本书是作者在经过慎重而周密的考虑后,结合目前国内各大院校总体的英语水平和英语教学的实际情况而决定开设的一门独特且富有生趣的课程。 本书以介绍英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚及新西兰文化为主,内容丰富,体例生动。本书不仅是一本形式活泼的教材,更是广大英语学习者在培养英语听说能力、了解英联邦国家文化的一本极佳的参考书。 本书另配一张MP3光盘,由美籍专家全文朗诵。
序IntroductionLesson 1 My Home in VictoriaLesson 2 Sydney-The Harbor CityLesson 3 Study Abroad in PerthLesson 4 A Short History of AustraliaLesson 5 Englands Tourist AttractionsLesson 6 London:Capital City of Great BritainLesson 7 Wales-An Early HistoryLesson 8 Manchester,England:Interestion Facts and Short Article about China TownLesson 9 An Introduction to ScotlandLesson 10 A Short History of IrelandLesson 11 Auckland -City of SailsLesson 12 Life in Australia:Beach CultureLesson 13 A Quick Look at Australian MusicLesson 14 Australia and MulticulturalismLesson 15 Studying in Great BritainLesson 16 British estivals:Christmas and HalloweenLesson 17 IrelandLesson 18 Kiwi IconsLesson 19 Australias AboriginesLesson 20 New Zealand:Its People,Traditions and CultureLesson 21 Maori Culture and CustomsLesson 22 Famous New Zealanders:BiographiesLesson 23 William ShakespeareLesson 24 The British Royal FamilyLesson 25 Land of Contrasts:Australian GeographyLesson 26 Australian AnimalsLesson 27 Natural Disasters of New ZealandLesson 28 The Land of the Long White CloudLesson 29 The Best Vacation Ever:Geography of New ZealandLesson 30 The English Lake DistrictLesson 31 South East Ireland