王燕 主编
本书可作为传感器与检测技术方而课程的学习指导。内容分为概述、章节学习辅导、典型应用案例与能力拓展、实验指导与课程设计、英语阅读材料、综合测试题及其参考答案。本书强调对传感器与检测技术知识的学习辅导与能力拓展,强调理论与实践的协调统一,强调专业技能的形成。本书与教材《传感器与检测技术》(机械工业出版社,2009年出版)配合使用效果会更好。 本书可作为高等院校测控技术与仪器、自动化、电气工程与自动化、机械设计制造及其自动化、通信工程、计算机应用等专业师牛的教学参考书,也可供从事传感器与检测技术相关领域应用和设计开发的研究人员、工程技术人员参考。
序前言Unit I Larry Page—The Cofounder of GooSe Objectives Listening Reading Vocabulary Drills Grammar Focus Speaking Skills Translation Drills Writing Drills Unit 2 INDn—A Land for All Seasons Objectives Listening Reading Vocabulary Drills Gro]llmox Focus Speaking Skjlls IkTranslation Drills Writing Drills Unit 3 Wide.read Influence of the Soaring Oil Price Objectives Listening Reading Vocabulary Drills GrommRr Focus Speaking Skills Translation DTills Writin Drills Unit4 Strong 13.S.Economic Growth Objectives Listening Reading Vocabulary Drills Grammar FoCUS Speaking Skills Translation Dnlls Writing Drills Unit 5 A Visitt0NewBedford.Mass 0bjectives Listening Reading Vocabulary Drills Grammar FoCUS Speaking Skills Translation Drills Writing DrillsUnit 6 Life Insurance for HIV ufferers—South Africa Rethinks Objectives Listening Reading Vocabulary Drills Grammar FoCUS Speaking Skills Translation Drills Writing DrillsUnit 7 The United Nations——Behind the Scenes Objectives Listening Reading Vocabulary Drills Grammar Focns Speaking Skills Translation DTills Writing DrillsUnit 8 No Noble CalULUnit 9 Cool Response to British Gas Price CutsUnit 10 MoreWaysto SaveCashUnit 11 Fight Back Against Property TaxesUnit 12 USChina Meeting Ends Without Yuan AgreementUJlit 13 IIIdia and AmericaUnit 14 Facing Emotional BurdensUnit 15 Ftying in FormationUnit 16 Internet Boom in China Is Built OH Virtual FIInAppendix I Transcripts for ListeningAppendix II Answer Keys File
[4] Rising demand for palm oil in Europe brought about the clearing of hugetracts of Southeast Asian rainforest and the overuse of chemical fertilizer there. [5] Worse still, the scientists said, space for the expanding palmplantations was often created by draining and burning peatland, which senthuge amounts of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. [6] Considering these emissions, Indonesia had quickly become theworlds third-leading producer of carbon emissions that scientists believe areresponsible for global warning, ranked after the United States and China,according to a study released in December by researchers from WetlandsInternational and Delft Hydraulics, both in the Netherlands.