

关剑飞、 等 人民教育出版社 (2013-06出版)

关剑飞、 等 人民教育出版社 (2013-06出版)  


第一部分语音 第二部分语法 Ⅰ.词类 一、名词 二、代词 三、冠词 四、数词 五、形容词、副词 六、动词 (一)动词和动词的时态 (二)动词的被动语态 (三)情态动词 (四)动词不定式 (五)动名词 (六)分词 七、介词 八、连词 九、构词法 Ⅱ.句子 一、简单句 二、复合句 第三部分词汇 第四部分阅读材料 第五部分补全对话 第六部分书面表达 第七部分模拟试题 模拟试题(一) 模拟试题(二) 模拟试题(三) 模拟试题(四) 模拟试题(五) 参考答案


版权页: 插图: Jimmy: Sorry. Mother is out. Mr Baker: Well, when she comes back, say to her, "Mr Baker called. " Jimmy: What? Mr Baker: Mr Baker. Write it down. B-A-K-E-R. Jimmy: How do you write B? Mr Baker: How do I write ... ? Listen, little boy, is there anybody else with you.9 Anybrothers or sisters? Jimmy: Yes, my brother Billy is here. Mr Baker: Good. I want to talk to him, please. Jimmy: All right. Jimmy took the telephone to the baby's bed and put it beside its head. Not long after that his mother came back. Mother: Did anybody call? Jimmy: Yes, a man called. But he only wanted to talk to Billy. ( ) 36. Jimmy's mother waited for A. an important man B. a good friend C. a telephone call D. a piece of good news ( ) 37. Jimmy's mother went out because A. she waited for hours B. nobody called C. she had to buy some bread D. she had to buy some milk ( ) 38. Jimmy couldn't write down Mr Baker's name because A. he had no pen or paper B. he couldn't read or write C. he had to look after the baby D. he had to play with his brother ( ) 39. Mr Baker wanted to talk to A. a child older than Jimmy B. a child younger than Jimmy C. Jimmy's brother Billy D. Jimmy's sister Betty.






英语及解题指导练习册-2013年版-高中起点升本.专科 PDF格式下载
