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教育部于2007年颁布了修订后的《大学英语教学要求》,明确了大学英语教学的目标,强调培养学生的英语交际能力,提高综合应用语言的能力。 众所周知,语言文化知识的获取离不开真实的语言学习环境,中国学生在本土学习英语,要想创建真实的语言环境并非易事,而阅读是语言和文化学习的重要手段和途径。通过阅读,学生可获取大量的语言知识,奠定坚实的语言基础,从而提高英语综合应用能力。 在改革后的全国大学英语四、六级考试方案中,阅读理解分为仔细阅读和快速阅读,仔细阅读又分为多项选择和选词填空。阅读能力的测试题型多样,这就对学生的阅读能力提出了更高的要求。 为全面实施《大学英语教学要求》,推行大学英语教学改革,提高学生综合文化素养,我们特地编写了《当代大学英语阅读教程》(Active English Reading for College Students)。该教程的内容经过严格的筛选和科学的设计,不但有利于培养学生的专项语言能力,而且会大幅度提升学生的整体语言水平。具体而言,本书有以下特点。按主题设计单元,满足个性化需求 本教程分上、下两册。内容新颖、材料真实、题材广泛,涉及工业、农业、文学、医学、艺术、历史、科学、教育、能源、环境、社会等48个主题,融知识性、趣味性和可读性于一体。 本教程按主题设计单元,可满足学生不同的阅读需求,培养并激发其阅读兴趣。学生既可以根据自己的具体学习情况和兴趣爱好进行选择性阅读,拓展知识的深度和广度;还可以循序渐进,按本教程的内容安排,系统地进行学习。 阅读本教程,学生可感知英语语言的魅力,品味英语国家的文化、历史、地理、风土人情和生活方式等,拓宽知识视野,提高文化素养。本教程可作为一部微型的百科全书,为读者提供不同领域的背景知识,而这种百科全书的知识正是提高交际能力所必需。
UNIT 1 FOOD AND DRINKPart Ⅰ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)The Process of Making ChocolatePart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section AAmerican Food and DrinkSection BPassage 1 Changes in the American DietPassage 2 Categorization of FoodUNIT 2 CULTUREPart Ⅰ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)What Is Culture?Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)Section AThe Origin of "Cool"Section BPassage 1 Knighthood and ChivalryPassage 2 Code and CultureUNIT 3 ENTERTAINMENTPart Ⅰ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)MagicPart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section AHealing Power of HobbiesSection BPassage 1 TV Talk ShowsPassage 2 Benefits of PlayUNIT 4 GEOGRAPHYPart Ⅰ Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)The SaharaPart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)Section AThe Dead SeaSection BPassage 1 IcelandPassage 2 A Stamp Made the CanalUNIT 5 ADVENTUREPart Ⅰ Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)Space Observation and TravelPart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)Section ARobinson CrusoeSection BPassage 1 Discovery of the AntarcticPassage 2 1953 Everest ExpeditionUNIT 6 DISCOVERYPart Ⅰ Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)A Western Route to the EastPart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)Section ADiscovering the New WorldSection BPassage 1 First Dinosaur Fossil DiscoveriesPassage 2 Mayan Queens Tomb UnearthedUNIT 7 ENVIRONMENTPart Ⅰ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)The Shrinking EarthPart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section AHeat PollutionSection BPassage 1 Cleaner-Burning FuelsPassage 2 Environmental EthicsUNIT 8 NATURAL PHENOMENAPart Ⅰ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)The Asian TsunamiPart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)Section AGlacierSection BPassage 1 Continental DriftPassage 2 ErosionUNIT 9 DISASTERSPart Ⅰ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)2008 Sichuan EarthquakePart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section AWinged WarriorSection BPassage 1 AvalanchePassage 2 Caterpillar-the RescuerUNIT 10 MATERIALPart Ⅰ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)Plastics and Rubbers in BuildingPart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section ANano-material Is Harder than DiamondsSection BPassage 1 Glass FibersPassage 2 Barbed WireUNIT 11 ECONOMYPart Ⅰ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)Chinas EconomyPart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section AIndividual Economic UnitsSection BPassage 1 US Banking SystemPassage 2 Financial Market DifferencesUNIT 12 BUSINESS AND TRADEPart Ⅰ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)The Seven Proven Principles to Business SuccessPart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section AGoogleSection BPassage 1 Toy BusinessPassage 2 Collaboration of Western and Eastern AirlinersUNIT 13 ENERGYPart Ⅰ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)Energy ConservationPart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section AThe Coming Energy Crisis?Section BPassage 1 Wind Power……UNIT 14 INVENTIONSUNIT 15 SPACEUNIT 16 SOCIETYUNIT 17 GENDER GAPUNIT 18 ISSUES AND OPINIONSUNIT 19 FOREIGN CUSTOMSUNIT 20 ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONSUNIT 21 DETECTIVE STORIESUNIT 22 GREAT NAMESUNIT 23 LITERATUREUNIT 24 HISTORYUNIT 25 PHILOSOPHYKeyReferences
Prior to roasting While awaiting the blending process, the beans are carefully stored. The storage area must be isolated from the rest of the building so the sensitive cocoa does not come into contact with strong odors which it may absorb as an off-flavor (异味). Every step of the way so far reflects the close regulation of conditions which is needed to ensure the production of uniformly high quality chocolate. The first step to actual manufacturing is cleaning. This is done by passing the cocoa beans through a cleaning machine that removes dried cocoa pulp, pieces of pod and other extraneous (非必要的) material that had not been removed earlier. When thoroughly cleaned, the beans are carefully weighed and blended according to a companys particular specifications. These formulas are based on experience and desirability. To bring out the characteristic chocolate aroma (香味), the beans are roasted in large rotary cylinders. Depending upon the variety of the beans and the desired end result, the roasting lasts from 30 minutes to two hours at temperatures of 250~~F and higher. What follows roasting Proper roasting is one of the keys to good flavor, but there are still several more steps to follow. After roasting, the beans are quickly cooled and their thin shells, made brittle (易碎的) by roasting, are removed. The meat inside the shells is called "nibs". The nibs, which contain about 53 percent cocoa butter, are next conveyed to mills, where they are crushed between large grinding stones or heavy steel discs. The process generates enough frictional heat to liquefy the cocoa butter and form what is commercially known as chocolate liquor. The term liquor does not refer to alcohol. It simply means liquid. When the liquid is poured into molds and allowed to solidify, the resulting cakes are unsweetened or bitter chocolate.