陶向龙,张荣,周捷 编
《新编实用英语扩展教程》(1~4)是按照教育部颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》编写的一套系列丛书,旨在构建教与学之间的桥梁,帮助广大青年学生在有限的学习时间里获得最佳的学习成效。 作为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材系列用书,本套教程在编写上本着“实用为主,够用为度”的原则,将每个单元细分为“学习登录”、“难点点击”、“写作升级”、“考试链接”和“练习解码”等五大模块,涵盖了听、说、读、写、译等语言技能的各个方面,侧重培养学生的实际应用能力及应试能力。全套教程可配套“十一五”国家级规划教材《新编实用英语综合教程》(1~4)(第二版)使用。 本系列教程形式活泼新颖,内容丰富多彩、详略得当,讲解难点时能够深入浅出。书中的背景知识介绍融知识性和趣味性为一体,学习方法通俗易懂,考试链接内容也均选用历年实考真题,讲解翔实,分类清晰,能有效地提高学生的应试能力,为莘莘学子扫清英语学习道路上的障碍。第一册到第三册的考试链接部分主要围绕《高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲》关于A、B级考试的内容进行操练讲解,实为专升本学生升学考试做好准备。第四册则根据教育部《大学英语四级考试大纲》(2006年修订版),详细讲解了相关题型特点,并分别介绍了诸多应试技巧。同时,本教程的各册书中还配套了相应的实考试题,便于学生开展自主性学习。 本系列教程的编写人员长期工作在教学第一线,熟谙高职高专学生英语学习中的困难和要求,具有丰富的实战教学经验。他们孜孜不倦、任劳任怨、克服诸多困难,方使得编写工作得以顺利完成。 由于时间仓促,水平有限,虽经数易其稿,不妥之处恐难避免,因此我们热切期盼广大读者提出宝贵的批评和建议,以便我们在日后的修订中使之日臻完善。
Unit One Promoting Activities第一部分:学习登录第二部分:难点点击第三部分:写作升级第四部分:考试链接第五部分:练习解码Unit Two Company Profiles第一部分:学习登录第二部分:难点点击第三部分:写作升级第四部分:考试链接第五部分:练习解码Unit Three Purchase and Payment第一部分:学习登录第二部分:难点点击第三部分:写作升级第四部分:考试链接第五部分:练习解码Unit Four Training Across Cultures第一部分:学习登录第二部分:难点点击第三部分:写作升级第四部分:考试链接第五部分:练习解码Unit Five Brands and Advertisements第一部分:学习登录第二部分:难点点击第三部分:写作升级第四部分:考试链接第五部分:练习解码Unit Six Sharing the Loss第一部分:学习登录第二部分:难点点击第三部分:写作升级第四部分:考试链接第五部分:练习解码Unit Seven Busy Agenda and Schedule第一部分:学习登录第二部分:难点点击第三部分:写作升级第四部分:考试链接第五部分:练习解码Unit Eight Thinking Global,Acting Local第一部分:学习登录第二部分:难点点击第三部分:写作升级第四部分:考试链接第五部分:练习解码高等学校英语应用能力考试实考试题(A级)Test OneTest TwoTest ThreeTest Four实考试题答案
OGSD is responsible for the planning of all security and public order measures required during the preparation and the hosting of the Games, the implementation (实施) of all security operational plans and the coordination of all organizations and agencies involved in Olympic security. ATHENS 2004 has employed independent security consultants with vast experience from the Olympic Games of Sydney and Salt Lake. OGSD are working with the Olympic Advisory Group (OAG), a seven-nation task force with extensive experience in the security planning of large sport events, including the Olympic Games. The seven nations are Australia, France, Germany, Israel, Spain, the UK and the US. OAG meets regularly to discuss planning, technology and training issues. Within this framework, for example, OGSD organises operational readiness exercises in close cooperation with the British Police as well as specialised training sessions in cooperation with government agencies from the OAG. 36. The organizations which are responsible for Olympic security are A) Coast Guard, Fire-Brigade and OAG. B) OAG, IOC, OGSD and Defense Forces. C) Ministry of Public Order and OGSD D) Fire-Brigade and Defense Forces personnel. 37. What kind of organization is the Olympic Games Security Division (OGSD)? A) It is a coast guard directly under the Ministry of Public Order. B) It is an international police organization sent by the United States. C) It is made up by the Ministry of Public order, Fire-Brigade and OAG. D) It is a police unit specially formed for the Olympic Games. 38. The Olympic Advisory Group (OAG) is a seven-nation task force which A) has rich experience in security planning of large sports events B) organizes specialized training sessions in cooperation with government agencies C) is responsible for the planning of all security and public order measures D) has specially trained more than 41 000 security personnel for ATHENS 2004