(美)希尔 著;曹海陵,刘萍 译注
本书涉猎知识非常广泛,是作者多年教学经验的结晶。全书结合综合性与时新性,详细介绍了当代全球商务的各个方面,评论性地对知识主体进行深层次和广义的解释,并在章节之间保持紧密的、完整的连接,密切关注管理的含义,使重要的理论极易为读者所接受。作者将许多主要的经济、贸易理论融入案例之中,用来解释发生在我们周围的具体事例,使理论的意义更加明确、更加容易理解。本书脉络清楚、布局合理、阐释透彻、深入浅出,充分体现了作者的学术功底和本书的实用性。 本书可作为大学经贸或管理专业教材,也可供商务人士和企业中高层管理人士参考。
作者:(美国)查尔斯 W.L.希尔(Charles W.L. Hill) 合著者:曹海陵 刘萍
作者简介导读前言术语表第一部分 简介和综述 第1章 全球化 开篇案例全球零售商Ikea 1.1 引言 1.2 什么是全球化 1.2.1 市场全球化 1.2.2 生产全球化 1.3 全球性机构的出现 1.4 全球化的驱动者 1.4.1 逐步降低贸易壁垒和投资壁垒 1.4.2 技术变革的作用 1.5 全球济变化中的统计数据 1.5.1 变化中的世界产出与世界贸易格局 1.5.2 变化中的国外直接投资格局 1.5.3 变化中的跨国企业性质 1.5.4 21世纪的全球济 1.6 对全球化的争议 1.6.1 反全球化的抗议 1.6.2 全球化、就业与收入 1.6.3 全球化、劳工政策与环境 1.6.4 全球化与国家主权 1.6.5 全球化与世界的贫困人口 1.7 全球市场中的管理 关键词 小结 批评性的思考题和讨论题 研究性任务 章末案例 全球的医疗保健第二部分 国家间的差异 第2章 国家间政治济体制的差异 开篇案例查韦斯的委内瑞 2.1 引言 2.2 政治体制 2.2.1 集体主义与个人主义 2.2.2 民主和极权 2.3 经济体制 2.3.1 市场经济 2.3.2 指令性济 2.3.3 混合经济 2.4 法律体制 2.4.1 不同的法律体制 2.4.2 合同法上的差异 2.4.3 财产权和腐败 2.4.4 保护知识财产 2.4.5 产品安全性和产品责任 2.5 济发展的决定因素 2.5.1 济发展上的差异 2.5.2 更宽泛的发展的概念:阿马蒂亚 2.5.3 政治济制度和济进展 2.5.4 地理、教育和济发展 …… 第3章 文化差异 第4章 国际商务中的道德问题第三部分 跨境贸易与投资 第5章 国际贸易理论 第6章 国际贸易中的政治济 第7章 外国直接投资(FDI) 第8章 区域济整合第四部分 全球货币体系 第9章 外汇市场 第10章 国际货币体系第五部分 在全球市场竞争 第11章 国际商务战略 第12章 进入外国市场 第13章 出口、进口和补偿贸易 第14章 全球生产、向外寻找源头与物流 第15章 全球市场营销和研发 第16章 全球人力资源管理注释
In many ways, McDonald's Corporation has written the book on global expansion. Every day, on average, somewhere around the world 4.2 new McDonald's restaurants are opened. By 2004, the company had 30,000 restaurants in more than 120 countries that collectively served close to 50 million customers each day.One of the latest additions to McDonald's list of countries hosting the famous golden arches is India, where McDonald's started to establish restaurants in the late 1990s. Although India is a poor nation, the large and relatively prosperous middle class, estimated to number between 150 million and 200 million, attracted McDonald's. India, however, offered McDonald's unique challenges. For thousands of years, India's Hindu culture has revered the cow. Hindu scriptures state that the cow is a gift of the gods to the human race. The cow represents the Divine Mother that sustains all human beings. Cows give birth to bulls that are harnessed to pull plows, cow milk is highly valued and used to produce yogurt and ghee (a form of butter), cow urine has a unique place in traditional Hindu medicine, and cow dung is used as fuel. Some 300 million of these animals roam India, untethered, revered as sacred providers. They are everywhere, ambling down roads, grazing in rubbish dumps, and resting in temples—everywhere, that is, except on your plate, for Hindus do not eat the meat of the sacred cow.McDonald's is the world's largest user of beef. Since its founding in 1955, countless animals have died to produce Big Macs. How can a company whose fortunes are built upon beef enter a country where the consumption of beef is a grave sin? Use pork instead? However, there are some 140 million Muslims in India, and Muslims don't eat pork. This leaves chicken and mutton. McDonald's responded to this cultural food dilemma by creating an Indian version of its Big Mac—the "Maharaja Mac"—which is made from mutton. Other additions to the menu conform to local sensibilities such as the "McAloo Tikki Burger," which is made from chicken. All foods are strictly segregated into vegetarian and nonvegetarian lines to conform with preferences in a country where many Hindus are vegetarian. According to the head of McDonald's Indianoperations, "We had to reinvent ourselves for the Indian palate."For a while, this seemed to work. Then in 2001 McDonald's was blindsided by a class-action lawsuit brought against it in the United States by three Indian businessmen living in Seattle. The businessmen, all vegetarians and two of whom were Hindus, sued McDonald's for "fraudulently concealing" the existence of beef in McDonald's French fries! McDonald's had said it used only 100 percent vegetable oil to make French fries, but the company soon admitted that it used a "minuscule" amount of beef extract in the oil. McDonald's settled the suit for $10 million and issued an apology, which read, "McDonald's sincerely apologizes to Hindus, vegetarians, and others for failing to provide the kind of information they needed to make informed dietary decisions at our U.S. restaurants." Going forward, the company pledged to do a better job of labeling the ingredients of its food and to find a substitute for the beef extract used in its oil.However, news travels fast in the global society of the twenty-first century, and the revelation that McDonald's used beef extract in its oil was enough to bring Hindu nationalists onto the streets in Delhi, where they vandalized one McDonald's restaurant, causing $45,000 in damage; shouted slogans outside of another; picketed the company's headquarters; and called on India's prime minister to close McDonald's stores in the country. McDonald's Indian franchise holders quickly issued denials that they used oil that contained beef extract, and Hindu extremists responded by stating they would submit McDonald's oil to laboratory tests to see if they could detect beef extract.The negative publicity seemed to have little impact on McDonald's long-term plans in India, however. The company continued to open restaurants, and by 2005 had 65 restaurants in the country with plans to open another 30 or so. When asked why they frequented McDonald's restaurants, Indian customers noted that their children enjoyed the "American" experience, the food was of a consistent quality, and the toilets were always clean!