赵海芳 编
《机电一体化技术专业:实用英语》融公共外语与专业外语于一体,以岗位的需要制定学习内容、设计训练项目,将所需的技术理论与技术实践知识融入课程中,旨在实现学生完成校内学习之后能掌握企业所需的基本英文知识。 本教材包括五个学习情境:①车间接待外宾;②产品介绍;③撰写求职信;④识读自动线英文说明书;⑤识读数控机床说明书。完成这五个学习情境后学生应达到下列学习目标: 1.能用英语清楚、明白地进行自我介绍和对场所及产品进行解说。 2.掌握英语应用文书写格式并根据自身特点写出英文求职信。 3.能够借助词典看懂进口机电设备及产品的使用说明书。 4.通过小组团队形式完成工作任务,形成团队合作精神。
Learning Situation 1Receiving Foreigners in the WorkshopTask ListInformation Searching ListData List1.1 What is foreign-related etiquette?1.2 How to greet foreigners?1.3 How to do self-introduction?1.4 How to introduce the workshop?Plan ListDecision ListImplementation ListAssignment ListChecking ListJudging ListFeedback ListLearning Situation 2Product IntroductionTask ListInformation Searching ListData List1.1 Contents and Requirements of Introduction1.2 Definition and illustration of mechanical and electrical products1.3 Introduction 11.4 Introduction 2Plan ListDecision ListImplementation ListAssignment ListChecking ListJudging ListFeedback ListLearning Situation 3Writing a Job Application LetterTask ListInformation Searching ListData List1.1 How to write a wonderful resume?1.2 Sample of resumes1.3 How to write a wonderful job application letter?1.4 Samples of job application letters1.5 Seven steps to enter a foreigncompany if you have an amazing job application letter1.6 The sentences you often use in writing a job application letterPlan ListDecision ListImplementation ListAssignment ListChecking ListJudging ListFeedback ListLearning Situation 4Reading Instruction of MPS AutomaticProduction LineTask ListInformation Searching ListData List1.1 Robot operation panel and functions1.2 Function of Pendant T/B keys Plan ListDecision ListImplementation ListAssignment ListChecking ListJudging ListFeedback ListLearning Situation 5Reading Instruction of CNC LatheTask ListInformation Searching ListData List1.1 Differences between EST and literary works1.2 Useful NC technology terms1.3 Fault Diagnosis and ActionPlan ListDecision ListImplementation ListAssignment ListChecking ListJudging ListFeedback List参考文献