李雪,李铁红,范宏博 主编
随着社会的发展和国际交往的日益频繁,英语已经进入我们生活的各个方面,对英语口语水平的要求也越来越高。为了满足社会不同层次、从事不同工作的初级和中级英语学习者对日常英语的不同需要,我们精心编写了“美语会话脱口秀系列”丛书。本丛书包括《外企白领英语口语大全》、《文秘会话英语口语大全》、《社交英语口语大全》、《商务英语口语大全》、《情景英语口语大全》、《酒店职员英语口语大全》、《餐饮业职员英语口语大全》、《金融业职员英语口语大全》、《售货员英语口语大全》、《旅游英语口语大全》、《外贸英语口语大全》、《娱乐休闲英语口语大全》和《面试英语口语大全》,共13本。 本丛书几乎涵盖了所有日常生活和工作场景所需要的基本英语用语,可供广大读者和英语爱好者灵活选用。丛书以场景对话为主要内容,使读者在阅读中有身临其境的感觉。丛书内容还包括“关键句型”和“词语加油站”。“关键句型”列举出各场景中出现频率最高的语句,供读者学习、模仿、熟记和运用。“词语加油站”精选出常用的重点词汇,为读者扫除词汇障碍。 《面试英语口语大全》以“源自生活”为基本原则来选取素材,分为面试礼议、面试话题、实例放送和附录4个部分,几乎涵盖了面试中的各个方面,意在把读者带到英语语境中,全面开发读者的语言潜力。本书在编写过程中,力求保证英语口语的原汁原味,学习者可以身临其境,融入到英语会话的情景当中,通过学习和实践,更快、更准确地把握英语口语的精髓。 事实证明,学习英语的最好方法就是听与说的有机结合,而听、说也要尽可能地与日常生活相结合,从日常对话入手,逐步培养自己的英语交际能力,通过积极与他人进行互动交流来培养自信,只要有信心、有决心,从点滴做起,就一定能成为英语高手。 我们相信,读者通过对本套丛书的学习,能够在短时间内达到脱口而出、流利表达英语的效果。英语口语水平会得到有很大的提高。
前言Chapter 1 Interview Etiquette面试礼仪Dressing Etiquette着装礼仪/2Greeting Etiquette问候礼仪/8Self Introduction自我介绍/13Thanks after Interview面试后道谢/18Telephone Application Etiquette电话求职礼仪/23Chapter 2 The Topic for Interview面试话题Introducing Educational Background介绍教育背景/30Introducing Family Information介绍家庭情况/36About Hobbies关于兴趣爱好/4lAbout Employment Occupations关于应聘职位/46About Working Experience关于工作经验/53Reasons for Leaving Employment and Application关于辞职与应聘原因/59About Professional Skills关于专业技能/66About Strengths关于求职优势/70About Job Objectives关于工作目标/76Understanding the Corporate Status了解公司状况/82About Salary关于薪金报酬/89About Benefits关于福利待遇/94Other Questions其他问题/99Asking about the Result询问结果/104Successful Application or Declining a Job Offer面试成功或谢绝职务/109Chapter 3 Instances实例放送Applying for Salesperson应聘销售人员/1 16Applying for Catering Service Staff应聘餐饮服务人员/120Applying for Tourist Guide应聘导游/123Applying for Receptionist应聘接待员/126Applying for Medical Staff应聘医务人员/128Applying for Accountant应聘会计/130Applying for Secretary应聘秘书/133Applying for Bank Staff应聘银行人员/135Applying for Tradesman应聘外贸人员/138Applying for Building Engineer应聘建筑工程人员/141Applying for Stewardess应聘空姐/144Applying for IT Development Personnel应聘IT人员/146Applying for Managerial Staff应聘管理人员/150Applying for Journalist应聘新闻工作者/153Applying for Maintenance Man应聘维修工人/156附录附录Ⅰ英语简历的撰写/158附录Ⅱ英语求职介绍信的撰写/163附录Ⅲ主要商务部门及头衔/170附录Ⅳ面试职位名称/171附录Ⅴ专业名称分类/173附录Ⅵ企业名称分类/190
A: What are your hobbies, Mr. Wang? B: I play chess, and I like taking pictures. A: But the trouble with photography is its an expensive hobby, isnt it? B: Yes, I guess youre right. What do you like to do in your spare time? A: Im fond of fishing and hiking. In summer, I like swimming best. B: Fishings very popular. Every time I pass the lake, I see many people sitting therewith rod in hand, but Ive never seen anyone catch anything. A: Maybe its because you lack the patience. B: I would break my rod if I sat about for hours catching nothing. A: Do you play tennis? B: Yes, but Im not very good at it. I play just for the fun of it. A: Shall we have a game together some day? B: Yes, thatd be very nice. Lets fix a date for next week. A: Youve got it.A: Ive heard some people take up a hobby for relaxation and thus develop new interests. B: Yes. I collect rocks and sea shells in my leisure time. Theyre plentiful. Collectingthem is not so expensive as collecting antiques. A: Do you collect them for pleasure, for overcoming boredom, for financial return or foreducational value? B: For the aesthetic and intellectual stimulation missing from routine tasks. My work isboring. I need an activity as an escape to an alternate way of life. Rocks and seashells are not only beautiful, but also calm down the tension caused by the increasinghectic pace of modern life.
教你最纯正、最地道的英语口语!语音地道纯正、内容生动活泼,不可不会的关键词汇、短语、句型,一应俱全! 英语口语就是这么简单!