

施发敏 著 高等教育出版社





施发敏 著  




  《当代大学英语听说教程(中高级)》旨在更好地适应我国高等教育的新形势,深化大学英语教学改革,提高大学英语教学质量,满足复合型、创新型人才的培养目标,以教育部“质量工程”的建设精神和《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》为指导,根据全新的教学理念和全新的素材精心编写而成,供大学英语教学和中高级英语学习者使用。  以建构主义和人本主义学习理论为指导,遵循现代外语教学理论,在充分运用先进教育技术的基础上,注重培养学生的听说能力、跨文化交际能力和英语综合应用能力,同时夯实语言基本功,使学习者在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流。  2。编写体例  本教材采用模块化设计,分为Pre-listening,While-listening,Post-listening和Application of Strategies四大模块。单元的设计和编排既考虑到题材的广度和材料的难易度,也做到了按照英语听说策略训练的先后顺序,有针对性地加强培养学生的自主学习能力和语言综合运用能力。




UNIT 1 Surviving CollegePart Ⅰ Culture LinkPart Ⅱ Pre-listening StrategyIntroduction to Pre-listening StrategyPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ Listen and ChoosePart Ⅴ Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅵ SummaryPart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure ActivitiesUNIT 2 Studying AbroadPart Ⅰ Culture LinkPart Ⅱ Pre-listening Strategy—— Being Aware of AssimilationPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ Listen and ChoosePart Ⅴ True or FalsePart Ⅵ Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure ActivitiesUNIT 3 Foreign CustomsPart Ⅰ Culture LinkPart Ⅱ Pre-listening Strategy—— Bridging Culture GapPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ Listen and ChoosePart Ⅴ SummaryPart Ⅵ True or FalsePart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure ActivitiesUNIT 4 Food and DietPart Ⅰ Culture LinkPart Ⅱ Pre-listening Strategy——Establishing the Mood or Attitude of the SpeakerPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ Listen and ChoosePart Ⅴ SummaryPart Ⅵ Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure ActivitiesUNIT 5 HealthPart Ⅰ Culture LinkPart Ⅱ Pre-listening StrategyReading Through the Given QuestionsPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ Listen and ChoosePart Ⅴ Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅵ True or FalsePart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure ActivitiesUNIT 6 Interpersonal RelationshipsPart Ⅰ Culture LinkPart Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Introduction to While-listening StrategiesPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ SummaryPart Ⅴ Listen and ChoosePart Ⅵ True or FalsePart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure ActivitiesUNIT 7 HolidaysPart Ⅰ Culture LinkPart Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Paraphrasing in ListeningPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ Listen and ChoosePart Ⅴ Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅵ SummaryPart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure ActivitiesUNIT 8 Public SpeakingPart ⅠCulture LinkPart Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Listening for Sense GroupsPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅴ True or FalsePart Ⅵ Listen and ChooseUNIT 9 EntertainmentPart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure ActivitiesPart Ⅰ Culture LinkPart Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Focusing on the Main IdeaPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ Listen and ChoosePart Ⅴ Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅵ True or FalsePart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure ActivitiesUNIT 10 Art and SportPart Ⅰ Culture LinkPart Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Guessing Meaning from the ContextPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ Listen and ChoosePart Ⅴ True or FalsePart Ⅵ SummaryPart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure ActivitiesUNIT 11 Enjoying Family LifePart Ⅰ Culture LinkPart Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Listening for Numbers and CalculationPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ Listen and ChoosePart Ⅴ Sentence Order RearrangementPart Ⅵ Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure ActivitiesUNIT 12 InsurancePart Ⅰ Culture LinkPart Ⅱ While-listening Strategy—— Determining the Speaker's IdentityPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ Listen and ChoosePart Ⅴ SummaryPart Ⅵ Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure Activities UNIT 13 FinancePart l Culture LinkPart Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Making Use of Discourse MarkersPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ Listen and FiII inPart Ⅴ Listen and ChoosePart Ⅵ True or FalsePart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure ActivitiesUNIT 14 Man and NaturePart I Culture LinkPart Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Sharpening Ears for Important DetailsPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ Listen and ChoosePart Ⅴ SummaryPart Ⅵ True or FalsePart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure ActivitiesUNIT 15 Social ProblemsPart Ⅰ Culture LinkPart Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Drawing Inferences While ListeninPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversatiOnsPart lV Listen and ChoosePart Ⅴ True or FalsePart Ⅵ Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure ActivitiesUNIT l6 Energy CdsisPart Ⅰ Culture LinkPart Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Listening to LecturesPart Ⅲ Understanding ConversationsPart Ⅳ Listen and ChoosePart Ⅴ Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅵ True or FalsePart Ⅶ Compound DictationPart Ⅷ Leisure Activities……参考书目




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