徐小贞 主编
外贸业务活动需要大量能运用英语进行工作的专业人才,长期以来我国外贸人才的培养存在着英语语言和专业知识、技能相分离的状况。为了实现人才培养与实际工作需要的紧密对接,我们特编写了这本国际贸易实务英语版教材,旨在通过在英语环境下进行外贸知识学习和技能操练,学生能够实现知识、能力、语言的融合,为其以后在国际贸易领域的职业发展打下基础。 在本教材编写过程中,我们就外贸业务活动对人才的知识和技能的实际要求进行了调研,并参考了国内外有关国际贸易实务教学的各种理论,本着“实用、好用”的原则进行内容的选择、编写和体例设计。作为一本国际贸易实务的英语版教材,本教材具有以下特色: 第一,内容现实实用。本教材内容的选择主要依据外贸业务对知识和内容的具体要求,而并不拘泥于知识体系内在的逻辑,同时在内容选择上充分考虑外贸业务活动的新趋势和新要求,使教材具有鲜明的现实感。在知识和技能的平衡上,更多倾向于学生实际技能的培养。 第二,体例新颖生动。本教材在内容编排上,采用了大量图形、表格,使抽象的国际贸易知识变得生动形象。在知识的呈现中穿插了丰富的案例,通过案例拉近学生与抽象知识间的距离。
Unit 1 Introduction 1.1 The Importance of Foreign Trade for a Nation 1.2 A View on China' s Foreign Trade 1.3 The Classification of International Trade 1.4 The Analysis of Foreign Trade for a Nation 1.5 International Organizations Involved in International Trade 1.6 Institutions Involved in a Foreign Trade Transaction 1.7 Laws and Regulations Governing International Trade 1.8 The Aim of the CourseUnit 2 Quality and Quantity of Commodities 2.1 Name of Commodity 2.2 Quality of Commodity 2.3 Quantity of CommodityUnit 3 Packing and Marking 3.1 Shipping Hazards 3.2 Types of Packs or Packages 3.3 Factors Determining Proper Packing 3.4 Marking and Labeling 3.5 Packing Clause 3.6 Packing ListUnit 4 Incoterms 4.1 Introduction to Incoterms 4.2 Use of Incoterms 4.3 Organization of Incoterms 2000 4.4 Applicable Modes of Transport 4.5 Notes on Incoterms 2000 4.6 FOB Free on Board (...named port of shipment) 4.7 CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight (...named port of destination) 4.8 A Review of IncotermsUnit 5 Export Pricing 5.1 Complexity of Export Pricing 5.2 Pricing Considerations 5.3 Costing Methods 5.4 Export Pricing Formula 5.5 Export Quotation 5.6 Price Clause 5.7 Some EquationsUnit 6 Cargo Transportation 6.1 Modes of Transport 6.2 Maritime Transport 6.3 Ocean Bill of Lading 6.4 Containerization 6.5 Transport Clause in a Sales ContractUnit 7 Cargo Transport Insurance 7.1 Basic Concepts in Insurance 7.2 Different Risks 7.3 Different Losses 7.4 The Different Ocean Marine Insurance Coverage Under C.I. C. 7.5 Commencement and Termination of Different Insurance Coverage 7.6 Export and Import Insurance Practice and Insurance Documents 7.7 Insurance Claims 7.8 Insurance Clauses in a Sales ContractUnit 8 International Payment 8.1 Payment Instruments 8.2 Payment MethodsUnit 9 Letter of Credit 9.1 Overview of a Letter of Credit 9.2 Parties Involved in L/C Payment 9.3 The Circulation and Characteristics of L/C 9.4 The Contents of the L/C 9.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of L/C Payment 9.6 Notes for the Seller and the Buyer 9.7 Special Letters of CreditUnit 10 Inspection ,Claim; Force Majeure and Arbitration 10.1 Commodity Inspection 10.2 Claims and Settlement of Claims 10.3 Force Majeure 10.4 ArbitrationUnit 11 Business Negotiation and Contract Conclusion 11.1 Forms and Contents of Contract Negotiation 11.2 Procedures of Contract Negotiation ll.3 Conclusion of a Contract l1.4 Contents of a ContractUnit 12 Performa nee of Contract: 12.1 The Procedures of Export Contract Performance 12.2 The Procedures of Import Contract Performance 12.3 Customs Clearance for the Goods 12.4 Documents Involved in Export and ImportGlossary参考文献的
插图:Generally, the insured shall present an Application for Insurance to arrange insurance for the cargo. The format of the Application for Insurance varies from insurer to insurer, but the contents remain basically the same. The main contents of an Application for Insurance may include: the name of the insured, the name of the cargo, the packing and quantity of the cargo, the shipping mark, the insured amount, the vessel name, the sailing date, the sailing route, the insurance coverage and the place of claim. The Application for Insurance is a statement of the related information about the cargo and the basis on which the insurance company decides on the premium and issues the insurance policy. The information provided in the Application shall be correct and true.
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