《通识教育英语读本》的编写,其基本宗旨,是试图把人文素质教育(liberal education)与英语学习结合起来。目前市面上有各式各样的商务英语、旅游英语、文秘英语,却少有以人文素质教育为专门指向的人文英语或通识英语。本书的出版,意在填补这方面的空白。 就我的见闻所及,此前,中国,乃至世界,很少有人把liberal 一词与English -词联在一起使用,更少有谁把它拿来作为一本书的书名。所以,仅从书名看,本书在2007年作为自编教材在四川大学锦城学院率先推出之际,应该说已经是一个首创。
Homer the Great Storg TellThE Divine MusicianOEdipus and thE Riddlc of the SphinPuamalion the SculptorStories from the BileStories the SculptorThe Story of a Beautiful GardenThe Great Ship That Saved Eight PeopleThe Tower That Was Never FinishedThe Beautiful Baby Who Was Found in a RiverThe Strong Man: How He Lived and How He DiesJesus in the Desert, and Beside the RiverThe Water Jars at the Wedding FeastThe Twelve Disciples and the Sermon on the MountThe Last SupperThe Olive Orchard and the High Priest' s HallThe Crown of ThornsConfucius the Great EducatorConfucius in The Story of MankindAn introduction to ConfucianisnThemes in Confucian ThoughtHumanityRitualLoyaltyFilial PirtyRelationshipsThe GendemanRectification of NamesMeritocracyInfluence in 17th Century EuropeCriticismReligion or Philosophy DebateQuotations from confucian canonsThe Great Learning (《大学》)The Doctrine of the Mean (《中庸》)Confuaan Analects (《论语》)Mencius (《孟子》)The story of Gecorge WshingtonⅠ.When Washington Was a BoyⅡ.His HomesⅢ.His Schools and SchoolmastersⅣ.Going to SeaⅤ.The Young SurveyorⅥ.The Ohio CountryⅦ.A Change ofCircumstancesⅧ.A PerilousjoumeyⅨ.His First BattleⅩ.The French and Indian WarⅪ.The Mutterings ofthe StormⅫ.The Beginning ofthe WarⅩⅣ.The First PresidentⅩⅤ."First in War,First in Peace"Stories About Grest Scientists"Eureka!"Galileo and the LampsSir Isaac Newton and the AppleJames Watt and the TeakettleGreek Mugths and Famous MenRoman Dtories Famous MenAppendix