James A.Rehg是宾夕法尼亚州立大学阿尔纳分校工程系的副教授,教授电子机械工程技术专业的自动化控制课程。他撰写了5本自动化和机器人技术方面的专著并发表了大量的专业论文。他因为在教学领域里的杰出成绩而多次获得嘉奖,并被社区大学评论员协会评为全国优秀导师。
PrefacePART I. INTRODUCTION TO CIM AND THE MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE. 1. The Manufacturing Enterprise. Introduction. External Challenges. Internal Challenges. World-Class Order-Winning Criteria. The Problem and a Solution. Learning CIM Concepts. Going for the Globe. Summary. Bibliography. Questions. Problems. Projects. Appendix 1-1: The Benefits of a CIM Implementation. Appendix 1-2: Technology and the Fundamentals of an Operation—Authors'Commentary. 2. Manufacturing Systems. Manufacturing Classifications. Product Development Cycle. Enterprise Organization. Manual Production Operations. Summary. Bibliography. Questions. Projects. Case Study: Evolution and Progress—One World-Class Company's Measurement System. Appendix 2-1: CIM as a Competitive Weapon. PART II. THE DESIGN ELEMENTS AND PRODUCTION ENGINEERING. 3. Product Design and Production Engineering. Product Design and Production Engineering. Organization Model. The Design Process: A Model. Concurrent Engineering. Production Engineering. Summary. Bibliography. Questions. Projects. Case Study: Repetitive Design. 4. Design Automation: CAD and PDM. Introduction to CAD. The Cost of Paper-Based Design Data. CAD Software. CAD: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Application of CAD to Manufacturing Systems. Selecting CAD Software for an Enterprise. Product Data Management. Summary. Bibliography. Questions. Projects. Appendix 4-1: Web Sites for CAD Vendors. Appendix 4-2: B-Splines to NURBS. Appendix 4-3: Web Sites for Computer Companies. 5. Design Automation: CAE. Design for Manufacturing and Assembly. CAE Analysis. CAE Evaluation. Group Technology. Production Engineering Strategies. Design and Production Engineering Network. Summary. Bibliography. Questions. Problems. Projects. Appendix 5-1: Ten Guidelines for DFA. Appendix 5-2: Web Sites for CAE Vendors. Appendix 5-3: Web Sites for Rapid Prototyping Vendors. PART III. CONTROLLING THE ENTERPRISE RESOURCES. 6. Introduction to Production and Operations Planning. Operations Management. Planning for Manufacturing. MPC Model—Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II). Production Planning. Master Production Schedule. Inventory Management. Planning for Material and Capacity Resources. Introduction to Production Activity Control. Shop Loading. Input-Output Control. Automating the Planning and Control Functions. Summary. Bibliography. Questions. Problems. Projects. Appendix 6-1: Priority Rule System. 7. Detailed Planning and Production-Scheduling Systems. From Reorder-Point Systems to Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II). Material Requirements Planning. Capacity Requirements Planning. Manufacturing Resource Planning. Features of Modern Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems. Summary. Bibliography. Questions. Problems. Projects. Appendix 7-1: Wright's Bicycle Example. Appendix 7-2: ABCD Checklist. Appendix 7-3: An ERP Example Using WinMan. 8. Enterprise Resources Planning, and Beyond. MRP II: A Driver of Effective ERP Systems. Information Technology. The Decision to Implement an ERP System. Identifying ERP System Suppliers. Developing Technologies: Converging and Enabling. Integrating Systems to Manage Design Data. Summary. Bibliography. Questions. Projects. 9. The Revolution in Manufacturing. Just-in-Time Manufacturing. Synchronized Production. The Emergence of Lean Production. Modern Manufacturing Systems in a Lean Environment. Summary. Bibliography. Questions. Projects. Case Study: Production System at New United Motor Manufacturing, Part 1. Case Study: Production System at New United Motor Manufacturing, Part 2. PART IV. ENABLING PROCESSES AND SYSTEMS FOR MODERN MANUFACTURING. 10. Production Process Machines and Systems. Material and Machine Processes. Flexible Manufacturing. Fixed High-Volume Automation. Summary. Bibliography. Questions. Projects. Appendix 10-1: History of Computer-Controlled Machines. 11. Production Support Machines and Systems. Industrial Robots. Program Statements for Servo Robots. Programming a Servo Robot. Automated Material Handling. Automatic Guided Vehicles. Automated Storage and Retrieval. Summary. Bibliography. Questions. Projects. Case Study: AGV Applications at General Motors. 12. Machine and System Control. System Overview. Cell Control. Proprietary Versus Open System Interconnect Software. Device Control. Programmable Logic Controllers. Relay Ladder Logic. PLC System and Components. PLC Types. Relay Logic Versus Ladder Logic. Computer Numerical Control. Automatic Tracking. Network Communications. Summary. Bibliography. Questions. Projects. Appendix 12-1: Turning G Codes. 13. Quality and Human Resource Issues in Manufacturing. Quality Foundations. Total Quality Management. Quality Tools and Processes. Defect-Free Design Philosophy. The Changing Workforce. Self-Directed Work Teams. Summary. Bibliography. Questions. Projects. Index.