Unit 1 Phonetics - the Science of Speech1.1 Overview 11.2 Branches of Phonetics 21.3 Speech Production 41.4 Articulation 61.5 Applications 101.6 Test Yourself 17Unit 2 International Phonetic Alphabet2.1 Overview 202.2 The International Phonetic Alphabet 232.3 Narrow vs Broad Transcription 262.4 Cardinal Vowels 312.5 Applications 352.6 Test Yourself 38Unit 3 Classification of Speech Sounds3.1 Overview 413.2 Vowels and Consonants 443.3 Contoid and Vocoid 483.4 English Vowels and Consonants 503.5 Applications 533.6 Test Yourself 55Unit 4 Classification of English Consonants4.1 Overview 574.2 Voicing 584.3 Places of Articulation 604.4 Manners of Articulation 644.5 Applications 674.6 Test Yourself 69Unit 5 English Stops, Fricatives and Affricates5.1 Overview 715.2 Stops 725.3 Fricatives 785.4 Affricates 815.5 Applications 825.6 Test Yourself 85Unit 6 English Nasals and Approximants6.1 Overview 876.2 Nasals 876.3 Approximants 926.4 More about English Consonants 966.5 Applications 986.6 Test Yourself 100Unit 7 Classification of English Vowels7.1 Overview 1027.2 Close Vowels and Open Vowels 1077.3 Front Vowels and Back Vowels 1117.4 Rounded Vowels vs Unrounded Vowels 1137.5 Applications 1157.6 Test Yourself 118Unit 8 English Pure Vowels8.1 Overview 1208.2 Front Vowels 1248.3 Central Vowels 1278.4 Back Vowels 1288.5 Applications 1328.6 Test Yourself 135Unit 9 English Diphthongs9.1 Overview 1379.2 Closing Diphthongs 1399.3 Centering Diphthongs 1419.4 Length of Vowels 14.3……Unit 10 English Syllable StuctureUnit 11 English Word Stress and Sentence StressUnit 12 Strong Forms and Weak FormsUnit 13 Linking and AssimilationUnit 14 Rhythmic Structure in EnglishUnit 15 Tone in English UtterancesUnit 16 English Intonation in UseAppendix 1 Phonetic Symbols for English Vowels and ConsonantsAppendix 2 The International Phonetic Alphabet(Revissed to 2005)References
The higher number of consonants as compared to the number ot vowels in most systems clearly makes consonants relatively more informative than vowels, and precisely their information load may be at the basis of their lexical specialization. As we will see, however, the specialized function of consonants in conveying lexical information goes beyond their numerical superiority and remains unchanged also in languages in which there is a similar proportion of vowels and consonants. Consonants are not only more numerous than vowels, but they tend to disharmonize within a word, i.e. to become more distinctive. In contrast, vowels not only have less distinctive power than consonants because they are fewer in number in most systems, but also because of their tendency to loose distinctiveness. For example, generally speaking, vowels do not disharmonize but rather tend to harmonize throughout a domain in many languages. Because vowel harmony assimilates vowels for certain features, their original distinctive power is reduced. In addition, the domain of vowel harmony is often not lexical, but a signal to syntax. Vowels tend to loose their distinctiveness also independently of their tendency for harmonization: in many sound systems, vowels tend to loose their quality in unstressed positions. This is so in a variety of languages, such as English, in which unstressed vowels centralize. In other languages, the change is only partial, in that variation in vowel quality in stressed position is larger than in the unstressed position, e.g. in European Portuguese, where there are 8 vowels in the stressed position, but only 4 in unstressed position or in Italian, with 7 vowels in stressed position and 5 in the unstressed position. Thus in nonharmonic systems, vowels loose distinctiveness, though only in unstressed position. Consonants may neutralize in specific environments or may undergo weakening, but their loss of distinctiveness in general is not spread throughout a word, as in the case of vowels, in part because not all consonantal types undergo weakening. Instead, vowel reduction or vowel harmony, in many systems, affect all vowel types, and their effects can thus be seen throughout a word. ……