赵春霞 编
2008年的这个时候,西安培华学院校园里春意盎然,我们站在学院“以人为本,德育为先”办学理念的巨幅标语下,望着身边来来往往的学子,编者和我谈起她想以此为指导思想编写一本引导学生学做人、学做事、学与人相处的课外读物。她认为这样做一方面可以补充学生英语阅读量的不足,另一方面也可以使学生在读的过程中学会思考,提高他们的解码能力,再要求他们写出读书报告,提高他们的编码能力,逐步培养学生的语法能力、社会语言能力、语篇能力和策略能力。我即刻表示支持,因为学习语言没有大量的输入和输出是学不好的,而且在语言教学过程中注重育人也正是我们所追求的。 一年过去了,当她将这本书呈现给我时,我的确顿感眼前一亮。 第一,它对中国学子有普遍的教育意义。这本书的独特之处在于它所选取的文章可以说是从不同角度对人生意义的分析和总结。马斯洛是一位人本主义的实践者,其理论是对人本主义的升华。在今天,重温马斯洛,从某种意义上讲,就是学习以人为本。特别是在我国转型时期,马斯洛的以人为本的思想具有现实意义。 第二,它为我们趟出了一条新路。教学重在改革。什么叫改革?创新就是改革。多数英语教学对学生人文素质的培养重视得不够,而这本书打破传统,自成一种风格。作者集数十年英语教学的心得,以马斯洛的需求层次理论为主线,用平实的语言材料折射出了人的生理需求、安全需求、爱与归属需求、尊重需求和自我实现需求,读后会使人受益匪浅;后又引导学生学习如何发掘自己的潜力和培养兴趣,生活中怎样充满爱心和体验生活,困难时怎样正视现实和排除焦虑,工作时怎样培养创造力和自主性,对社会应负有怎样的责任感和使命感。这种独辟蹊径的英语读本编写方式值得提倡。 第三,它是与时俱进的典范。英语教学也要和时代同步,掌握了这个脉搏,就掌握了英语教学的方向。和谐社会是时代的要求;尊重是和谐的基因;“以人为本”是尊重的前提。作者不拘泥于英语,而是先对人生的重大课题有所思考,有所领悟,这也充分说明了她对英语教学的负责态度,对学生的关爱程度。有了这本书,英语教学必能再进一步,再深一层。 第四,它开辟了英语教学的新天地。英语是可以用来思考的。英语的教和学,过去是讲得多,记得多,但这远远不够。作者认为英语还必须多思,并且用英语思维,这就给英语教学提出了更高的要求。思考,是衡量一个民族、一个国家、一个社会、一个时代的标尺。我们学英语,不仅仅是要多一种语言,添一种工具,更是要用语言来充实头脑,这才是学习英语的意义。
第一,它对中国学子有普遍的教育意义。这本书的独特之处在于它所选取的文章可以说是从不同角度对人生意义的分析和总结。马斯洛是一位人本主义的实践者,其理论是对人本主义的升华。在今天,重温马斯洛,从某种意义上讲,就是学习以人为本。特别是在我国转型时期,马斯洛的以人为本的思想具有现实意义。 第二,它为我们趟出了一条新路。教学重在改革。什么叫改革?创新就是改革。多数英语教学对学生人文素质的培养重视得不够,而这本书打破传统,自成一种风格。作者集数十年英语教学的心得,以马斯洛的需求层次理论为主线,用平实的语言材料折射出了人的生理需求、安全需求、爱与归属需求、尊重需求和自我实现需求,读后会使人受益匪浅;后又引导学生学习如何发掘自己的潜力和培养兴趣,生活中怎样充满爱心和体验生活,困难时怎样正视现实和排除焦虑,工作时怎样培养创造力和自主性,对社会应负有怎样的责任感和使命感。这种独辟蹊径的英语读本编写方式值得提倡。 第三,它是与时俱进的典范。英语教学也要和时代同步,掌握了这个脉搏,就掌握了英语教学的方向。和谐社会是时代的要求;尊重是和谐的基因;“以人为本”是尊重的前提。作者不拘泥于英语,而是先对人生的重大课题有所思考,有所领悟,这也充分说明了她对英语教学的负责态度,对学生的关爱程度。有了这本书,英语教学必能再进一步,再深一层。 第四,它开辟了英语教学的新天地。英语是可以用来思考的。英语的教和学,过去是讲得多,记得多,但这远远不够。作者认为英语还必须多思,并且用英语思维,这就给英语教学提出了更高的要求。思考,是衡量一个民族、一个国家、一个社会、一个时代的标尺。我们学英语,不仅仅是要多一种语言,添一种工具,更是要用语言来充实头脑,这才是学习英语的意义。
上篇PART ONE PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS1 The Seven Gifts2 The Nutrients in Food3 The Little Scribe4 Why I Came to College5 Which Career Is the Right One for You?6 Finding a Partner7 Liking, Loving and Lust8 I Met a Bushman9 Preserving Our Planet10 The New CavesPART TWO SAFETY NEEDS11 How to Prepare for Earthquakes12 Workplace Safety Article: Avoiding Corporate Complacency13 Protection of Person and Property14 Natural Disasters: Protect Your Identity15 Warning Signs16 Various Influence on Health17 Spring: The Season of the Body18 Summer: The Season of the Emotions19 Autumn: The Season of the Mind20 Winter: The Season of the SoulPART THREE LOVE AND BELONGING NEEDS21 The Two Sides of Love22 My Most Unforgettable Character23 Spring of 195924 A Doll for Great-Grandmother25 The Blanket26 Angels on the Internet27 The Silver Elephant28 The Letter29 The Last Chapter: Their Marriage Was No Fairy Tale30 How To Make Love GrowPART FOUR ESTEEM NEEDS31 Thank You, Mam32 On the Right Path33 Were Raising Children, Not Flowers!34 More than One Way to the Square35 A Moment of Joy36 The RealTest37 All Good Things3 8 The First Lady Next Door39 He Led a Useful Life40 Too Much Talk, Not Enough Action41 Ten Effective Study Tips for Oral English Students42 How to Write a Book Report43 How to Prepare and Deliver a Speech44 How to Build Better Friendships45 Secrets of the Truly Popular46 The Seven Principles of Timing in Your Life47 