黄强,夏宏钟 编
随着全球经济一体化进程日益加快,世界各国商务、工程、文化等交流日益增加,培养具有扎实基本功、宽广知识面、一定的相关专业知识、较高外语水平的复合型人才成为我国高等院校培养人才的基本要求。但是,长期以来,英语专业学生着重纯语言学科的学习,忽视与其他人文学科、自然学科知识的交叉融合,导致学生知识结构单一、综合素质不高。理工科学生由于语言环境和专业的限制,无法接触到当今流行、实用的工程英语和商务英语知识。在涉外工程的沟通中常常面临极大的工作压力和困难。本书将国际工程项目中的知识,以英语的形式表述,以期能给英语专业的学生弥补商务、工程知识;给理工科学生弥补英语知识、商务知识,尤其是涉及工程各个环节的英语知识。本书适用于理工科大学二年级及以上学生以及英语专业的学生使用。 本书以某国际工程项目为例,从招标开始,到合同谈判、签署直至工程考核、验收为止,基本涵盖了工程项目的整个过程。内容涉及商贸、法律、工程及.工业生产等多种知识。全书共分为十二个单元,主要包括:国际工程招投标、商务合同谈判、合同的价格和价格明细、合同的付款和付款条件、货物的交付和交付条件、货物的包装和标识、工程设计和设计联络、工程标准和检验标准、工程安装、试运行和调试、项目的考核验收和索赔、合同的其他事宜、合同技术谈判和技术附件细则等。每个单元提出了学习目标,配有词汇、注释和练习。本书特别配有大量案例,让读者扩大知识面、开阔视野、增加见识。 作者在编写过程中立足于实用性、知识性、专业性,同时又兼顾普及性,所使用词汇、文体都较浅显易懂,有一定英语基础的工程技术人员和从事英语翻译的工作人员都可参阅。
Unit 1 International Bidding1. Definitions of Bidding2. The Different Approaches of Bidding3. The Common Mode and Practice in International Bidding4. The General Procedure of Bidding5. A Process Description of BiddingUnit 2 Commercial Negotiation and Contract 1. Preparation for a Negotiation2. Definition in a Contract3. A Contract Object4. A Project Object Description5. A Sample Act of Describing Contract Object Unit 3 Price and Price Breakdown1. Pricing Policy for an International Transaction2. The Terms of Price and Price Breakdown3. A Sample of a Price Breakdown of Equipment 4. A Sample of a Project Commercial OfferUnit 4 Payment and Terms of Payment1. Methods of Payment2. Payment Stipulations in a Commercial Contract 3. A Template of Payment Terms4. A Sample of a Bill of Exchange or Draft5. A Sample of a Letter of CreditUnit 5 Delivery and Terms of Delivery1. Introduction2. A Template of Delivery and Terms of Delivery3. Guidance on Taking Deliveries4. A Sample of a Delivery Contract5. A Sample of a Bill of Lading6. A Sample of a Commercial InvoiceUnit 6 Cargo Packing and Marking1. The General Stipulations for Cargo Packing in International Trade2. Special Requirements for Packing Different Cargoes3. Special Requirements for Different Containers4. Shipping Mark5. A Sample of Packing, Marking and Shipping Specifications6. A Sample of a Packing AgreementUnit 7 Design and Design Meetings1. The Program of a General Kick-off Meeting2. A Partial Agenda of a Kick-off Meeting3. A Sample of a Kick-off Meeting Report4. A Template of Design and Design Meetings5. The Common Design Work in Engineering6. Design Division and Technical Documentation DeliveryUnit 8 Standards and Inspection of a Contract1. Technical Standards2. Inspection 3. An Introduction of the Famous ASME( American Society ofMechanical Engineers)4. An Example of Specifications, Codes and Standards inSteel and Bridge Building5. A Sample of an Inspection ContractUnit 9 Erection, Test-run, Commissioning, PerformAnce Test andAcceptance of a Contract Plant ~1. Introduction2. A Template of an Agreement on Erection, Test-run, Commissionin~Performance Test and Acceptance3. A Sample of a Steel Erection Plan and Sequence4. A Sample of a Test-run Plan for a Thermal Supply Machine5. A Sample of a Commissioning6. A Sample of a Project Performance Test Report7. An Outline of a Project Acceptance Plan8. A Template of an Acceptance ReportUnit 10 Process Guarantee, Claim, Arbitration and Penalty1. Definition of a Process Guarantee2. A Common Process Guarantee Description3. A Sample of a Process Guarantee4. Claim5. Arbitration6. A Case of Making Claims7. An Arbitration Agreement8. A Sample of an Arbitration AwardUnit 11 Miscellanies1. Definition of Know-how and Secrecy2. A Common Template of Know-how and Secrecy3. Force Majeure4. A Common Template of Force Majeure5. Taxes6. Effectiveness and Termination of a Contract and OthersUnit 12 Technical Negotiation and Annexes1. Technical Negotiation2. Technical Annex Preparation Guidelines3. The Common Items Contained in an Engineering Technical Annex4. A Sample of a Technical Proposal5. A Sample of a Technical AnnexKeysReference Books and Intemet Resources
We invite bidders who are registered with the Administration of Industry and Commerce to participate in the bidding for the construction of a new harbor near AB City. General terms and conditions together with the blueprints and technicalrequirements can be obtained from the Business Department of the Harbor Administration against payment of $ 50 for each copy. All offers are to be sent to the above department at No. 123, ABC Street, DEFcity marked with the name and number of the bidder at or before 12:00 noon on Friday, 5 July 2008. Offers should be accompanied by preliminary guarantee issued by Bank of China, equal to not less than 5 percent of the value of the offer. Any offer submitted after the closing date of the bidder, or the one does not comply with the above terms, will be rejected.