






Foreword Executive Summary Agricultural Development in 2011 General Situation Crop Farming Livestock Raising Veterinary Sector Fisheries Township Enterprises Land Reclamation Economy Agricultural Mechanization Farm Product Prices and Market Farm Product Imports and Exports Farmers' Income and Consumption State Funds for Agriculture Comprehensive Agricultural Development Poverty Relief Through Development Feed Industry Grassland Protection and Construction …… Agriculture and Rural Policy in 2011 Agricultural Development and National Economy in 2011 Trend of Agricultural Development in 2012 Figures Columns Appendix Postscript


版权页: The application of farm machinery in crucialstages of such crops as rape, potatoes, peanuts andtea also saw rapid growth. Machinery for initial foodprocessing and livestock raising saw stable growthin number; machinery for fishery operations andhorticulture registered rapid growth. 3. Mechanization in farming steadilyimproved; mechanization in weak links wasrapidly strengthened The aggregate level ofmechanization in plowing, sowing and harvestingacross the country reached 54.8% in 2011, 2.5percentage points higher than the previous year.The growth was above 2 percentage points for thesixth consecutive year. Mechanization in the production of grain cropswas promoted in a steady manner and mechanizationin weak links was rapidly strengthened. Theaggregate level of mechanization in plowing, sowingand harvesting of wheat reached 92.6%, meaningthe entire wheat production process had almost beenmechanized. The aggregate level of mechanizationin sowing and in harvesting of rice was 26.2% and69.3% respectively, up 5.4 percentage points and4.8 percentage points respectively. The level ofmechanization in harvesting of corn was 33.6%, up7.8 percentage points. Mechanization in harvestingof corn had entered a stage of fast development.Shandong had become the first province to have theentire corn production process almost mechanized. Mechanized rice transplantation andsubsoiling, conservation tillage and the return ofcrop residues to the field by machine were appliedon 7.167 million, 11.049 million, 5.716 millionand 31.687 million hectares of land respectively. The application of resource-saving andenvironment-friendly agricultural mechanizationtechnologies that would boost output and benefitsgrew in a steady manner. Mechanization was both more extensive andmore advanced in the farming of potatoes, rape,cotton and peanuts. Mechanization of livestockraising, horticulture, facility agriculture and initialfood processin saw rapid rowth.






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