(法)达拉曼,(法)贾法德 主编
The texts of this book grew from an ISFMA (Sino-French Institute ofApplied Mathematics) symposium on Wavelet Methods in Mathemat-ical Analysis and Engineering that took place in August 2007 on theZhuhai campus of Sun Yat-Sen University. This symposium was com-posed of a one week summer school mainly directed towards ChinesePhD students and postdocs, followed by a one week conference attendedby researchers from all over the world.This event was co-organizedby Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou and the ISFMA in Shangai.The purpose of the courses was to give the students the required levelin wavelet analysis and in the main applications that would be treatedduring the conference, so that they would be able to follow it with profit.The courses were given by Albert Cohen, Daoqinq Dai, Stphane Jaffard,Lixin Shen, Zuowei Shen and Lihua Yang; they covered basic materialsconcerning construction of properties of wavelet bases, and alternativedecomposition methods; they gave an overview of the main applicationsin the numerical analysis of PDEs, and signal and image processing.The workshop exposed new techniques such as Empirical Mode Decom-position (EMD) and new trends in the recovery of missing data, suchas compressed sensing, and a sample of a few recent key applications ofwavelets in several scientific areas. This event was part of a long termcollaboration between Chinese, Singaporean and French mathematiciansin the area of wavelet analysis, and a second event took place one yearlater, with the Chinese-French-Singaporean Joint Workshop on WaveletTheory and Applications in Singapore (June 2008).These texts essentially correspond to the courses that were givenduring the summer school. Put together, they give a comprehensiveoverview of both the fundamentals of wavelet analysis and related tools,and of the most active directions of applications that developed recently.They offer a state of the art in several active areas of research wherewavelet ideas, or more generally multiresolution ideas have proved par-ticularly effective.
This book gives a comprehensive overview of both the fundamentals of wavelet analysis and related tools, and of the most active recent developments towards applications. It offers a state of the art in several active areas of research where wavelet ideas, or more generally multiresolution ideas have proved particularly effective. The main applications covered are in the numerical analysis of PDEs, and signal and image processing. Recently introduced techniques such as Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and new trends in the recovery of missing data, such as compressed sensing, are also presented. Applications range for the reconstruction of noisy or blurred images, pattern and face recognition, to nonlinear approximation in strongly anisotropic contexts, and to the classification tools based on multifractal analysis.
PrefaceJianfeng Cai, Raymond Chan, Lixin Shen, Zuowei Shen: Tight Frame Based Method for High-Resolution Image ReconstructionAlbert Cohen: Greedy Algorithms for Adaptive Triangulations and ApproximationsStephane Jaffard, Patrice Abry, Stephane G. Roux, Beatrice Vedel, Herwig Wendt: The Contribution of Wavelets in Multifractal AnalysisChaochun Liu and Daoqing Dai: Wavelet Methods for Image-Based Face Recognition: A SurveyLihua Yang: Hilbert-Huang Transform: Its Background, Algorithms and Applications