《新编实用英语》教材编写组 编
Part One ReadingChapter 1 Career PathsSerctionⅠ Lead-inSection Ⅱ Background InformationSection Ⅲ Sam ple LearningⅠ) Sample ReadingⅡ) TipsforSuccessfuljob-huntingSection IV Language TipsSection V DIY ActivitiesChapter 2 Job AdvertisementSection ⅠLead-inSection Ⅱ Background informationSection Ⅲ Sam pIe LearningⅠ) Sample Reading Ⅱ) Components and ContentSection IV Language TipsSection V DIY ActivitiesChapter3 Com[any's ProfileSection Ⅰ Lead-inSection Ⅱ Background InformationSeotion Ⅲ Sam pIe LearningⅠ) Sample Reading Ⅱ) Components Recognition Section IV Language TipsSection V DIY ActivitiesChapter 4 Job DescriptionSection Ⅰ Lead-inSection Ⅱ Background InformationSection Ⅲ Sample LearningⅠ) Sample ReadingⅡ) Components and ContentSection IV Language TipsSection V DIY ActivitiesPart Two-WritingChapter 5 Résumé/Job Application FormSection Ⅰ Lead-inSection ⅡBackground InformationSection Ⅲ Sample LearningSection IV Language TipsSection V DIY ActivitiesChapter 6 Application LetterSection I LeadSection II Background InformationSection Ⅲ Sample LearningⅠ) Sample ReadingⅡ) Components and ContentSection IV Language TipsSection V DIY Activities……Part Three-Listening and Speaking