

高德新,于秀金 编 人民教育出版社





高德新,于秀金 编  






Unit One Study 第一单元 学习篇Topic 1 Credits and Courses学分与课程Topic 2 Attending Lectures参加讲座Topic 3 Extra-curricular Study课外学习Topic 4 Library图书馆Topic 5 Further Education深造(读研/出国)Unit Two Life 第二单元 生活篇Topic 1 Student Clubs学生社团Topic 2 Meals and Health饮食与健康Topic 3 In the Dormitory在宿舍Topic 4 At the Bank在银行Topic 5 Shopping购物Unit Three Entertainment 第三单元 娱乐篇Topic 1 Interests and Hobbies兴趣与爱好Topic 2 Movies and Music电影与音乐Topic 3 Sports and Competitions运动与比赛Topic 4 Internet网络Topic 5 Part-time Jobs 兼职工作Unit Four Communication 第四单元 交际篇Topic 1 Greetings and Introductions问候与介绍Topic 2 Congratulations and Wishes祝贺与祝愿Topic 3 Encouragement and Help鼓励与帮助Topic 4 Job Interview求职Topic 5 Parties聚会Unit Five Culture 第五单元 文化篇Topic 1 Festivals and Customs节日与风俗Topic 2 World Concerns时事焦点Topic 3 World-famous Universities世界名校巡礼Topic 4 Historical Heritage历史遗产Topic 5 Culture Shock文化冲击Appendix A Glimpse 0f World-famous Universities附录 世界著名大学简介1.Harvard University哈佛大学2.University of Oxford牛津大学3.University of Cambridge剑桥大学4.Yale University耶鲁大学5.Stanford University斯坦福大学6.Massachuse~~s Institute of Technology/MIT麻省理工学院7.Princeton University普林斯顿大学8.Imperial College London帝国理工学院9.Columbia University哥伦比亚大学10.University of Chicago芝加哥大学


  Our university offers a total of 58 undergraduate degree programsand 63 professional training courses programs, covering nine subjects : literature, law, economics, history, pedagogy, management, science, en-gineering, and agronomy. The university has launched a self-regulatingand sustainable teaching mechanism based on a flexible system, creditsystem, and stage system. The standard course for undergraduates is 4years, while the flexible system allows the undergraduates to finish theirschooling in 3 to 6 years, but if they fail to finish required courses within6 years, they can only get a certificate of completion. The credit system,taking credits as the criterion to assess students learning capacity, allowsthe students to graduate if they achieve the required minimum credits.The stage system, based on the features of different specialties, combineskey stages and semesters as its teaching form. The total requirements forliberal arts are about 2,200 hours and 155 credits, while those for scienceare approximately 2,400 hours and 165 credits  The courses offered by the university comprise five parts: GeneralEducation Courses (General Required Courses and Part Required Courses), Basic Courses in Discipline, Specialty-oriented Courses, FreelyElective Courses, and Practice and Internship Courses. General EducationCourses are offered mainly in the first academic year, Basic Courses inDiscipline and Specialty-oriented Courses usually in the second and thirdacademic year, Freely Elective Courses in the seventh semester, and Practice and Internship Courses in the eighth semester. Our university constantly commits itself to adopting the most advanced education and teachingadministrative systems from other universities at home and abroad, in order to optimize course structure and update teaching content.




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