Secrets Every Achiever Knows48 Four Minutes that Get You Hired49 The Secret to Successful Studying50 What Successful People Have in Common下篇PART ONE REALIZING POTENTIALS AND FOSTERINGINTERESTS1 True Height2 Hard Work Pays Off3 Three Days to See4 Life Without Fear5 A Special Sort of Stubbornness6 Got a Dream?7 Keeping the Brain Sharp as We Age8 Five Rules for Waking Up Alert9 Getting the Best Value for Time10 The Importance of ResiliencePART TWO SHOWING COMPASSION ANDEXPERIENCING LIFE11 Brotherly Love12 Forgiveness13 Dont Let It End This Way14 There Are No Coincidences15 The Gratitude We Need16 A Parable for Thanksgiving17 An Exchange of Gifts18 A Truckers Last Letter19 Life Is Short20 Humor and Mental HealthPART THREE FACING REALITY AND REDUCINGANXIETY21 The Day Mother Cried22 Dealing with Nervousness23 Speaking of the Devil24 Ways to Relieve Stress25 A Lesson in Patience from a Puppy26 A Bad Principal Taught Me a Good Lesson27 The Truth About Lying28 Measuring the Costs of Our Decisions29 A Successful Failure30 The Terribly, Tragically Sad ManPART FOUR CULTIVATING ORIGINALITY ANDAUTONOMY31 Universities and Their Function32 Angels on a Pin33 Jeremys Egg34 How to Become Gifted35 How to Get a Great Idea36 Lessons from Jefferson37 Albert Einstein and the Yo-Yo38 A Story of Young Hillary Rodhams Family Education39 Why People Work40 A Long March to CreativityPART FIVE TAKING RESPONSIBILITIES ANDSHOULDERING MISSIONS
The runner set out with the letter. At first, he ran well; but then he heard an animalin front of him. He could not see it, but it was a big animal. It made a lot of noise. He ranback and went up a tree. He waited there for a long time until he could not hear the animal.Then he came down the tree. But he could not find the letter; it was lost. He remembered the ship, which was going on its way down the river. He ran throughthe forest and looked for the letter. There was not much time. He must find the letterquickly. At last he saw it on the ground under a tree. The runner caught the ship, and the ship took the letter down to the sea. There it wasput into a bag with some other letters, and the bag was put into a bigger ship. On the nextday it set out on its long journey over the sea, and in about a month it got to London. When the bags of letters were taken off the ship, something broke. Some of the bagsfell into the water. A man went down under the water to find the bags. He found them all. Some men opened the bags and looked at the letters inside. The letters were wet, butthese men were able to read the names on the letters. They did this kind of work all theirlives. They knew their work. Susans letter went on its way with the others. The bags of letters were put into a train. At the end of that journey they were all takenout, and seven of them were put into a fast train to Newton. Susan lived at Newton. Thetrain ran quickly through the night. In a part of the train next to the bags, two men waited. At the right time they beganthe work which they were going to do. They made a big hole in the wooden wall, and gotthrough the hole to the bags of letters. Some of these letters had money in them, and thethieves knew about it. They wanted the money.