

张东辉 编 机械工业出版社





张东辉 编  




  伴随经济全球化和我国经济国际化的进程,国内外大中型企业、跨国公司等对既懂商务又会英语的复合型人才的需求与日俱增,这也促进了我国高等教育商务英语专业的快速发展。目前,全国有700多所高等院校开设了外贸英语、商务英语等课程,工商管理、金融等商科专业也都开设了以商务为核心内容的英语课程,部分院校甚至设立了商务英语专业。近几年来,全国性的商务英语教学、学术研讨会频频召开。我国国际商务快速发展及人才市场对商务英语人才的强劲需求、外语就业市场人才多元化推动了英语专业教学改革和教材的建设,各院校都迫切需要一套能体现商务特色与人才培养规格相适应的新教材,以改变英语教材与人才培养和需求不相适应的状况。  商务英语属于专门用途英语,国外大学多将其归为ESP(EnglishforSpecialParposes)。目前,我们国内这样系统的专业教材并不很多。王正元教授领衔总主编、由全国20余所大学40余名英语教授、副教授、讲师历时两年多编写的这套“新时代大学商务英语系列教材”的出版是我国高等教育商务英语教材建设的一个新成果。  这套教材共14本,包括读写、视听说、写作、口译,涵盖了商务英语的基本主体课程,编著者基于“商务知识+英语能力=核心竞争力”的编写理念,力求在企业战略、市场营销、人力资源、企业文化、经营运作等商务语境中培养学生的英语交际能力。商务知识与英语能力相结合、商务语境与语言活动相结合、能力培养与就业需求相结合的编写思路使这套教材商务内容丰富,英语操练有的放矢,凸显了人才培养规格,给这套教材带来了亮点。  这套教材在内容安排上注重了语言的体验观、语用观,体现了商务英语的科学性、系统性、实用性及任务型教学法。这是一套适合高等院校商务英语专业和商科英语课程使用的教材。  同传统的英语语言文学比较起来,商务英语是我们这个时代经济发展催生的新事物,它必将在市场经济的强劲需求中茁壮成长。为更好地培养复合型人才,英语教材的建设任务是繁重的。这套教材需要在使用中逐步完善提高,以满足我国对外经济贸易、国际商务活动对英语人才的需要。  对外经济贸易大学副校长博士生导师徐子健




序前言Unit 1 Career CompetitionUnit 2 Environmental RevolutionUnit 3 HealthUnit 4 ConfidenceUnit 5 World TradeUnit 6 Star PowerUnit 7 ComplaintUnit 8 Information KingdomUnit 9 Oil EnergyUnit 10 Hand in HandUnit 11 Hot BuyUnit 12 DeliveryAppendixⅠ Words and ExpressionsAppendixⅡAnswersAppendixⅢTapescripts后记


  Unit 5 World Trade  PartⅠ Pre-listening and Speaking Tasks  Task 1:Explore Trade Opportunities  Business representatives from Afghanistan met with their American counterparts in Washington D.C.recentlyto discuss trade opportunities,develop new contacts and share ideas.  “Our aim is to encourage Afghan and US businesses to invest in Afghanistan,”said Afghanistan’s Ministerof Commerce,Mohammed Amin Farhang.  “We are here to explain the Afghan government’s economic policies,specifically commerce,development,and private sector investment.We hope to change the thoughts of some people who became careful aboutAfghanistan after what recently has happened in Afghanistan.”  The matchmaking conference is the opening event of the second annual Afghan business promotion“roadshow”across the US and Canada.Attendees will travel to Iowa。in the farm belt,to talk about cooperativeagricultural agreement.They will go to Los Angeles to discuss telecommunication and information-technologypartnerships.And they will travel to New York to look at financial services and insurance sectors.  Azarakhsh Hafizi is Chairman of the Afghanistan International Chamber of Commerce.“Our goal inattending this conference is the economic development of Afghanistan,getting international capital forAfghanistan.Because no other country has achieved economic development without international investment.’’  The conference and road show ale indicators of a growing interest in Afghanistan as a place to do business.The Ford Motor Company has been looking for partners to help distribute its automobiles there,and Boeing hasalso entered into a partnership with Afghanistan’s national airline.  Earlier this year President Karzai himself was on hand for the opening of a new$25 million Coca-Colabottling plant outside Kabul.It is the first large factory to open in Afghanistan since the Taliban was driven frompower in 2001.The deal-supporteA by the Afghan government-will provide 350 well-paying jobs.  “We want to establish a long term policy plan for the development of the private sector in Afghanistan.’’  Many here believe that trade promotion is the key to Afghanistan’s long-term stability and future growth.They are working hard to build on that potential,one handshake at a time.  PartⅡ In-listening and Speaking Tasks  Task 1:Trade Enviroment-IMF Report  The call for new IMF power stems from frustration that nothing has happened to correct the growing tradeand financial imbalances that distort global economic activity.The heart_of the imbalance is America’s hugetrade deficit and China’s corresponding surplus.  Peter Kenen,an economics professor at Princeton University,is a leading authority on global finance.“Forprecisely the reason that people believe such a large imbalance could lead to a crisis,it could at some pointtrigger a crisis.You could have a flight from the dollar.”  To maintain confidence in the doliar and head off what it fears could be an eventual uncontrolled decline.  ……




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