焦建利,叶力汉 编
《普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材·教育技术学专业系列教材:教育技术学专业英语》是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,也是教育部高等学校教育技术学专业教学指导委员会组织编写的教育技术学专业系列教材之一。 《普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材·教育技术学专业系列教材:教育技术学专业英语》选材涵盖了教育技术学学科的主要领域,包括教育技术学的定义与历史、理论基础、教学设计、远程教育、信息技术教育、教育技术学研究等内容,反映了教育技术学学科的现状和发展趋势。全书共20章,72篇短文。在每章的结尾,列出了生词短语和词组、专业术语、注释、教学活动建议与拓展性学习资料以及部分短文的参考译文,以方便教学使用。 本书不仅可供高等学校教育技术学专业本科生和硕士研究生作为“专业英语”和“教育技术学基础”双语课程的教材,同时也可供传播学、教育学以及其他相关专业的学生和教育技术学工作者参考。
The History of Instructional TechnologySection A Pre——]920sSection B 1920s——1940sSection C 1950s——1970sSection D 1980s——PresentNew Words and ExpressionsProfessional VocabularyNotes to the TextSuggested Activities and Extended MaterialsSelected Translation for ReferenceThe Definitions of Instructional TechnologySection A The Early DefinitionsSection B The AECT's Definitions in 1994Section C Assumptions behind the AECT' s Definition in 2005New Words and ExpressionsProfessional VocabularyNotes to the TextSuggested Activities and Extended MaterialsSelected Translation for ReferenceMedia and LearningSection A The Medium is the MessageSection B Media ResearchSection C The Great Media DebateSection D The No Significant Difference PhenomenonNew Words and ExpressionsProfessional VocabularyNotes to the TextSuggested Activities and Extended MaterialsSelected Translation for ReferenceInstructional Technology: New DevelopmentSection A The Positive and Negative Trends of InstructionalTechnology Development Section B Looking Forward: Trends That Could Affect Our Future 1Section C Looking Forward: Trends That Could Affect Our Future 2New Words and ExpressionsProfessional VocabularyNotes to the Text .Suggested Activities and Extended MaterialsSelected Translation for ReferenceLearning TheoriesSection A Why Theories of LearningSection B BehaviorismSection C CognitivismSection D ConstructivismNew Words and ExpressionsProfessional VocabularyNotes to the TextSuggested Activities and Extended MaterialsSelected Translation for ReferenceTeaching TheoriesSection A Gagn6' s Theory of Instruction……Communication TheoriesSystematic TheoryInstructional DesignModels of Instructional DesignLearning Environment DesignInformation and Communication Technology CurriculumIntegration of Technology into the CurriculumApplication of ICT in EducationDefinitions and History of Distance EducationThe Theory of Distance EducationSuccessful Cases of Distance EducationAn Overview of Educational Technology ResearchResearch Methodologies for Instructional TechnologyA Research Report of Research on Educational TechnologyGlossaries on Instructional TechnologyAssociations on Instructional TechnologyJournals on Instructional TechnologyDoctoral Programs in Instructional Technology
(1) verbal information, that is, knowing "that" or "what"; (2) intellectual skills, that is, applying knowledge ; (3) cognitive strategies, that is, employing effective ways of thinking and learning; (4) attitudes, that is, feelings and beliefs that govern choices of personal action; (5) motor skills, that is, executing precisely, smoothly and accurately timed movements. The reason for defining different categories of learning outcomes stems from the assumption thatthey must all require different conditions for learning. For example, learning to ride a bicycle ( a motorskill) is different in fundamental ways from ,learning the multiplication table ( verbal information ) ,which is different in fundamental ways from learning to solve scientific problems (intellectual skill). In addition to conditions of learning that are unique to each learning outcome, there are conditionsof learning which facilitate the process of learning in general. Gagn6 conceived of the nine events ofinstruction as learning conditions to support internal processes such as attention, encoding, andretrieval. The events of instruction are presented briefly below: 1. Gaining attention: a stimulus change to alert the learner and focus attention on desiredfeatures. ……