张维友 主编,张应林 分册主编
《高级综合英语教程》(dvanced Integrated Skills of English)是为新世纪师范类高等学校英语专业高年级学生编写的综合英语教科书。《高级综合英语教程》共4册,第1册和第2册各含16个单元,第3册和第4册各含13个单元。每个单元由两篇课文组成,分成四大部分:语言技能训练、语言训练、拓展训练和教师技能训练。第一部分和第二部分都围绕课文l展开。“语言技能训练”着重培养学生综合使用语言的能力。该部分设有“读前”、“读中”和“读后”语言技能活动,以阅读为主线,带动口头表达和书面表达,以提高读、说、写的能力。第二部分为“语言训练”,注重对词汇、结构、语义、修辞、语篇、文体等进行分析和操练,以提高学生的语言敏感性和文化意识。拓展训练包括课文2和语言知识拓展。课文2是课文l的拓展阅读,是对课文l的主题、体裁和技能的延伸,目的是增加阅读量,扩大知识面,提高阅读理解能力。“拓展训练”设有语言知识及使用,旨在较为系统地总结和归纳中国学生英语学习中的重点和难点,进一步拓展未来英语教师应该掌握的语言知识和技能技巧。第3册和第4册适合于即将毕业的学生,内容的安排和练习的设计有所侧重,如加大了课文难度,增加了文学体裁文章,扩大了阅读量,以增强修辞和文学欣赏能力的培养。教师发展是本教材的重要特色,旨在系统全面介绍和操练英语教师应该掌握的主要教学技能技巧。教材的编写遵循以交际活动带动教学的原则,突出以学生为主体的语言运用活动。教材的练习活动设计注意培养学生独立分析问题和解决问题的能力,注重篇章的整体教学。在教学方法上既保留了传统的被实践证明行之有效的语言训练形式,又引进了较为先进的体验性阅读和研究性阅读等活动,形式丰富多彩,相得益彰。 本教材是(《综合英语教程》的修订版。《综合英语教程》自2001年出版以来,被众多高校采用,受到师生的好评。期间,我们注意不断收集意见,并进行了广泛调查研究,在此基础上对下述诸方面进行了修订:1.更换部分课文,包括相应的活动练习,使得体裁和题材更加多样化,课文难易合适,长短相宜,增强了课文的趣味性和可读性;2.对部分课文的先后顺序进行了调整,做到从易到难,循序渐进;3.增添和更换了部分练习,增加了语篇知识和语篇分析分量;4.将第1、2册的“教师小贴士”改为“教师技能训练”,并从第l、2册延伸到第3、4册,彰显了师范特色。
Unit 1 PoliticsUnit 2 EducationUnit 3 LanguageUnit 4 Nature and HumanityUnit 5 PsychologyUnit 6 FantasyUnit 7 AdolescentsUnit 8 MoneyUnit 9 MoralityUnit 10 BusinessUnit 11 SexesUnit 12 Health and SportUnit 13 Love
British education: British education aims to develop fully the abilities of individuals,both young and old, for their own benefit and that of society as a whole. Compulsoryschooling takes place between the ages of 5 and 16, although some provision is madefor children under 5, and many pupils remain at school beyond the minimum leavingage. Post-school education (mainly at universities and colleges of further and highereducation) is organized flexibly to provide a wide range of opportunities for academicand vocation education and continuing study throughout life. For many years Britisheducation has been characterized by change, and much of the post-1945 period hasalso been marked by growth: large increases in the number of pupils, the expansion ofhigher educational opportunities, and increased expenditure. Although the process ofchange continues, recent years have seen increasing reassessment and consolidation aswell as a number of other significant developments, including the beginning of asubstantial drop in the number of school children following a fall in the birth rate, andthe need, because of economic circumstances, to reduce public expenditure. The numberof the primary school children has already fallen sharply, and the decline in numbershas begun to affect secondary schools, although this is partly offset by the greaternumbers staying on at school because of the present high level of unemployment. Ithas led to a reduced demand for new teachers (although there is still a need for moreteachers of certain specialized subjects) and teacher training has been reorganized tocooe with the new situation while retainin~ flexibility for further expansion.