
Traditional Chinese Medicine-中医学

车念聪 高等教育出版社









  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a comprehensive science. The course focuses on the theories of TCM and clinical experiences as well, explores the transformation patterns of health and disease in human life activities, and attempts to provide insights into the disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and heath care. Due to the increasing international interests aroused by the unique theoretical system and significant clinical effects of TCM, more and more foreign students come to China to learn Chinese medicine every year.


Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 History of Chinese Medicine1.3 Characteristics of Cognition and Mentality in TCM1.4 The Basic Characteristics of TCM Theoretical System1.5 Development and Prospect of TCMChapter 2 Yin-yang and Five-element Theory2.1 Introduction2.2 Yin-yang Theory2.3 Five-element TheoryChapter 3 Zangxiang and Qi, Blood, Body Fluids3.1 Introduction3.2 Zangriang3.3 Qi3.4 Blood3.5 Body Fluids3.6 Relationship among Qi, Blood and Body FluidsChapter 4 Etiology and Pathogenesis4.1 Introduction4.2 The Causes of Disease4.3 Pathogenesis


  5) Inquiring ear and eye  Kidney opens at ears, and shaoyang channel spreads onto ears, thus the assembled channels gather in the ears. Liver opens at eyes, and the vital essences of the vital organs of the human body gather in eyes. Inquiring the abnormal changes of ears and eyes can understand the pathology of liver, gallbladder, kidney, sanjiao, etc.  ① Inquiring ear  Tinnitus and deafness  The tinnitus is that the patient hears something resounding with cicadas, tides or things alike. It is so noticeable that the hearing is impaired. Deafness means that the hearing drops to some degree, a person even lose the auditory sense completely. The pathogenesis of tinnitus and deaf are basically the same. The excess syndrome mostly results from the fire in the liver and gallbladder or upward attack of ears by exogenous pathogenic factors, and manifests as a sudden tinnitus, loud noises, which cannot be ameliorated by pressing the ears, or a sudden deafness. The deficiency syndrome mostly results from the deficiency of liver-kidney yin, ascendant hyper-activity of liver yang, or the deficiency of kidney essence, leading to the ears in the lack of nourishment, and manifests as a gradual tinnitus, small voice, which can be ameliorated by pressing the ears, or it can be a gradual deafness.  Hearing impairment  The patient's hearing gets down, and cannot hear clearly, and hears echoes. The excess syndrome mostly results from the turbid sputum moving upward or the wind pathogen invading upwards, usually leading to weak hearing suddenly; the deficiency syndrome often results from the deficiency of kidney essence, the ear lacking nourishment, usually leading to hearing impairment gradually.  ② Inquiring eye  Eye itching  The patient has an itch in eyelids, canthus or eyeballs. In mild case, it stops after rubbing,  whereas in severe cases, it is unbearable. The pathogenesis is that up-flaming of liver channel wind-fire or blood-insufficiency, and malnutrition of eyes.  Eye pain  The pain in one or two eyes. The pathogenesis is the up-flaming of liver fire, wind-heat invading exterior, yin deficiency with effulgent fire.  Dizzy vision  The patient sees the surroundings gyrating, just like taking a boat, car or mosquitoes flying in front of the patient. The pathogenesis is that up-flaming of liver channel wind-fire or turbid sputum moving upward, sinking of middle - qi, liver-kidney yin deficiency.  ……




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