蒋景东 编
本书的主旨是培养涉外商务英语人才,满足市场对商务英语人才的各个方面的需求。学习商务英语的根本目的是使用英语去处理涉外商务,它涉及商务的各个方面。因此,本书的编写是以商科知识为依托,来培养学生使用英语去处理实际商务问题的能力。 本书的编写完全按照高职高专商务英语人才培养的目标运作,在编写理念、组织形式和运作方式上进行了一系列的更新和创新,是作者对以往教材编写体系的一次大胆改革。在本书的编写过程中,主要突出了以下3个教学理念: 1.以为从事涉外商务活动的企业培养具有开阔的国际视野、扎实的语言基本功、系统的国际商务知识、较强的跨文化交际能力的应用型商务英语专门人才为目标。 2.在知识结构方面,要求学生熟悉经济学、管理学、金融学和国际贸易等方面的基础商务理论。 3.在能力方面,注重培养学生的语言应用能力、商务实践能力和跨文化沟通能力。同时,通过实训提高学生的团队协作精神。 基于以上考虑,本书遵循了下列编写原则和思路: 1.突出专业教育的特点,使专业知识条理化、系统化。根据商务英语专业的培养目标,本书的内容涵盖涉外商务活动的各个层面,包括商务绪论、跨文化交际、人力资源、市场营销、企业管理、国际贸易、金融学等专业知识内容。
前言内容说明Situation 1 Introductory RemarksTask 1 The Definition of Business and Its NatureTask 2 Business EthicsTask 3 Business StrategiesTask 4 Business EnvironmentSituation 2 Intercultural CommunicationTask 1 Business IntroductionsTask 2 Business EtiquetteTask 3 Crosscultural Communication StrategiesTask 4 Business Negotiation StrategiesSituation 3 Human ResourceTask 1 Introduction of Human ResourceTask 2 RecruitmentTask 3 Corporate CultureTask 4 Training and Developing EmployeesSituation 4 MarketingTask 1 Marketing ConceptTask 2 AdvertisingTask 3 ProductsTask 4 ExhibitionSituation 5 ManagementTask 1 The Development of Management ThoughtTask 2 The Four Management FunctionsTask 3 Areas of ManagementTask 4 Managerial SkillsTask 5 Management SystemSituation 6 International TradeTask 1 Introduetion of International TradeTask 2 Import and Export TransactionsTask 3 EnquiryOffer and QuotationTask 4 ContractTask 5 International PaymentTask 6 Trade BarriersTask 7 CustomsTask 8 Inspection,Claim,Force Majeure and ArbitrationTask 9 International Cargo TransportTask 10 International Cargo Transportation InsuranceSituation 7 FinancingTask 1 CurrencyTask 2 InvestmentTask 3 The International Monetary Fund(IMF)参考文献
Check Meanings: When communicating across cultures never assume the other party has un-derstood. Be an active listener. Summaries what has been said in order to verify it. This is a veryeffective way of ensuring accurate cross cultural communication has taken place. Avoid Slang: Even the most well educated foreigner will not have a complete knowledge ofslang, idioms and sayings. The danger is that the words will be understood but the meaningmissed. Watch the Humour: In many cultures business is taken very seriously. Professionalism andprotocol are constantly observed. Many cultures will not appreciate the use of humour and jokes inthe business context. When using humour think whether it will be understood in the other culture.For example, British sarcasm usually has a negative effect abroad. Maintain Etiquette: Many cultures have certain etiquette when communicating. It is alwaysa good idea to undertake some cross cultural awareness training or at least do some research on thetarget culture. Cross cultural communication is about dealing with people from other cultures in a way thatminimizes misunderstandings and maximizes your potential to create strong cross cultural relation-ships. The above tips should be seen as a starting point to greater cross cultural awareness.