










作者:(美国)贝朗格(Jay Belanger) 王杰


COMAP总裁序 Forward by Sol Garfunkel ICM竞赛主席序 Forward by Chris Arney 丛书简介 前言 Ⅰ 正确写作美国大学生数学建模竞赛论文 第1章 简介 1 简史 2 论文评审 3 写作的重要性 第2章 论文结构 1 小节划分 2 写好引言 3 论文主体 4 如何写结论 5 写好摘要 第3章 写作规范 1 使用第一人称复数代词 2 使用简单时态 3 使用主动语态 4 写简单的句子 5 写简短的段落 6 使用有具体含义的词汇 7 不含琐碎细节 8 突出重点 9 删掉多余词汇 10 使用并列短语强调相似性 11 避免单调重复 12 不使用同一词汇描述不同的对象 13 代词所指的名词必须清楚 14 不过分渲染 第4章 英语用法 1 保持主谓一致 2 正确使用that和which 3 避免拼写错误 4 用无争议的代词 5 正确使用冠词(the、a及an) 6 常用动词 第5章 论文修改示例 1 示例:如何修改标题 2 示例:如何修改摘要 3 示例:如何修改引言 4 示例:如何修改假设条件 第6章 符号与图表 1 选择合适的字体与字号 2 不在论文标题中使用数学符号 3 符号的常规用法 4 避免一符多用 5 不用符号取代文字 6 用文字书写作为形容词的数字 7 避免不必要的上下标 8 保持符号一致 9 保持下标顺序一致 10 删除只用过一次的符号 11 图形和表格 第7章 数学表达式和句子 1 不用数学符号作为句子的开头 2 句中多次出现的同一符号读法要一致 3 标点符号与阅读的连贯性 4 用文字分隔相邻的表达式 5 以文字叙述为主 6 不要超负荷使用同一词汇 7 每一个if都应该与一个then匹配 8 提供必要的提示 9 术语应该在即将使用时定义 10 如何排列数学表达式 11 如何书写分数 12 数学表达式的断行与对齐 13 省略号的对齐 第8章 LATEX 1 编译 2 简单示例 3 字符 4 数学表达式 5 定义新指令 6 页眉 7 论文标题与小节 8 脚注 9 列表 10 图形 11 表格 12 参考文献 13 文档结构样例 第9章 MathType 1 分数及平方根 2 积分、下标、求和 3 多重方程式 4 矩阵与行列式 5 在工具栏中存储表达式 6 对齐表达式 7 更改字体 8 表达式编号 9 Word文档的设置 10 常用字体 11 使用技巧 Ⅱ Write Right for the American Mathematical Contest in Modeling Chapter 1 Introduction 1 A brief history 2 Classifications and judging 3 Writing is important Chapter 2 Paper Structure 1 Good structure goes a long way 2 Writing the introduction 3 The body of the paper 4 Writing a conclusion 5 Writing the summary Chapter 3 Style 1 Write in the first person,plural 2 Use the present tense 3 Use the active voice 4 Use simple sentences 5 Use short paragraphs 6 Use words which are as specific as you can 7 Do not include trivialities 8 Highlight important statements 9 Omit needless words 10 Use parallel phrasing to emphasize similarities 11 Avoid pointless repetition 12 Avoid using the same word for different purposes 13 Keep the antecedents of any pronouns clear 14 Do not overstate your results Chapter 4 English Usage 1 Make sure your subject and verb agree 2 Use "that" and "which" correctly 3 Use correct spelling 4 Use unobtrusive pronouns 5 Use articles ("the", "a" and "an") properly 6 Useful verbs Chapter 5 Revising 1 Example: Revising a title 2 Example: Revising a summary 3 Example: Revising an introduction 4 Example: Revising assumptions Chapter 6 Symbols and Figures 1 Typography 2 Avoid using symbols in titles 3 Stick with notational and typographical conventions 4 Do not reuse symbols 5 Do not use symbols for words 6 Spell out numbers that are used as adjectives 7 Avoid unnecessary subscripts 8 Be consistent with your notation and terminology 9 Keep subscripts in the same order 10 Remove symbols that are used only once 11 Figures and tables Chapter 7 Math and Sentences 1 Do not begin a sentence with a symbol 2 Make sure the same symbol is always read the same 3 Punctuation and coherence 4 Separate different formulas with words 5 Use simple English 6 Do not overload math terms 7 Every "if" should have a "then" 8 Give the reader useful reminders 9 Define terms right before you use them 10 Use displayed equations appropriately 11 Make your fractions readable 12 Watch your breaks and alignment in expressions 13 Align your ellipsis properly Chapter 8 LATEX 1 Compiling 2 A very basic document 3 Characters 4 Mathematics 5 New commands 6 The header 7 Title and sections 8 Footnotes 9 Lists 10 Figures 11 Tables 12 Bibliography 13 Sample file structure Chapter 9 MathType 1 Fractions and square root 2 Integrals, subscripts, and summations 3 Multiple equations 4 Matrices and determinants 5 Saving user—created expressions in the tabbed bar 6 Alignment 7 Change fonts and styles 8 Numbering equations 9 Word document settings 10 Default fonts and styles 11 Tips …… 附录 参赛须知 参考文献


版权页: 插图: 1 Good structure goes a long way Your paper should be organized in sections and subsections, and they should be titled in such a way that merely reading them will provide an outline of the paper. Listed below is the suggested outline for an MCM paper (2) based on the judging criteria: · A clarification or restatement of the problem, as appropriate. · A clear exposition of all assumptions and hypotheses. · An analysis of the problem justifying or motivating the modeling to be used. · The design of the model. · A discussion of how the model can be tested, including error analysis and stability (conditioning, sensitivity, etc.). · A discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the model. · A one—page summary of the results, typed on the Summary Sheet, must be attached to the front of each copy of the solution paper. A textbook example is the paper "How to Please Most of the People Most of the Time" (3) from the 1989 MCM, discussing the best way to line up airplanes for takeoff, to minimize dissatisfactions of passengers because of delays. The followings are the sections and subsections of this paper: Summary 1 Restatement of the Problem 2 Assumptions 3 Justification of Our Approach 4 The Model 4.1 Dissatisfaction of a passenger needing a connection 4.2 Dissatisfaction of a passenger not needing a connection 4.3 Total dissatisfaction on an aircraft 5 Testing the Model 6 Results 7 Strengths and Weaknesses References While not every paper will have sections so clearly lined up with the suggested outline, if you give your paper a simple and standard sectioning it will make it easier for judges to get through the paper quickly and with great comprehension. When breaking up your paper into sections, you should avoid having large sections of homogeneous text, since it is easy for the reader to gloss over them when skimming a paper. You should highlight important sentences by putting them in bold face. Newly defined words should also be bold. Note that you may also highlight important sentences or words in italics, but bolding them will make them standout better for someone skimming the paper. Overusing bold or italics, however, will make your paper look awkward and so you should keep the use of them to the minimum.







正确写作美国大学生数学建模竞赛论文 PDF格式下载

主要是针对美赛编写的 一半中文一半翻译 不过还比较有用







书的质量很好 但是感觉内容并不很充实 还算有用吧

