本书由科普篇、机电技术基础篇和应用篇组成,内容主要选自进口设备的说明书。其中,科普篇和机电技术基础篇主要包括计算机、机械工程、机电技术、CAD/CAM软件技术等组成;应用篇主要包括机电技术在机械等方面的应用,如数控机床的相关技术。 本书是针对广大职业技术院校学生毕业后实际工作需要而编写的,具有实用、适用、针对性强等特点。本书适合为机电技术的职业技术院校的机械、数控、机电技术和机电维修等专业的专业英语教材,也可供机械、数控、机电技术专业技术人员学习参考。
出版说明前言Part 1 General Science Lesson 1 Computers Lesson 2 PTC Engineering Solutions Lesson 3 What is "Mechatronics"? Lesson 4 Use of CAD Lesson 5 Numerical Control Lesson 6 Implementing a Programmable Controller SystemPart2 Foundation oif Mechatronics Lesson7 Fundamentals of Single-chip Microcomputers Lesson8 Introduction to Machine Design Lesson9 Machine Components Lesson10 Classification of Steels Lesson11 Open-Loop Control and Closed-Loop Control Lesson12 Five Basic Techniques of Machining Metal Lesson13 Digital Design Fundamentals Lesson14 Cutting-Tool Shape Lesson15 Types of DC Motor Lesson16 The LathePart3 Applications of Mechatronics Lesson17 Positioning (GOO) Lesson18 Power ON/OFF Operation Lesson19 Control Axis Lesson20 1 Bus Error Lesson21 CNC Function Lesson22 S and T Functions Lesson23 Feed Functions Lesson24 Program Configurations Lesson25 Operation Methods and Program Storage Memory Capacity Lesson26 Coordinate Systems and Values Lesson27 Programming CNC Turning Machines Lesson28 Safety guidelines Lesson29 Machining Centers Lesson30 Benefits of A Quality System参考文献