宋德富,司爱侠,张强华 著
随着网络、通信和信息技术在国际贸易和商业领域的广泛应用,通过Internet实现商务活动的国际化、信息化和无纸化,已成为国际商务发展的一大趋势。电子商务正是为了适应这种以全球为市场的变化而出现和发展起来的。 电子商务从广义上讲,是指人们通过计算机网络进行的各种商务活动。它可以使企业跟供应商更紧密地联系,更快地满足客户要求;也可以让企业在全球范围内选择最佳供应商,在全球市场上销售商品,并能够大大缩减生产和销售成本。 电子商务是一种全新的经济形态、全新的经济模式,要取代传统的以GDP来衡量的经济模式,是整个社会范围内的一次全新的巨大变革和发展,因此,需要有一支浩大的、有活力的、有创新能力的管理队伍和技术队伍,这样才能尽快促进我国的新经济发展,缩小与发达国家的差距。正因为如此,今天许多高等院校都设有与电子商务相关的专业,而“电子商务专业英语”自然成了这些专业的必修课程。
《电子商务专业英语(第2版)》可作为高等学校电子商务、计算机及信息管理等专业的专业英语教材,也可供各种培训班及具备一定英语基础的人员自学使用。为了紧跟电子商务专业的迅速发展,《电子商务专业英语》(第二版)在内容上做了全面的调整、更新与补充。全书第一部分集中介绍电子商务基础,以Unit1的新选课文Electronic Business作为统领,后续课文包括B2B、B2C、电子商务基础构架、客户关系管理、物流与供应链管理、数据加密标准等;第二部分围绕网上交易、安全技术选取材料,内容包括在线支付、安全电子交易、电子货币、网上银行等。课文的选材注重时效性、实用性、前瞻性和专业深度的合理性。 为了便于教师教学与学生自学,每篇课文的新单词都注有国际音标;课文理解题目的设计方式更加方便读者对照课文的相关部分学习;围绕专业词汇的多种练习方式帮助练习者记忆并学会使用它们;英译汉翻译习题、复习课的阅读理解题综合地提供了重要的电子商务概念的释义和著名的电子商务公司及电子商务软件的介绍。全书最后给出的词汇总表和主课文的参考译文便于读者随时查阅。
Unit 1Passage: Electronic BusinessNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: E-commerceExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 2Passage: The ABCs of B2BNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: The E-marketplace BuilderExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 3Passage: The ABCs of B2CNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: The ABCs of ERPExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 4Passage: E-business InfrastructureNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: On-line ShoppingExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 5Passage: Customer Relationship ManagementNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: Business Models on the WebExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 6Passage: Supply Chain ManagementNew WordsPhrasesNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: Supply-chain CouncilExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 7Passage: The DESNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: eBayExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 8Revision ⅠUnit 9Passage: On-line Payment: the Search for a Complete Solution ContinuesNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: ChallengeExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 10Passage; Secure Electronic TransactionsNew WordsPhrases:AbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: A Smart Card for Everyone?Exercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 11Passage: Introduction to E-moneyNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: Electronic Money Mini-FAQExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 12Passage: Encryption TutorialNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: Getting Started with PGPExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16附录主要参考网站
[Para 1] Electronic Business, commonly referred to as "eBusiness" or "e-business", may bedefined as the utilisation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of all theactivities of business. Commerce constitutes the exchange of products and services between businesses,groups and individuals and hence can be seen as one of the essential activities of any business. Hence,electronic commerce or eCommerce focuses on the use of ICT to enable the external activities andrelationships of the business with individuals, groups and other businesses. [Para 2] Electronic business methods enable companies to link their internal and external dataprocessing systems more efficiently and flexibly, to work more closely with suppliers and partners, andto better satisfy the needs and expectations of their customers. [Para 31 In practice, e-business is more than just e-commerce. While e-business refers to morestrategic focus with an emphasis on the functions that occur using electronic capabilities, e-commerceis a subset of an overall e-business strategy. E-commerce seeks to add revenue streams using the WorldWide Web or the Internet to build and enhance relationships with clients and partners and to improveefficiency using the Empty Vessel strategy. Often, e-commerce involves the application of knowledgemanagement systems. [Para 4] E-business involves business processes spanning the entire value chain: electronicpurchasing and supply chain management, processing orders electronically, handling customer service,and cooperating with business partners. Special technical standards for e-business facilitate theexchange of data between companies. E-business software solutions allow the integration of intra andinter firm business processes. E-business can be conducted using the Web, the Internet, intranets,extranets, or some combination of these.