罗振宁,谭慧 编
《高阶电影英语》是一本以精选电影片段为基础的英语教程。本教程分为进阶一和进阶二两册,供两个学期使用。每册包括6个单元,每单元精选一部不同类型的电影,内容涉及电影类型介绍、电影故事梗概、电影片段精讲精练、电影评论阅读以及高级英语写作五个部分,涵盖英语听、说、读、写四个方面。每单元一般需要4~6个课时,教师可根据学生不同情况进行调整。 本教程的主要目的是培养电影专业高年级学生以及电影专业研究生的听、说、读、写能力,尤其加强对应用文写作能力的训练。 本教程的教学方法建议如下:课前观片预习,准备问题;课上由教师引导进行讨论,学生尽量用英语表达,如确有困难可以用双语进行交流。教师可以对重点、难点有针对性地讲解,但要防止满堂灌的教学方法,同时应着重培养学生独立学习和思考的能力。 本教程的主要特点有以下几个方面: 1)针对性。本教程的编写充分考虑了电影专业高年级学生以及电影专业研究生的特点,并融合了编者的多年教学经 验。所选电影涵盖各种类型片,包括喜剧片、惊悚片、科幻 片、爱情片、歌舞片、史诗片等,内容丰富,趣味性强。 2)实用性。本教程练习设计多样,分为选择题、问答题、 讨论题和填空题等,既有读前问题,也有复习巩固性的练习。
Chapter One Bee MovieGenreSynopsisScene StudyReadingWritingChapter Two JunoGenreSynopsisScene StudyReadingWritingChapter Three The Phantom of the OperaGenreSynopsisScene StudyReadingWritingChapter Four GladiatorGenreSynopsisScene StudyReadingWritingChapter Five Once Upon a Time in AmericaGenreSynopsisScene StudyReadingWritingChapter Six Sense and SensibilityGenreSynopsisScene StudyReadingWriting
An animation is a hand-drawn (or made with computers to look similar to something hand-drawn)film for the cinema: television or computer screen: featuring some kind of story or plot (even if it is a very short one). Early examples of attempts to capture the phenomenon of motion into a still drawing can be found in paleolithic cave paintings: where animals are depicted with multiple legs in superimposed positions: clearly attempting to convey the perception of motion. The phenakistoscope: zoetrope: as well as the common flip book: were early animation devices to produce movement from sequential drawings using technological means: but animation did not really develop much further until the advent of motion picture film. James Stuart Blackton(1875~1941) has made the first animation in the world: Humorous Phases of Funny Face. There is also opinion that the first animation(in the traditional sense: i.e.on film) was Fantasmagorie by the French director Emile Cohl released in 1908. Fantasmagorie is French word: and it is named as A Fantasy :Black and White or Metamorphosis in English. One of the very first successful animations was Gertie the Dinosaur by Winsor McCay. It is considered the first example of true character animation.