绿三角农场的安妮-第一辑 高一/新课标名著英汉对照普及本
戴浩仁 主编,(澳)埃利斯,(美)艾弗格林恩 改编,齐国辉 等翻译
走进任何一家书店,都会看到种类繁多的英语读物:英语原版的、英汉对照的、简写本、小集子等。那为什么又要出版一套“新课标名著英汉对照普及本”呢?这套读物又有哪些显著的特点呢? 首先,阅读是学习语言的最好方法,随着英语的普及和发展,客观上对阅读材料也会有更多的要求;再者,因为读者对象不同,对阅读材料的要求也就有所不同,因此需要各种版本的书籍来满足不同读者的需求。 本套读物的英语部分由长期在中国执教的澳大利亚教师和美国教师改写,中文部分由重点中学一线教师翻译。其最大的特点是有针对性,非常适应中学生阅读。整个读物由浅入深,并根据中学教材中的词汇,对相应年级的读物中超纲的词汇进行了注释,方便学生阅读。另外,每篇读物后面均附有若干个问题,供读者思考。 本套读物的主要内容是中学生们已经熟悉的短篇故事,因此阅读起来比较容易,有助于读者去猜测少数生词,也可以帮助他们理解读物中所包含的文化背景,增加可读性。 本书包括四篇读物。它们是蒙哥玛丽的“安妮系列小说”的代表作《绿三角农场的安妮》、王尔德最著名的童话故事《快乐王子》、卡洛尔的堪称世界儿童文学史上有里程碑意义的《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》和英国女作家艾金耶米的《潘德勒的巫师》。 由于编、译者水平有限,书中差错在所难免,恳请广大读者批评指正。
"1 think youve putmy medicine into it," said Marilla. "Oh, I didnt mean to, because it was white and in a bottle I thought it was milk," cried Anne. She ran upstairs and fell onto her bed, sobbing loudly. But later that evening, when Mr and Mrs Allan went home, Marilla came upstairs to see her. "Oh Marilla!" cried Anne. " Now everybody in Avonlea will laugh at me for putting medicine into a cake. I feel so tupid !" Marilla smiled and touched Annes hot face. "No,they won t, Anne. Mrs Allan wasn t angry with you know. She said it was very kind of you to make her a cake and she s going to ask you to tea at her house !" "Oh, shes forgiven me! Shes so nice, isnt she?" said Anne, feeling very relieved. "Why do I keep on getting into trouble ike this? I hope that tomorrow I wont make any more mistakes." Marilla shook her head, still smiling. "1 don t know Anne, you seem to be good at inviting trouble, even though you dont mean to!" One warm, spring evening Marilla arrived home late after isiting some friends and she was surprised to find the kitchen mpty and no supper on the table for her. She had especially asked Anne to prepare it. She hurried upstairs to Annes room and found her sobbing on her bed. "Dont look at me, Marilla!" Anne cried. "1 ve done a bad and stupid thing and I just want to die!" "What on earth have you done?" asked Marilla. "1 m sure it cant be that bad!" "Oh, cant you see?" cried Anne. "Just look at my hair!" It was then that Marilla noticed that Anne s long, thick, red hair was now a horrible dark green color.
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