At the suggestion of the participants at a conference held in Hangzhou in May 1980 under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Education, this College History of English Literature has been designed and finally brought to completion. It is based on A History of English Literature (in four volumes, the Commercial Press), a distinguished work of high academic standing by the late Professor Chen Jia (陈嘉) of Nanjing University. In view of the different levels of proficiency in the English language among students of English in Chinese colleges and universities today, the present book has been deliberately made shorter and more accessible. Thus,some of the wealth of references and extensive discussions on literary topics in the original work have been either simplified or dispensed with. However, great efforts have been made, in this shorter version,to carry out the guiding principles of Prof. Chen's scholarly volumes and to follow the original format in its divisions into nine chapters, which are further divided under different headings and sub-headings to enable the reader to follow or consult it easily. Care has also been taken to use, for reference, the fruits of the latest research done both in this country, notably the foreign literature section of The Chinese Encyclopaedia, and in Britain and the United States. In order to accommodate actual students' needs in the present work, the draft, in monograph-sheet form, has been put to classroom use several times at Suzhou University and has received necessary alterations and modifications in the light of these trials. My warmest gratitude goes to Prof. Chen Jia, my beloved teacher, not only for his generosity in providing me with his work, but also for his inspiring guidance and meticulous care that constantly enhanced the progress of the book.