2 Different Aspects of Idioms6.3 Multiword verbs6.4 ProverbsExercisesChapter 7 English Dictionaries7.1Introduction7.2 Organization of the Entry7.2.1 Headword7.2.2 Pronunciation……


  Many people tend to think of the word in visual terms that is,as ameaningful group of letters printed or written down in a piece of paper.Sucha casual concepuon,of course,is little more than a reflection of the millions 0fwords which appear on pages of textbooks,journals,newspapers,magazines and novels.Linguists have traditionally depended on the written W0rd asprimary source material for defining the essential meanings of words. Some linguists regard the study of spoken word as more important thanthe study of the written.Children learn to master the sounds of a languagebasic grammatical structure and an elementary vocabulary,long before theVlearn to write.Historically,the spoken word comes first。The earliest evidenCeof writing dates back about several thousand years. The word may be defined differently depending on whether We focuson itsrepresentauon,the thought which it expresses,or purely formalcriteria.Therehave been several types of definitions.Jackson and Amvela(2 000)classify thescdefinitions into three types.





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