

[美] PatrickHenryWinston,SundarNarasimhan著 机械工业出版社





[美] PatrickHenryWinston,SundarNarasimhan著  






本书为读者提供了进行Java程序设计和改进程序设计实践所需的知识。在写作方式上,Winston沿袭了他广为人知的简明扼要、条理清晰的著书风格。 书中的每一章都有的放矢地回答了读者准备学习一门新语言时所要提出的问题:这种语言有何特别之处?如何定义方法?如何实现循环?如何打开文件?如何构建图形用户界面?这种语言的语法是什么?如何有效地进行程序设计? 读者可以从本书贴切而又循序渐进的表述中找到这些问题的答案。首先,利用本书介绍的方法,读者可以迅速编写出结构完美、功能齐备的程序;其次,读者可通过本书掌握如何改进和扩展这些程序,学会设计类层次、利用getter和setter实现数据和过程抽象、利用接口添加需求、按照模型-视图方法进行系统设计、从网络查看器访问applet、使用线程实现动态的applet、通过资源访问文件、使用swing类构造图形用户界面等。成功的Winston方法 ●基于广泛的教学经验 ●在内容紧凑、以概念为中心的章节中阐述思想 ●通过短小但完备的程序展示思想 ●由浅入深、循序渐进地逐步解开读者的谜团 ●强化良好的程序设计实践的原则 ●通过有针对性的练习巩固关键概念 ●以if-then的方式概括关键点本版新增内容 ●将模型连接至视图 ●开发自己的布局管理器 ●实现动态表 ●利用servlet收集信息 ●使用RMI调用远程方法 ●为程序分布构造JAR文件。


Patrick Henry Winston 麻省理工学院人工智能和计算机科学教授,并从事人类智能的计算理论的研究。他在人工智能领域十分著名,著有多部思路清晰且见解独到的专著。除本书外,他还著有《On to C》、《On to C++》、《Artificial Intelligence》等书。


1 How this Book Teaches you the Java Programming Language.2 How To Compile and Run a Simple Program.3 How To Declare Variables.4 How To Write Arithmetic Expressions.5 How To Define Simple Methods.6 How To Understand Variable Scope and Extent.7 How To Benefit from Procedure Abstraction.8 How To Declare Class Variables.9 How To Create Class Instances.10 How To Define Instance Methods.11 How To Define Constructors.12 How To Define Getter and Setter Methods.13 How To Benefit from Data Abstraction.14 How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods.15 How To Enforce Abstraction Using Protected and Private Variables and Methods.16 How To Write Constructors that Call other Constructors.17 How To Write Methods that Call other Methods.18 How To Design Classes and Class Heirarchies.19 How To Enforce Requirements Using Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods.20 How To Enforce Requirements and to Document Programs Using Interfaces.21 How To Perform Tests Using Predicates.22 How To Write Conditional Statements.23 How To Combine Boolean Expressions.24 How To Write Iteration Statements.25 How To Write Recursive Methods.26 How To Write Multiway Conditional Statements.27 How To Work with File Input Streams.28 How To Create and Access Arrays.29 How To Move Arrays into and out of Methods.30 How To Store Data in Expandable Vectors.31 How To Work with Characters and Strings.32 How To Catch Exceptions.33 How To Work with Output File Streams.34 How To Write and Read Values Using the Serializable Interface.35 How To Modularize Programs using Compilation Units and Packages.36 How To Combine Private Variables and Methods with Packages.37 How To Create Windows and to Activate Listeners.38 How To Define Inner Classes and to Structure Applications.39 How To Draw Lines in Windows.40 How To Write Text in Windows.41 How To Use the Model - View Approach to GUI Design.42 How To Define Standalone Observers and Listeners..43 How To Define Applets.44 How To Access Applets from Web Browsers.45 How To Use Resource Locators.46 How To Use Choice Lists To Select Instances.47 How To Bring Images into Applets.48 How To Use Threads To Implement Dynamic Applets.49 How To Create Forms and to Fire Your Own Events.50 How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows.51 How To Develop Your Own Layout Manager.52 How To Implement Dynamic Tables.53 How To Activate Remote Computations.54 How To Collect Information Using Servlets.55 How To Construct Jar Files for Program Distribution.Appendix A: Operator Precedence.Appendix B: The Meter Canvas.Appendix C: Applet Parameters.Appendix D: The Swing Classes.Appendix E: Layout Managers.Appendix F: The Graphics2d Package.Colophon.Software.Books.





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