序 说明 丛书编者的话小说《月亮宝石》的改编剧中人物表 月亮宝石Part One:The Loss of the Diamond Act I Scene 1 The quarrel with John Hemcastle. Scene 2 The battle of Seringapatam,1799. Scene 3 November 1850.At the desk,Frizzinghall,Yorkshire. Scene 4 Two hours later Scene 5 May 28th,1848.The grounds. Scene 6 November 1850.At the desk. Scene 7 May 28th,1848.The sitting room. Scene 8 November,1850.At the desk. Scene 9 June 23rd.1848. Scene 10 Three hours later.A corridor outside thedining room. Scene 11 Half an hour later.The dining room. Scene 12 Rachel’S bedroom. Scene 13 Franklin’S bedroom. Scene 14 Next morning.Rachel,s sitting room. Scene 1 5 The following aftemoon.The Shivering Sands. Scene 16 The evening.Lady Vefinder’s sitting room. Scene 17 The following day.A corridor. Scene 18 15 minutes later. Scene 19 Next morning.The library. Scene 20 November,1850.At the desk. Scene 21 June 1848.The shrubbery. Scene 22 Half an hour later.The pantry. Scene 23 Five minutes later.A corridor. Scene 24 Later the same day.The terrace. Scene 25 An hour later.The hall. Scene 26 Half an hour later.The Shivering Sands. Scene 27 November.1850.At the desk. Scene 28 The Shivering Sands. Scene 29 Half an hour later.Lady Verinder’s sitting room. Scene 30 The following day.The grounds. Scene 3 1 Some hours later.The drawing room. Scene 32 On the steps outside Frizzinghall. Part Two:The Discovery of the Truth Act II Scene l November,1 850.At the desk. Scene 2 July 3rd,1848.The drawing room of the Vefinders’London house. Scene 3 Two hours later. Scene 4 November.1850.At the desk. Scene 5 Mr Bruff’s office.London. Scene 6 The Ablewhites’house.Brighton. Scene 7 The following day. Scene 8 Spring 1849.Frizzinghall,Yorkshire. Scene 9 One hour later.The Shivering Sands. Scene 10 Some moments later. Scene 11 Two days later.London. Scene 12 The same aflemoon.Mr Bruff’s office,London. Scene 13 Half an hour later.At the bank. Scene 14 Next morning.Franklin’s lodgings in London. Scene 15 1 lam.The Wheel of Fortune public house. Scene 16 11.10 am.The room upstNrs. Scene 17 One month later.A Court of Law. Scene 18 June 21st,1848,late at night.Franklin’s bedroom,Frizzinghall,Yorkshire. Scene 19 The Court of Law. Scene 20 November,1850.At the desk. Looking back at the play 部分练习参考答案